5 Day's Over Due

Monday, March 30, 2009

Well nothing exciting happened today either. We stayed home instead of going to church this morning because Bob had homework to finish. He did his homework in the kitchen with me while I made him french toast for breakfast. We had some nice time together. We managed to watch a movie together as well today.

Come tomorrow we won't hardly see each other at all, only from 4pm-7pm then from 9pm on. But Tuesday! I can't wait! His day off, completely off! Makes me happy!

I'm feeling bigger and bigger as the days go on! I feel huge! I just want little Anabel out! Nothing against her, and I have loved her being inside me, but I’m just ready! I'm ready to see her and hold her... and not be so huge! LOL

Today I was able to find some really good sites that have free patterns. I got a pattern to make my own sling, Moby Wrap, cloth diapers, diaper covers, stuffed animals and ect. I think I will try both kinds of slings and see which one I like the best. I hear Moby Wraps are very comfy so we shall see. I just need to go and buy some material now.

I'm getting my nights all off track. It started day before last when I took a nap from 5-7pm. Now I’m not hardly tired and stay up till Bobby gets home from work (1am) I'm usually fine up until midnight, then I get tired, but I don't see any point in going to bed for an hour just to get woken up when Bob comes and tells me he's home. So I stick through the sleepiness for another hour or so until me and Bob both go to bed together. I will say that it is much nicer to go to bed with him then to fall asleep all by myself. I hate falling asleep by myself, then waking up by myself... even if I do know he was sleep next to at some point that night, it's just not the same!

Anyways he should be getting here any minute now and I’ve got to go use the ladies room, so if you excuse me please :)