41wk Appointment
Tuesday, March 31, 2009~
41 weeks appointment info:
Yesterday was my 41wk appointment. I didn’t get the news I was hoping for at all. She checked me, said my cervix was still really high but that was ok. Said I was 1 maybe 1.5cm dilated, although I must have lost my music plug because she said she could feel the babies head, that it was right there. Said I was about as effaced as I was when she checked me last (around 37wks) And then when she was helping me up she said ‘I wouldn’t expect the baby to come this week’ but she did say that she was told that when she was pregnant and the baby came 3 days later, so you can never really tell.
I was so depressed, all this pain and pretty much no change from last time, sept my mucus plug seems to be gone! I’ll tell you yesterday when I was in pain I was less able to handle it because I was like ‘it’s not even doing anything’… before I figured it was so I was more able to deal with it… funny how that is ha? Everything revolves around your brain and what you tell your body.
Monday, March 30, 2009As stated in the post before this one, my day started off not good at all. But by the time Bob got home at 4pm it started to get better. He wasn’t in a good mood because he had hardly gotten any sleep last night and he had to get up early for class.
Today has been a beautiful day though, and I’ve had to windows open.
We wrote up a little letter to hand in to our apartment managers explaining what we have done about the noise complaints and stuff. It was perfect timing today. The manager happened to stop in to put some notes on people’s apartments and Bob was able to catch her and talk to her about the situation. But before he talked to the manager we where able to catch the neighbor lady outside. We asked her if our TV was still causing some problems and she said ‘no’ she said it was still a little loud but nothing like it was and that she hadn’t had a problem with it. We let her know anyways that it should be getting even better because we were unhooking our surround sound.
It goes to show you that you shouldn’t blame someone before you actually know they are to blame. She was actually smiling at us and acting very nice. It was nice to see that side of her, not the grumpy side we always see. So Bob went upstairs to the neighbors up there and knocked on their door. They are a Spanish couple. Bob asked them the same question, if our TV was too loud. She nodded ‘yes’, Bob apologized and told her how we were going to take care of it. Then he went down and talked to the manager and paid the rent. He came back saying that the manager acted like everything would be fine. So thank God for that! And I’m so thankful for my husband as well, because I would not have been bold enough to talk to the neighbors. He is a blessing!
My midwife appointment is tomorrow. I’m looking forward to it, and hopefully I won’t be disappointed by what we find out. She is finally going to check me again and hook me up to some monitors to see if there is any action going on. I’m sure if the baby hasn’t come by then that we will talk about the next course of action… like if and when I should take castor oil… what will happen if I go over 42 weeks, and so on. I don’t really want them to do anything like stripping or braking my water if I can help it. I want Anabel to come on her own… mostly LOL I mean if I take castor oil it won’t be ‘on her own’ in the sense that I made my body start having contractions… but I want her to do her part and not have someone doing things like braking my water and so on. My mothers water never broke until the head was pushing out, so I don’t really see the need in braking it ahead of time, in less I am to far over due or something.
I'm tired of being fat!
I'm getting bigger as the days go by! Right now I’m a whole week over due and I’m tired of Anabel’s big butt jamming up into my ribs! Don't get me wrong, I’ve loved being pregnant, but I’m just getting tired of hurting and feeling like crap!
She moves and it feels like my rib cage is going to collapse! All last night I was in pain and having contractions. I woke up several times in the night feeling like I was going to puke all over the bed. You know… I could do with out feeling like this!
I’ve sat here all day feeling poopie and doing pretty much nothing. I guess it would be good if I got up, changed out of my bed cloths and did something around here. Seeing as Bob will be back in one hour for lunch I better get my butt moving. But gahhhh…. I don’t feel like it at all! I don’t even want to get up to pee… yeah pretty sad I know!
I wanna get out of this house so bad! And i want a coke Icee... yes yes I’m a bad girl but dad gum it don't I deserve a little treat? (and no something that is actually good for me doesn't land under 'treat' in my book)
Geeze I’m crabby and complainy today! Someone should smack me!
5 Day's Over Due
Well nothing exciting happened today either. We stayed home instead of going to church this morning because Bob had homework to finish. He did his homework in the kitchen with me while I made him french toast for breakfast. We had some nice time together. We managed to watch a movie together as well today.
Come tomorrow we won't hardly see each other at all, only from 4pm-7pm then from 9pm on. But Tuesday! I can't wait! His day off, completely off! Makes me happy!
I'm feeling bigger and bigger as the days go on! I feel huge! I just want little Anabel out! Nothing against her, and I have loved her being inside me, but I’m just ready! I'm ready to see her and hold her... and not be so huge! LOL
Today I was able to find some really good sites that have free patterns. I got a pattern to make my own sling, Moby Wrap, cloth diapers, diaper covers, stuffed animals and ect. I think I will try both kinds of slings and see which one I like the best. I hear Moby Wraps are very comfy so we shall see. I just need to go and buy some material now.
I'm getting my nights all off track. It started day before last when I took a nap from 5-7pm. Now I’m not hardly tired and stay up till Bobby gets home from work (1am) I'm usually fine up until midnight, then I get tired, but I don't see any point in going to bed for an hour just to get woken up when Bob comes and tells me he's home. So I stick through the sleepiness for another hour or so until me and Bob both go to bed together. I will say that it is much nicer to go to bed with him then to fall asleep all by myself. I hate falling asleep by myself, then waking up by myself... even if I do know he was sleep next to at some point that night, it's just not the same!
