A Birth Story

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Ok I finally retyped this. This was a cute little thing that we did at my baby shower. It's one of those stories where in the beginning slips of paper are handed out, one to each guest, to fill out. It might ask you to write down a mood, expression... things like that. Then all the slips of paper are gathered and they are used to fill in the blanks of the story.

I have 'bolded' all the places that where filled in by the guests answers.
Here is how the story turned out:

A Birth Story, by the Baby Shower Guests, at Anabel’s Baby Shower:
On Thursday March 2009, at 1:15pm, Ammiel Risch’s labor began. This would be Bob and Amy’s first birth and it was an exciting day. Bob called his and Amy’s parents to tell them, this was the real thing and today would be the happy day.
It was pleasant. The temperature outside was 38F, but with all the excitement the temperature inside was 78F.
Bob was in a happy mood, but Amy was feeling quite blah.
In early labor, Amy spent her time sewing summer shorts for the boys, and screaming.
Bob encouraged Amy by farting in her direction. She only opened her eyes wide with awe.
As contraction got a little closer, Amy kept her mind off of them as much as possible by toilet reading. She asked Bob to load the van. He gladly called her honey, kissed her on the forehead and told her yea, in response to her request.
He told her should go to the laundry room, and rest on the bean bag. She was flabbergasted at that idea!
When finally on their way to the birthing center, some 5 minutes later, Bob drove at the speed of sound. Amy was now in a surprisingly horny mood.
She was pleased with intense atmosphere, and the happy midwives, who kept saying encouraging words like ‘You can do it! and ‘Shalom’. She spent most of the time laboring in the kitchen, grunting, with Bob by her side.
Labor only took 1 hr, 19 min, 8.5 sec and .001 milliseconds, and the baby was born at dinner time at the break of dawn.
Bob and Amy were full of joy. The midwives praised Amy for a job well done.
All the in-laws came as quickly as possible by means of wheel chairs and arrived in less than 365 days. Everyone was so happy upon seeing the healthy, happy, baby and mother that they broke into a song, singing ‘
Baby I’m a Wanting You
I still laugh everytime i read it... some of thier answers... goodness! Anyways i thought it was cute and wanted to share it :)