Last day of work!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Today was my last day of scheduled work at the coffee shop. Since i'm the manager i will be doing other things but from here on out i won't have to hold an actual shift, so once baby comes i will be able to have her with me always :)
Right now all he has me really doing is writing up the schedule and i've already got it written up until the 21st, by then the baby should be here and i'll be totally off for a couple weeks.... so i'm not sure if there really is anything that i'll be doing for the shop till weeks after the baby comes. Yippie for me, aye?
I'm happy to be at home for once and not have to worry about my next day at work. Now i'll be able to focus on the house and taking care of my dear Hubby.

Yesterday i cooked a huge turkey and tonight i bagged it all up and froze the pieces. I'm thinking it will come in handy for when ever Anabel decides to come. It will help with meals i would think. We will see.