Anyways he should be getting here any minute now and I’ve got to go use the ladies room, so if you excuse me please :)
4 days over due... Poopie Neighbors and Stupid Insurance Companies!!!
Saturday, March 28, 2009Sorry, I just don't want the 'want to' to write really. The days have been going fine, nothing to really complain about. I've had some cramps and things but nothing to exciting for the most part. I'm starting to get use to the idea that I’m over due.
I am looking forward to the 31st (my next appointment) because although it's not fun and doesn't feel good to be checked, I would like to find out if anything has changed and what the midwives have to say about things. You know, like when and if I might should start the natural induction process or if I should just ride it out and see what Anabel wants to do.
Yesterday I managed to make some cupcakes and today I mixed, cut and froze about 7 meals worth of biscuits. I've got a whole bunch of bacon grease I’ve been saving in glass jars so I can make up a ton of gravy and freeze too, but I don't have the Ziplocs at the moment to put it in, so that's why I didn't make the gravy today.
A sad thing happened yesterday. We got a note posted on our door that someone had called in and complained about us again. And we know it's our poopie neighbor. She had complained 3 months ago telling the manager our TV was too loud. So Bob caught her one night and apologized and told her we had surround sound and didn't know what it was that loud for her. We said we would turn it down and if it was ever to loud again, just to let us know and we would make sure to keep it even quieter.
And we hadn't heard anything from her. We had turned down the volume and kept it at that level the whole time so as not to make her mad. Since we hadn't heard anything from her, we took that to mean that that volume was a good one.
Well 3 months after her first complaint, here we get another one, saying the same thing! Funny thing is, now that Bob works we hardly watch movies in the living room anymore and when we do it has to be in the middle of the day, in between Bob's class which the break is from 2-3pm. Sure enough the note said the complaint was filed three days ago at 2:50pm. We finally had gotten to watch a movie together in several weeks and boom she complains, in the middle of the day!
So on this note it states that disturbing the peace is a violation of our apartment contract and that the managers are going to meet together to see if they are going to kick us out or not. I'm like 'are you freaking kidding me?!?' So upsetting! The lady is super rude too! We try to say hi to her when we see her outside or something and totally turns her head as not to look in our direction what so ever, and when we do speak, she ignores us.
I could understand if we where being rude and didn't care, playing it loud at night and when ever we please. We said we where sorry and that we didn't want it to happen again so if she would let us know if it ever bothered her again. But nooo and this was in the middle of the day, and we haven't changed the volume since we lowered it the first time for her... and it's been 3 months that way and no complaint, then all of a sudden when we haven't played a movie in over 2 weeks, she decides to throw a hissy fit!
Now I’m almost ready to pop and threatened with an eviction! Bob was so mad! Come Monday or Tuesday I told him he should go down and talk with the manager and just let him know the facts... but not to be mean or anything... I mean I don't want them to have any more reason to kick us out. But I think they should know that we have tried to communicate with her and apologized and that we turned it down and that she hadn't said anything to let us know that there was still a problem and we see her a lot outside!
Though we are going to just unhook the surround sound anyways just to and make things better, even if she is just being poopie. And now we have been watching any movies in on our computer which is two rooms away from her wall so as not to bother her.
I can't wait till we have a house to live in!
On top of that I got a bill from the hospital we got our ultra sound from saying that our medical card refused to pay on the account that they have my primary insurance listed as another insurance company other then Unicare (which is my medical card through the state)
I figured they still must have the insurance I use to get through Wal-Mart listed, but I haven't worked there or gotten that insurance for over a year! So I had to call the wal-mart insurance and get a letter stating I was no longer with them, then send it to Unicare, then contact the hospital and let them know I took care of it. Well low and behold I get another letter from the Hospital saying that Unicare is still refusing, saying my primary insurance is listed as 'Cigna' and that Cigna is refusing to pay! Well DUHHH of course they are refusing! I have never heard of Cigna and have never had insurance with them in my life!
So now come Monday I have to call Unicare again and see what this crap is! It's like a $200 bill they are trying to pin on me! I hate this crap! I'm +4 days preggo and I don't want to deal with this #%*crap*%#!!!!!
40 weeks 2 days
Wednesday, March 25, 2009I got up around 10am this morning. Bob was in a ‘bakers’ mood yesterday so I’ve got homemade bread, apple nut muffins and biscuits to choose from for breakfast this morning. I ended up making bacon gravy and had that with my biscuits… I’m still totally exhausted! Probably because of yesterday and my body working so hard!
Even though yesterday was so tiring and emotional for me I’m actually unhappy that the contractions stopped. Why have all the pain if in the end it doesn’t progress?... I know the answer. All of this is to prepare my body for the real thing, and should make it easier in for me in the end. But I dislike it very much! I knew it in my head though, I knew yesterday wasn’t going to lead into a baby, it was like a fact that I knew but I didn’t want to think about. I knew it wasn’t baby time, but I wanted it to be very badly!
The waiting continues… Oh well! She is still doing a lot of pushing on me, not quite as painful as yesterday. I think I’m going to have some Red Raspberry Tea it see if I can get myself in more pain LOL
I wish I could go walking, I know that is suppose to really help. Bob does not want me leaving the house because he is afraid something will happen while I’m out and that I won’t have a phone. I understand his worry but I want to get my walking in and I have no one to go with and no where to really go, even if he did let me go out. He’s hardly ever home so I have no chance to get with him and do some walking… grrr I can do stuff around here but it’s not the same.
