Gah! Boo....

Saturday, March 21, 2009

I decided to look online for a ‘due date calculator’ that adjusted by your cycle days and see if they come up with a later due date then the midwives… well here was my answer:

Pregnancy Due Date Calculator:
Your baby will be born on or around Wednesday, April 1, 2009.
You are about 38 weeks pregnant.

That is not what I wanted to see, but what I expected! Ok I had already said that I thought this was the case and that I wouldn't be sad... but I admit it, I am a little sad! I was hoping to see her sooner then that! But I guess I still always could.

One of the nurses at the Birthing Center comments that 'oh you could go as long as April 7th since you are a new mom' and I was like NOOOOoooooo!!!! :(

So now I’m looking at anywhere from now till April 14th to be a safe estimate, since they say it's normal for women to either go two week prior or two weeks after their estimated due dates.

I want to pout now!