
Monday, March 30, 2009

As stated in the post before this one, my day started off not good at all. But by the time Bob got home at 4pm it started to get better. He wasn’t in a good mood because he had hardly gotten any sleep last night and he had to get up early for class.

Today has been a beautiful day though, and I’ve had to windows open.

We wrote up a little letter to hand in to our apartment managers explaining what we have done about the noise complaints and stuff. It was perfect timing today. The manager happened to stop in to put some notes on people’s apartments and Bob was able to catch her and talk to her about the situation. But before he talked to the manager we where able to catch the neighbor lady outside. We asked her if our TV was still causing some problems and she said ‘no’ she said it was still a little loud but nothing like it was and that she hadn’t had a problem with it. We let her know anyways that it should be getting even better because we were unhooking our surround sound.

It goes to show you that you shouldn’t blame someone before you actually know they are to blame. She was actually smiling at us and acting very nice. It was nice to see that side of her, not the grumpy side we always see. So Bob went upstairs to the neighbors up there and knocked on their door. They are a Spanish couple. Bob asked them the same question, if our TV was too loud. She nodded ‘yes’, Bob apologized and told her how we were going to take care of it. Then he went down and talked to the manager and paid the rent. He came back saying that the manager acted like everything would be fine. So thank God for that! And I’m so thankful for my husband as well, because I would not have been bold enough to talk to the neighbors. He is a blessing!


My midwife appointment is tomorrow. I’m looking forward to it, and hopefully I won’t be disappointed by what we find out. She is finally going to check me again and hook me up to some monitors to see if there is any action going on. I’m sure if the baby hasn’t come by then that we will talk about the next course of action… like if and when I should take castor oil… what will happen if I go over 42 weeks, and so on. I don’t really want them to do anything like stripping or braking my water if I can help it. I want Anabel to come on her own… mostly LOL I mean if I take castor oil it won’t be ‘on her own’ in the sense that I made my body start having contractions… but I want her to do her part and not have someone doing things like braking my water and so on. My mothers water never broke until the head was pushing out, so I don’t really see the need in braking it ahead of time, in less I am to far over due or something.