Maybe I can see if Mom Risch would like to go and do something sometime soon, just so I can get out! But she is a busy lady too.
Bobby will be home in about an hour for his dinner break from work. I’m cooking turkey and dumpling, trying to get rid of all that turkey I have in the freezer. I hope it turns out ok!
40 week appointment
Yesterday was my 40wks Birthing Center appointment. There was a baby in the process of being born when we got there so we had to wait a while before a midwife could come and see us for our appointment. When she did finally come she was in a big hurry and said she would have to make it quick.
Quick facts are: I had gained 1 pound and grown 1 cm which was great compared to last week which I hadn't gained or grown that they could tell.
She asked if I wanted to be checked and I said 'whatever you think' but really I was thinking 'of course I do!'..... BUT since she was in a hurry she said she would do it next appointment (March 31st) I really wish I would have said 'yes' I want to know if there is any progress or that all this pain and discomfort and sleepless nights have been for nothing so far. Oh well... no use crying over spilled milk is there?!
She said Anabel was still face forward so I needed to do pelvic rocking to try and flip her over. She said that it felt like her head was lying on my pelvis and that it might cause the shooting pains I’ve been having. Now that I’ve thought about it I was wondering if Anabel has been on my pelvic bone all this time and all these contractions and pains haven’t been doing anything for my cervix because maybe she hasn’t been right on it? I don’t know though since I HAVEN’T been checked! Grr…
She told me I was having a contraction as she went to feel for the baby. I told her I always second guess myself and am unsure if I’ve having a contraction or she’s just pushing so dang hard. She said next time she would check me and put me on some monitors to see if there is any contraction actions. But I don’t want to wait another week for that. I want this baby by then! I wish she could have done it then, gave me lots of encouraging words and info like ‘wow you are already dilated to a 4! You’ll have this baby in a few days’ or something! Now I just continue to wait and see which I guess I’m destined to do.
I hope we have a baby before the 31st though!
Starting at the Birthing Center and going (it seemed) all day long I had contractions about every 30 min. I was so exhausted and moody, poor Bobby! My legs and back where in so much pain all day that by 10:30pm Bob made me soak in the tub to try and relax me. He brought the laptop in the bathroom and pulled a chair in for him and we sat and watched a movie while I soaked. We both started dozing off so I had him help me to bed. I didn’t get much sleep for hours because she felt like she was head banging my pelvis bone over and over again, sending very sharp pains, I cried. We ended up rigging the pillows up where I could lay on my stomach but where my belly wasn’t really getting much pressure on it. I was so worried even though I wasn’t putting much weight on my belly because of the way the pillows where. I kept asking Bob ’are you sure? You sure I’m not hurting Anabel’ He had to reassure me several times before I actually settled down and slept some. There for awhile she went totally crazy! I don’t think she liked to position at all! She was kicking and pushing so incredibly hard I almost thought I couldn’t handle it. She did end up settling down and I dozed off. Some time during the night the contractions stopped and she stopped head banging me (at least I didn’t notice it anymore).
40 wks along... 0 days and counting...
Monday, March 23, 2009Tomorrow is supposed to be my due date and my birthing center appointment. I wonder if they will check me? Anyways nothing has really happened. Still got lots of pressure down there and a few Braxton Hicks but that’s about it.
I managed to pick up the house, make the bad (which I never do), fold the cloths, do dishes, vacuum and sweep. A lot more then I usually do in one day, mind you! So the house is looking pretty good, which always makes me happier and more at ease.
It’s been a beautiful last couple of days and I hope it lasts. Maybe Spring weather has finally made its way here! You can tell it’s almost April, ‘April showers’ are coming our way. I’ve been able to have the windows of the house open all day and night for the last couple of days and its felt wonderful! (Plus saves on the bills, LOL)
Fun Birthday Facts
Saturday, March 21, 2009If due date is March 24th:
- If born on your due date, your baby's half birthday will be September 22
- Your baby's birthstone will be Aquamarine (Courage)
- Your baby's Flower will be Daffodil or Jonquil (White or Light Blue)
- This time next year your baby will be 52 Weeks Old!
- Your baby will start kindergarten in 2014, be old enough to drive a car in 2025, finish high school in 2027, and will graduate from college with the class of 2031, give or take a year. Can you imagine?
If due date is April 1st..... (Ooooo April fools day, that is awesome!)
If born on your due date, your baby's half birthday will be September 30
- Your baby's birthstone will be Diamond (Innocence)
- Your baby's Flower will be Daisy or Sweet_Pea (Yellow, Red and colorless)
- This time next year your baby will be 51 Weeks Old!
- Your baby will start kindergarten in 2014, be old enough to drive a car in 2025, finish high school in 2027, and will graduate from college with the class of 2031, give or take a year. Can you imagine?
Online predicted birth experience
The day you deliver, outside will be stormy. Your baby will arrive in the late evening. After a labor lasting approximately 14 hours, your child, a boy, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 7 pounds, 6 ounces, and will be 18-1/2 inches long. This child will have medium blue eyes and a little patch of brown hair.
I hope it is a girl just like the ultra sound said.... because otherwise we've got a lot of shopping to do! LOL
Gah! Boo....
