39wks today (7 days to go!)

Monday, March 16, 2009

It’s so amazing! I’m finally 39wks?!?!? What the heck! LOL I can’t believe I’m almost ready to pop… any minute would be nice! Yesterday was a perfect day with Bob! And the weather… ZOMGosh talk about beautiful!

We didn’t get up till around 11:30am, we slept in and just relaxed. I made eggs for breakfast while Bob filled up the dishwasher. Then after breakfast Bob decided he wanted to go change the oil on the van and it gave be a perfect time to take a shower and get ready for our day.

I don’t even remember what we ate for lunch… had to be something o.0 What I remember happening next was after I got ready I got on the phone, called the insurance and took care of that. Then got online and Gordon and Marcia from Alaska where on so I started talking to them. I ended up getting on the web cam with them. It was so nice to see them! Bob came home just in time to come in and meet them…. It was nice.

Then we left the house and went to the SRS office to get a paper faxed to my insurance place. Got that taken care of. The I asked if I could get a $1 Icee at Burger King (the machine was broken) so Bob checked the two other gas stations for Icee machines, one the machine was broken, the other didn’t have it. So Bob pulled in front of Wal-Mart and let me run in and grab one from the Subway they have in there.

After that we went and washed and vacuumed the van, got it looking really nice. That has been on my list of ‘to-do’s’ for a long time now, hehe.

Then Bobby took me to the park for the walk I’ve been looking forward to all week! It was nice, just walking slowly, goofing off, and just enjoying each other.

When we got home we decided we would grill some sausages and watch a movie online through Netflix. Bob made my mom’s macaroni salad to go with it, it was a nice meal. We watched ‘Mad Money’ which was based on a true story about these three everyday women who work at a huge bank, robbing it of the ‘used’ money that they shred. And they get away with it too cause it was untraceable money. It was a pretty cute movie and weird to think it was based on a true story!

Then we watched some ‘Jeff Allen’ comedy. Bob found him the other day. He is a really funny Christian comedian.

Yah that was our day, I loved it! Now since me and Bob got some really great together time, baby can feel free to come any time now, LOL Oh yeah and I almost felt un-pregnant all day, it was amazing. I had energy for the most part and felt great. Later in the day I had some shooting pain towards my cervix but nothing compared to usual days. And the only thing that really bothered me was late when we were getting close to going to bed she decided she going to try and dig her way out of my side. She pushed (I think a hand) sooooo hard out my left side, I doubled over in pain and Bob looked freaked out until he figured out what was going on. He put his hand over hers and gently tried to push her hand back in all the time smiling huge and going ‘wow… oh my… wow… she is SO strong! Wow!’ LOL that part was cute, just not the pain. But she didn’t want her hand back in! The while still pushing her hand out she starts pushing her butt out the other side, so now Bob has got a hand on each side, trying to get her to calm down. She did after a couple minutes thank goodness! LOL

39 week facts:

Your Baby This Week
If you're not in labor at this very moment, you will be soon! And as anxious as you are to meet your little angel, he is just as excited to enter the world.
Even at this late stage, your baby is still growing, now to around 7 pounds (3.5 kg) and 22 (56 cm) inches. All of baby's organs (except the lungs) are fully developed, along with toenails, fingernails, and muscles in his arms and legs. At this point, babies can become entangled in their umbilical cords. If this should happen, don't worry. In most cases it's not dangerous. And contrary to rumor, it's not caused by anything you did.

Your Body This Week
Although your tummy is larger than you could have imagined, you may actually feel more comfortable in your body than you have in a while. That's because your baby has dropped further down into your pelvis, relieving additional pressure. This change has also caused your center of gravity to shift suddenly, so you may lose your balance more easily or have difficulty standing upright, particularly when getting out of a chair. Take extra care of yourself - you have a baby to deliver very soon!