I'm tired of being fat!

Monday, March 30, 2009

I'm getting bigger as the days go by! Right now I’m a whole week over due and I’m tired of Anabel’s big butt jamming up into my ribs! Don't get me wrong, I’ve loved being pregnant, but I’m just getting tired of hurting and feeling like crap!

She moves and it feels like my rib cage is going to collapse! All last night I was in pain and having contractions. I woke up several times in the night feeling like I was going to puke all over the bed. You know… I could do with out feeling like this!

I’ve sat here all day feeling poopie and doing pretty much nothing. I guess it would be good if I got up, changed out of my bed cloths and did something around here. Seeing as Bob will be back in one hour for lunch I better get my butt moving. But gahhhh…. I don’t feel like it at all! I don’t even want to get up to pee… yeah pretty sad I know!

I wanna get out of this house so bad! And i want a coke Icee... yes yes I’m a bad girl but dad gum it don't I deserve a little treat? (and no something that is actually good for me doesn't land under 'treat' in my book)

Geeze I’m crabby and complainy today! Someone should smack me!


Mrs Mar said...

Your baby will came. They all do. HUGS, LOL, i wish i got to that feeling, it will make bonding with your littel one so much easer.