I decided to look online for a ‘due date calculator’ that adjusted by your cycle days and see if they come up with a later due date then the midwives… well here was my answer:
Your baby will be born on or around Wednesday, April 1, 2009.
That is not what I wanted to see, but what I expected! Ok I had already said that I thought this was the case and that I wouldn't be sad... but I admit it, I am a little sad! I was hoping to see her sooner then that! But I guess I still always could.
One of the nurses at the Birthing Center comments that 'oh you could go as long as April 7th since you are a new mom' and I was like NOOOOoooooo!!!! :(
So now I’m looking at anywhere from now till April 14th to be a safe estimate, since they say it's normal for women to either go two week prior or two weeks after their estimated due dates.
I want to pout now!
2 days and counting...
I figure Anabel will be past her due date. I don’t know why I didn’t remember this sooner but I remember reading that the medical ‘estimated due date’ is calculated by a average woman’s cycle which is 28 days. Now if you have a shorter or longer cycle your actual due date will either be shorter or longer. Well my average cycle is 35 days, so it would be completely normal if she went over her estimated due date.
Realizing this, I think I’ve calmed down some. Knowing that she most likely will not come till later has put me more at ease, even though I don’t really like it so much. I still am impatient to see her! (Although not impatient for the whole birthing process, LOL) Though it would be nice to just get it done and over with so the impending ‘will I be able to handle it?’ question is answered.
Today was another day of helping Robbie and Lisa move. Took up, me and Bob’s, entire day together but at least we where able to help (and now it’s done!) But alas Bobby’s spring break is also done and over with and he wasn’t able to get his homework done. He took the first two days of his spring break off (Monday and Tuesday) which I was ok with because those where is two days off of work as well, and me and him haven’t had a full day to ourselves in awhile now. Then I was thinking he would have the whole rest of the week to finish up his homework and also maybe do some things around the house with me. Well we ended up helping Robbie and Lisa move for three of those days, giving Bob no time to work on his school those days. The remaining day he did work on his school work but didn’t get it finished. Now we are having to skip Church so he can stay home and work on his stuff.
How of how did I know this would end up happening? I love him to death but he is a procrastinator! Luckily he came blame his helpful spirit for not getting it done because if he didn’t keep offering to help them move, then he would have had time. Oh well, there is no changing it now, so now we must make the best of it!
I’ve been having more Braxton Hicks then in previous weeks, so I guess my body is trying to prepare itself for labor. I’ve been pregnant for a long time now but I still am in awe that I have a human being growing inside me! It’s amazing! I wonder what she will look like. Of course she will be gorgeous because Bob is her father and how could he not have a perfect child? He is the most perfect formed man on earth! Hehehe
Still I wonder if she will take more of the side of the Brown’s or the Risch’s. I can’t wait to see which of her features are gotten from which side of the family; it will be fun to see!
I hope she ends up with blue, green or blue/green eyes. I have blue/grey/green and Bob has blue eyes, so I think the odds are in our favor :)
3 days and couting...
Friday, March 20, 2009Well another day has almost passed and a baby has not been born. Me and Bob have had some wonderful together times today and sometimes I am just awe struck at how wonderful he is. The way he cares for me… love and kindness just oozes from him. Sure he has his ups and downs just like everyone and he may not do everything right all the time, but I know him and I know his heart. He has such a wonderful heart! I can't say that he did one particular thing today to make me feel this way or to even get my mind to think about it. It’s all in his eyes I do believe ;)
Ahhh…. I could go on and on about how great he is but that would bore you all I’m sure. While he has been wonderful today, the actual day wasn’t all that much to speak of really.
I woke up with my leg cramped up and killing me. It’s my right leg, the leg Anabel always kicks and punches and the one she likes to lay on, so naturally it hurts me. After we got up (around 11am) Bob demanded that I take a long soak and try to get my leg feeling better. He brought me cereal to eat in the tub, my pills and my Red Raspberry tea. He made sure I had a book to read and that I was comfortable, while he went and did homework.
Before we knew it, it was time for him to get ready for work. I drove him because I needed the van. I needed to go over to the coffee shop to write the next weeks schedule up (trying to get as much schedule written before the baby comes). It was crazy there at work and a mess! The main street director was in there making this fudge like stuff and she made me taste it all… waaaay to much sugar for me! I’m sure others would love the stuff but it was too sweet for me!
I wrote the schedule and asked if there was anything else I could do before I headed home. Bill (my boss) wanted to let me know that there was a possibility of him accepting another job, meaning I would take over doing most of the stuff at the coffee shop. I told him that might work but like he said, it depends on what all I can do because of the baby.
I’ve never had a child so I don’t know what all it involves but I think I still would be able to do quite a lot, that is what slings and wraps are for ;) I think I still could be there and train someone, go shopping for the shop, do the phone calls, write the schedule, and do paper work with still having the baby with me… but we would just have to see.
I came home, watched a little Matrix but decided I wasn’t in the mood for that. Instead I looked up some stuff on labor inducing acupressure and then watched quite a lot of birthing videos on youtube. I’m like ‘holy crap! I’m going to be doing that here in no time!’ While yes, it does freak me out, I know there is no way of getting around it. It is what God created us women to do and I know my body can and will do it. It’s just a little scary thinking a human being will be coming out of that tiny whole… goodness! And that is it suppose to! Geeze!
