Last night

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Well last night i went to bed about 9:30pm. I propped pillows up got my birthing book and decided to read some before i tried to fall asleep. I was so uncomfortable! I sat up moved around some, with no relief. Finally i decided to try some of the relaxing methods that the book i was reading was talking about. I got in the position they said to be in and started doing the mental steps as well. Well i did fall asleep.

At somewhere around midnight i woke up wide awake and feeling like crap. I was having slight heart burn i think and nasty burps. My back was killing me and my stomache was so tight. I ended up getting up because i was far to uncomfortable and awake anyways.

I sat on the computer for a little bit, then went to the rocker and watched a few minutes of poker after dark before Bobby showed up from work. He was really sweet! Like he always is. He took a shower then came out and wanted to start whatever movie i wanted to watch. He said he would lay out in the livingroom with me for as long as i felt like staying up. I ended up choosing 'My Best Friends Wedding' and Bob got a pillow and blanket and layed on the floor. He ended up falling asleep and snoring quite loudly.

After the movie i still felt like crap all over but i figured Bob needed to be in the bed so he could get some restful sleep, rather then the floor and that i should try to sleep as well. It was almost 4am by that time. I woke him and helped him to bed.

I was able to sleep, of course i woke up tons but that goes without saying. I let Bob snore for the most part except once where he was soooo loud. I woke up at around 8am and am totally awake again. Instead of laying there awake tossing and turning i decided to get up and let Bob sleep longer because i know with sleeping in the floor and having the movie on and him having to wake up to go into the bedroom that he hasn't gotten much rest.... poor guy!

I still feel as crappy as i did last night. I want to say it has something to do with baby that something is going to happen later but i don't know my body well enough to say that because this is my first time around. Plus i lean toward anything i think that 'might be' being wishful thinking and nothing else.

My Mom called yesterday and said 'it's spring break where's that baby?' Because she is off of work for spring break and Bobby of course has no classes (but tons of homework). It would be great to have her like.... TODAY so Bob will actually get to spend time with her instead of being in classes.... but who knows if that will happen.... maybe like the last day of spring break she will come, that would SUCK. Anyways i'm kind of in a really bad mood so i'm totally getting myself bummed! I'm going to go for now....