3 days and couting...

Friday, March 20, 2009

Well another day has almost passed and a baby has not been born. Me and Bob have had some wonderful together times today and sometimes I am just awe struck at how wonderful he is. The way he cares for me… love and kindness just oozes from him. Sure he has his ups and downs just like everyone and he may not do everything right all the time, but I know him and I know his heart. He has such a wonderful heart! I can't say that he did one particular thing today to make me feel this way or to even get my mind to think about it. It’s all in his eyes I do believe ;)

Ahhh…. I could go on and on about how great he is but that would bore you all I’m sure. While he has been wonderful today, the actual day wasn’t all that much to speak of really.

I woke up with my leg cramped up and killing me. It’s my right leg, the leg Anabel always kicks and punches and the one she likes to lay on, so naturally it hurts me. After we got up (around 11am) Bob demanded that I take a long soak and try to get my leg feeling better. He brought me cereal to eat in the tub, my pills and my Red Raspberry tea. He made sure I had a book to read and that I was comfortable, while he went and did homework.

Before we knew it, it was time for him to get ready for work. I drove him because I needed the van. I needed to go over to the coffee shop to write the next weeks schedule up (trying to get as much schedule written before the baby comes). It was crazy there at work and a mess! The main street director was in there making this fudge like stuff and she made me taste it all… waaaay to much sugar for me! I’m sure others would love the stuff but it was too sweet for me!

I wrote the schedule and asked if there was anything else I could do before I headed home. Bill (my boss) wanted to let me know that there was a possibility of him accepting another job, meaning I would take over doing most of the stuff at the coffee shop. I told him that might work but like he said, it depends on what all I can do because of the baby.

I’ve never had a child so I don’t know what all it involves but I think I still would be able to do quite a lot, that is what slings and wraps are for ;) I think I still could be there and train someone, go shopping for the shop, do the phone calls, write the schedule, and do paper work with still having the baby with me… but we would just have to see.

I came home, watched a little Matrix but decided I wasn’t in the mood for that. Instead I looked up some stuff on labor inducing acupressure and then watched quite a lot of birthing videos on youtube. I’m like ‘holy crap! I’m going to be doing that here in no time!’ While yes, it does freak me out, I know there is no way of getting around it. It is what God created us women to do and I know my body can and will do it. It’s just a little scary thinking a human being will be coming out of that tiny whole… goodness! And that is it suppose to! Geeze!

I watched quite a few home births and I’m thinking that I would like to do that next time around. LOL Hear me? I haven’t even pushed ‘one’ out yet and I don’t know how it’s going to go or how I will handle it and I’m thinking we could do it on our own? I think I should get through the first one before I start thinking about how I will have the second one, don’t you? LOL

Anyways it’s late and my back is killing me! Baby is doing God only knows in my belly, but it doesn’t feel good that’s for sure! Lately it feels like she is trying to find her way out, like she is testing every possible place… my belly button, my sides, my back, my ribs…. And she pushed oh so hard! Bob heard me saying to her the other day ‘Oh my gosh Anabel! There is no opening there, stop trying to get out there!’ and he questioned like I was crazy! I told him what she has been doing for days now and that I was trying to tell her that there is only one way out, and that was down, but that she wasn’t listening. LOL He then went on to ‘explain’ to me that the baby has no sense of direction and such…. I sat and listened but in my head I was like ‘this guy still doesn’t know when I’m joking?’ Hehehe Oh well!

Goodness like I said (or didn’t say)… I’m heading to bed now! I will cross my fingers that something will start tonight or tomorrow, but I’m not getting my hopes up. I do know something to expect tonight, and that is discomfort and not much sleep, LOL but I will pray that won’t even happen!