I watched quite a few home births and I’m thinking that I would like to do that next time around. LOL Hear me? I haven’t even pushed ‘one’ out yet and I don’t know how it’s going to go or how I will handle it and I’m thinking we could do it on our own? I think I should get through the first one before I start thinking about how I will have the second one, don’t you? LOL
Anyways it’s late and my back is killing me! Baby is doing God only knows in my belly, but it doesn’t feel good that’s for sure! Lately it feels like she is trying to find her way out, like she is testing every possible place… my belly button, my sides, my back, my ribs…. And she pushed oh so hard! Bob heard me saying to her the other day ‘Oh my gosh Anabel! There is no opening there, stop trying to get out there!’ and he questioned like I was crazy! I told him what she has been doing for days now and that I was trying to tell her that there is only one way out, and that was down, but that she wasn’t listening. LOL He then went on to ‘explain’ to me that the baby has no sense of direction and such…. I sat and listened but in my head I was like ‘this guy still doesn’t know when I’m joking?’ Hehehe Oh well!
Goodness like I said (or didn’t say)… I’m heading to bed now! I will cross my fingers that something will start tonight or tomorrow, but I’m not getting my hopes up. I do know something to expect tonight, and that is discomfort and not much sleep, LOL but I will pray that won’t even happen!
4 days to go and counting...
Thursday, March 19, 2009Today I upped how much Red Raspberry Tea to three glasses instead of two, and upped my Primrose oil from two orally to three orally. Nothing has changed, that I can feel anyways. We made the tea really weak though, my three glasses are probably equal to one glass... I hate flavored tea so I don't know if I could drink it any stronger or not o.0
I didn't sleep good last night... I think I might have had Braxton Hicks through out the night because even though I didn't wake up very much, when I did and when I got up also, I felt like I had been beaten up in the night and my belly felt like one big bruise.
We went over to Robbie and Lisa’s again today to help them move some. I sat and played with the baby while the men did the moving though, LOL Then Bob stopped and picked us up some Subway sandwiches and we came home and watched ‘most’ of a movie until Bob had to stop and get ready for work.
It’s been kind of nice that I didn’t have to cook Bob dinner tonight. Wal-Mart was hosting a so called ‘cook out’ for the employees and their families. I met Bob in the break room and ate with him. The food was grouse though! Cold hot dogs, dried out buns, and chips… yummy! Oh well… it was free aye?
I’m hoping something will happen fairly soon, when it comes to the baby but ehhh I’m trying not to stress over it. They say if you stress over it, it might hinder you from going into labor *shrugs* I would hate that!
Anyways my back is killing me along with my head so I think I’m going to post this and work my way into the bedroom.
In a tad over two hours I’ll only be 3 days away from my due date… how cool and exciting is that? LIKE TONS! :P
39th week appointment
Wednesday, March 18, 2009The appointment went pretty well, she said all was normal. I didn’t gain any weight and my belly hasn’t grown any that she can tell but she said that is pretty common for as late in my pregnancy as I am. Head is still down, still has a great heart rate. Said she thought baby felt like she was in the low ‘6’s’ when it comes to weight.
We talked about natural ways to help push things along. I had looked some stuff up online but I didn’t feel like I should do anything till I talked to her about it. We also talked about the Group B Strep test because she had said she would do it again on this appointment if I wanted to re-take it. Bob said that even if I got a negative result this time he still would like me to get the IV and antibiotics ‘just in-case’ so I was like heck, if I’m going to get the IV anyways there is no need to retest. So we didn’t.
After figuring out which things were ok for me to take we headed over to the natural foods store to get some herbs. She none of these things where technically suppose to ‘induce labor’ but they did help the process and where completely safe. We got ‘Evening Primrose Oil’ which I can take several times daily and even up me vaginally. Primrose is to help soften or ‘ripen’ the cervix. Then we got ‘Red Raspberry Tea’ which she said it a ‘uterine toner’ and might cause Braxton Hicks to become more intense so she recommended not drinking the tea before bed.
I also got some pro-biotics to take because she said it is something good to take since I am going to have antibiotics during labor. I took some when we got home by opening the capsule and pouring it in a spoonful of jell-o, LOL
Now that I got the facts of my day out, I will go more into the ‘details’. When at the natural foods store I started feeling really really crappy and had to go sit in the car while Bob rounded everything up for me and paid. Well a few minutes after sitting out there I got this feeling that I was going to throw up. That’s a normal feeling I’ve had the last couple of days but I hadn’t actually done it. Well today was different. I opened the van door to get some cool air blowing on me, which helped but didn’t stop it. I was so thankful I had brought some water with me in a plastic cup because otherwise I would have thrown up on the ground for all to see. It was the first time I’ve thrown up this entire pregnancy and I hope the last. I felt ok afterwards, a little shaky but that’s it. It was a little weird.
Through out the entire day I’ve had waves of feeling icky and then feeling completely normal. It’s a weird icky feeling, not really like I’m sick or coming down with something… it’s odd.
We helped some friends move a little today… ok I sat there and talked while Bobby helped, but still! LOL After we got home and Bobby had to rush to work, I laid down for a nap, around 4pm. At 4:30pm I woke up with painful shooting pains down around my cervix. That has been going some for 2 hours now, about a minute apart, wonder if it keep up or not.
