10 Day and Counting

Friday, March 13, 2009

Ok well a few days ago I was in this 'get the house perfect mood' I mean I organized a ton, picked up the house. Bought a new shower curtain got curtains up on all our windows, set up the baby's furniture, set up our table with our new table cloth, place mate and napkins. I vacuumed, swept and scrubbed all the floors, did all the laundry (and actually folded it and put it up!). I mean I was on a roll and the house was looking oh so good!

Then my mood changed.... and now I feel like I’m in this hibernating state. I don't want to do anything but curl up and sleep. I don't want to go out, I don't want to do anything, I don't particularly want to see anyone but my Hubby, I don't really have a desire to talk to anyone but I do talk to some on the phone. I'm just feeling weird.

Because of this my house is slowly starting to get in a mess. Since Bobby has his classes and his work and practically no down time, I don't expect him to do any cleaning and wouldn't dare even ask him. I mean I’m here all day long but nothing hardly gets done. It's a big chore just to get up and go to the bathroom! LOL .... I don't know why I laugh about it, it's actually quite sad in my book.

I don't usually push myself to do anything till like an hour before Bobby is suppose to be home, then I get up and do the dishes that are piling up and fix him some food... and I might convince myself to pick up the house a little 'since I’m already up'. This sucks! Is it a normal thing that most women go through? I always here of the 'nesting' where you get a burst of energy and get the house spick and span before the baby arrives... well that happened last week! And the baby isn't here! And the house is getting worse!.... I guess my 'nesting' timed its self wrong or something!!!

BUT then again I still have maybe 10 days.... maybe I’ll get another burst or something.... I hope... because I’m totally dragging my feet, major!

Anyways that time has hit... Bobby will be back in a little over an hour so I better go clean the kitchen and dirty it again by fixing him some lunch before he has to run off to work.

I miss him :( but I keep reminding myself that spring break is only in a few days, and yes he still will have to work, that means we will have the days together... so that is how I make it without getting to down. Pregnancy hormones are wonderful ha? They can make you feel like 'the SUCK' so easily!

Got to go I guess.... gahhhh *sighs*