I just drank my first glass of Red Raspberry tea… surprised that I got it down and it wasn’t horrid! Now we will see if it really does cause bad Braxton Hicks, LOL And I just took another Primrose Oil pill.
Me and the midwife also talked about Castor Oil for induction but I think I’ll wait a little while for that. She said it only works if your body is ready for labor, like you are dilated some or you are effaced some. So I think I could take it, because last time checked she said I was 2cm and effaced some. So it might work for me, who knows. She said you take like 2 Tbs. in the morning, you will have diarrhea in the afternoon and usually a baby by evening, LOL But I still would like to go into labor without that kind of help. I get in these ‘I want things to hurry up’ moods and then later scold myself for letting myself think that way. I should just calm down and go with the flow of things. I will continue to take these herbs since they are not supposed to induce labor, just help once you are labor.
I just want to see my little girl and hold her in my arms. This ‘wanting’ is just killer!
6 days and counting...
Tuesday, March 17, 2009I woke up at 4:15am wide awake and contemplated getting up cause I was so awake but decided I would try to get back to sleep…. then again at 5:30am and then again at 6:15am which I finally did get up. Woke up with a contraction but it’s probably just Braxton Hicks. Since I’ve been sitting here (for an hour) I’ve had like three or four.
I know it’s probably nothing, don’t want to get any hopes up… but I really would like her here. I feel bad cause I really wanted her to come on spring break so Bob would have extra time with her… doesn’t look like that will happen! Ehhh what am I saying? ‘Think positively Amy, that is what you are always telling Bob!’ it’s only Tuesday morning and he’s off until this Sunday so there is a few days to work with. I just wanted it at the beginning so he could all of spring break to enjoy her. But alas maybe me and him needed this alone time before she comes. I just know how busy Bob is when he’s got school and I hardly see him, I don’t know why he thinks things will change and he would get a lot of time to spend with Anabel! Oh well… see there is was trying to be positive (like I always tell him to be) telling me that it will be ok, he will have time with Anabel, that everything will work out fine and that she will come in her perfect time and not to try and rush it…. uhhh if only I could calm my mind about it, that would be nice.
Oh well! Today is supposed to be another beautiful day! Most likely Bob will spend most of doing homework though, because he’s got a lot of studying to do for when he has to start classes back up. Which is good, though I would like another day where he’s only focused on me and me on him, I know he’s got to get this work done. In the mean time it would give me a little time to pick up the mess we made yesterday (and didn’t clean). It’s not horrid but I want it done, since the baby could come anytime you know, LOL. I asked Bob yesterday ‘Am I ever going to have this baby?’ and he said ‘No you are going to be pregnant forever!’…. which is his way of saying ‘stupid question’ (which I knew it was, lol). I just feel like ‘Really? Will she ever come?’ and that’s so funny when I know she will, and VERY VERY soon! I know the doctors won’t let her stay in me forever even if she wanted too. LOL.
39wks today (7 days to go!)
Monday, March 16, 2009We didn’t get up till around 11:30am, we slept in and just relaxed. I made eggs for breakfast while Bob filled up the dishwasher. Then after breakfast Bob decided he wanted to go change the oil on the van and it gave be a perfect time to take a shower and get ready for our day.
I don’t even remember what we ate for lunch… had to be something o.0 What I remember happening next was after I got ready I got on the phone, called the insurance and took care of that. Then got online and Gordon and Marcia from Alaska where on so I started talking to them. I ended up getting on the web cam with them. It was so nice to see them! Bob came home just in time to come in and meet them…. It was nice.
Then we left the house and went to the SRS office to get a paper faxed to my insurance place. Got that taken care of. The I asked if I could get a $1 Icee at Burger King (the machine was broken) so Bob checked the two other gas stations for Icee machines, one the machine was broken, the other didn’t have it. So Bob pulled in front of Wal-Mart and let me run in and grab one from the Subway they have in there.
After that we went and washed and vacuumed the van, got it looking really nice. That has been on my list of ‘to-do’s’ for a long time now, hehe.
Then Bobby took me to the park for the walk I’ve been looking forward to all week! It was nice, just walking slowly, goofing off, and just enjoying each other.
When we got home we decided we would grill some sausages and watch a movie online through Netflix. Bob made my mom’s macaroni salad to go with it, it was a nice meal. We watched ‘Mad Money’ which was based on a true story about these three everyday women who work at a huge bank, robbing it of the ‘used’ money that they shred. And they get away with it too cause it was untraceable money. It was a pretty cute movie and weird to think it was based on a true story!
Then we watched some ‘Jeff Allen’ comedy. Bob found him the other day. He is a really funny Christian comedian.
Yah that was our day, I loved it! Now since me and Bob got some really great together time, baby can feel free to come any time now, LOL Oh yeah and I almost felt un-pregnant all day, it was amazing. I had energy for the most part and felt great. Later in the day I had some shooting pain towards my cervix but nothing compared to usual days. And the only thing that really bothered me was late when we were getting close to going to bed she decided she going to try and dig her way out of my side. She pushed (I think a hand) sooooo hard out my left side, I doubled over in pain and Bob looked freaked out until he figured out what was going on. He put his hand over hers and gently tried to push her hand back in all the time smiling huge and going ‘wow… oh my… wow… she is SO strong! Wow!’ LOL that part was cute, just not the pain. But she didn’t want her hand back in! The while still pushing her hand out she starts pushing her butt out the other side, so now Bob has got a hand on each side, trying to get her to calm down. She did after a couple minutes thank goodness! LOL
39 week facts:

Your Baby This Week
Even at this late stage, your baby is still growing, now to around 7 pounds (3.5 kg) and 22 (56 cm) inches. All of baby's organs (except the lungs) are fully developed, along with toenails, fingernails, and muscles in his arms and legs. At this point, babies can become entangled in their umbilical cords. If this should happen, don't worry. In most cases it's not dangerous. And contrary to rumor, it's not caused by anything you did.
Last night
Saturday, March 14, 2009Well last night i went to bed about 9:30pm. I propped pillows up got my birthing book and decided to read some before i tried to fall asleep. I was so uncomfortable! I sat up moved around some, with no relief. Finally i decided to try some of the relaxing methods that the book i was reading was talking about. I got in the position they said to be in and started doing the mental steps as well. Well i did fall asleep.
At somewhere around midnight i woke up wide awake and feeling like crap. I was having slight heart burn i think and nasty burps. My back was killing me and my stomache was so tight. I ended up getting up because i was far to uncomfortable and awake anyways.
I sat on the computer for a little bit, then went to the rocker and watched a few minutes of poker after dark before Bobby showed up from work. He was really sweet! Like he always is. He took a shower then came out and wanted to start whatever movie i wanted to watch. He said he would lay out in the livingroom with me for as long as i felt like staying up. I ended up choosing 'My Best Friends Wedding' and Bob got a pillow and blanket and layed on the floor. He ended up falling asleep and snoring quite loudly.
After the movie i still felt like crap all over but i figured Bob needed to be in the bed so he could get some restful sleep, rather then the floor and that i should try to sleep as well. It was almost 4am by that time. I woke him and helped him to bed.
I was able to sleep, of course i woke up tons but that goes without saying. I let Bob snore for the most part except once where he was soooo loud. I woke up at around 8am and am totally awake again. Instead of laying there awake tossing and turning i decided to get up and let Bob sleep longer because i know with sleeping in the floor and having the movie on and him having to wake up to go into the bedroom that he hasn't gotten much rest.... poor guy!
I still feel as crappy as i did last night. I want to say it has something to do with baby that something is going to happen later but i don't know my body well enough to say that because this is my first time around. Plus i lean toward anything i think that 'might be' being wishful thinking and nothing else.
My Mom called yesterday and said 'it's spring break where's that baby?' Because she is off of work for spring break and Bobby of course has no classes (but tons of homework). It would be great to have her like.... TODAY so Bob will actually get to spend time with her instead of being in classes.... but who knows if that will happen.... maybe like the last day of spring break she will come, that would SUCK. Anyways i'm kind of in a really bad mood so i'm totally getting myself bummed! I'm going to go for now....
10 Day and Counting
Friday, March 13, 2009Ok well a few days ago I was in this 'get the house perfect mood' I mean I organized a ton, picked up the house. Bought a new shower curtain got curtains up on all our windows, set up the baby's furniture, set up our table with our new table cloth, place mate and napkins. I vacuumed, swept and scrubbed all the floors, did all the laundry (and actually folded it and put it up!). I mean I was on a roll and the house was looking oh so good!
Then my mood changed.... and now I feel like I’m in this hibernating state. I don't want to do anything but curl up and sleep. I don't want to go out, I don't want to do anything, I don't particularly want to see anyone but my Hubby, I don't really have a desire to talk to anyone but I do talk to some on the phone. I'm just feeling weird.
Because of this my house is slowly starting to get in a mess. Since Bobby has his classes and his work and practically no down time, I don't expect him to do any cleaning and wouldn't dare even ask him. I mean I’m here all day long but nothing hardly gets done. It's a big chore just to get up and go to the bathroom! LOL .... I don't know why I laugh about it, it's actually quite sad in my book.
I don't usually push myself to do anything till like an hour before Bobby is suppose to be home, then I get up and do the dishes that are piling up and fix him some food... and I might convince myself to pick up the house a little 'since I’m already up'. This sucks! Is it a normal thing that most women go through? I always here of the 'nesting' where you get a burst of energy and get the house spick and span before the baby arrives... well that happened last week! And the baby isn't here! And the house is getting worse!.... I guess my 'nesting' timed its self wrong or something!!!
BUT then again I still have maybe 10 days.... maybe I’ll get another burst or something.... I hope... because I’m totally dragging my feet, major!
Anyways that time has hit... Bobby will be back in a little over an hour so I better go clean the kitchen and dirty it again by fixing him some lunch before he has to run off to work.
I miss him :( but I keep reminding myself that spring break is only in a few days, and yes he still will have to work, that means we will have the days together... so that is how I make it without getting to down. Pregnancy hormones are wonderful ha? They can make you feel like 'the SUCK' so easily!
Got to go I guess.... gahhhh *sighs*
11 days to go and counting
Thursday, March 12, 2009Well today has been perdy 'blah' for the most part. I hardly got any sleep because of poor Bobby again. He got to bed around 2am and then it started.... snoring! I swear I would wake up ever 5-10mins to him snoring and then it just got worse. I would poke him to stop, turn back over and get comfy and he would be snoring again, literally not even a minute later. Finally after getting no sleep the way things where, at around 4:30am I woke him up completely. I told him I didn't know what he needed to do but he was driving me insane and he just had to stop snoring! I told sorry over and over again but I just couldn't take it anymore!
I don't know what he did but I don't think I woke up again after that, somehow he managed to stop! LOL
I always feel horrid because I know he had to stay up late cause of work and the only reason he is snoring is because he is dog tired. Then there I am poking him, waking him enough that I know it doesn't make a restful sleep, even if he doesn't wake completely. Or I am waking him up completely whining.... I suck I know!
Finally I was able to get a little sleep though; even though I haven't slept through the night without waking up all the time in I don't know how long! At least every few hours I have to wake up and turn over and reposition my pillows to get comfy and/or go to the bathroom.... sleeping sucks major!
When the alarm went off I wanted to cry! I was way too tired!!!!! But I had to get up anyways.
I actually perked up after I was awake awhile but that didn't last all that long.
I was hungry but nothing sounded good. I told Bob I would try oatmeal then when he made it I couldn't eat it. The goopy texture was unbearable! So him being the uber sweet person that he is made me a strawberry smoothie.
We made it late to our last birthing class but thank goodness the instructor was even later then us! LOL It went good, it was all about breastfeeding. So now we are completely done with our birthing class! El'wootness!
Today I have been so dog tired though! I've wanted to do nothing but curl up on the bed and sleep, but I haven't let myself do that at all. Finally after sitting on my butt on the computer most of the day I did manage to get enough energy to get up and do a little with the house. I had gotten the house looking so good! Then we got busy the last couple of days and it has started to look messy again. I managed to soak in the tub for two hours reading (the time went by to fast! LOL) and still do two loads of laundry, pick up the house some, do a load of dishes and make Bobby dinner.
Speaking of dinner I made a sorta stroganoff with the left over roast and gravy that I had. I cut up the roast, dumped it and the gravy in a pan with a can of mushroom soup and sour cream, some butter and garlic, then added some noodles and boom! It actually didn't taste too bad! I was proud that it turned out eatable and that I was able to get rid of the leftovers :)
Though Bobby did worry me though, because he was suppose to be home by 8pm and didn't show up till 8:30pm. Everything was ok though, they just had made him stay at work a little longer.
Now my whole body is aching and I feel like I’m about to fall asleep sitting here and it's only 9:45pm.... oh well my body is working hard all the time even if I’m not up and doing things. So I guess I need to listen to it when it tells me to sleep. I could go into labor anytime and I don't want to be to tired and run down.
Group B Strep
I forgot to add that on my last appointment the midwife said i was positive for Group B Strep. It surprised me because when Norla took the test she said 'everything was fine' which i took meant it was negative. I'm a little sad about it but heck... i'll have to get over it.
Sarah (MW) said if baby doesn't come by next weeks appointment she will do another test and make sure what is what.
I really don't want an IV in me if i don't have to have one! So i'm bummed about that :( Oh well...
38th Week Appointment
Tuesday, March 10, 2009Had my check up today at the Birthing Center. I gained 1/2 pound which she said was totally ok for only one week. Heart rate was back up to normal 150's and i measured 35.5 CM. I was only 33CM last check up so she said she was really happy at how much i had grown in one week. I mentioned that i had thought about it a bit last week, wondered why i was only measuring 33CM and suppose to be 37. She said anyone looking at me would know that i wouldn't measure like everyone else would because I'm so small framed and things. She said the main thing to look at is that I've had consistent growth and that is all that really matters.
So I'm relieved! Much more so then last week. I wasn't like freaking out or worried last week, it was just on my mind. Now i can get it off my mind.
Waiting Impatiently
Monday, March 9, 2009Well I'm here sitting at the coffee shop which i work at (I'm the manager now) I'm officially not a regular employee since this last Saturday. I won't be hold a shift or anything, just doing manager stuffig.
Well I'm here because i dropped my van off to get worked on down the street and instead of sitting in there and being bored out of my mind, I'm here with my lappy on the Internet. They called an hour after i dropped it off to tell me that above what i wanted them to do which was flush the radiator and do a front end alignment, they saw my battery is low and they want to put in a new one and also that my back tires are going to need to be changed... all in all a +$600 bill.... i told them to hold off on the battery and tires and to only do the things i brought it in for. That was 2.5 hours ago.... I'm getting impatient now!
Bobby thought it would be done in an hour and then i was suppose to drop off the lap top to him at the college library so he could his homework. Well that didn't happen because i don't have a vehicle! I hope he was able to get on the libraries computers and do his work because he has mid terms today and really needs to study!
Grrrr.... this is taking up my day! Oh well! It's not like i HAVE to do anything else, i just would like to get a lot done today.
38wks ZOMG!
I can't believe I'm 38wks it's amazing! I could have this little kido any time now! I keep telling myself that but it hasn't hit me totally i don't think. Actually i don't think it will hit me... maybe until i'm in labor? That soon i will be hold my little angle, that has hurt for 9 months, finally in my arms! :D I can't wait! All the discomfort will totally be worth it, i know!
Your Baby This Week
Your baby is preparing to be born as you're preparing to experience the true excitement of impending childbirth. You may feel a little nervous, which is perfectly normal.
In anticipation of meeting you, baby is busy getting ready for the occasion. The fine hair (lanugo), covering her body begins to shed along with the whitish coating on the skin (vernix). Your baby's weight is approaching 7 pounds (3.5 kg), but she remains around 21 inches (53 cm) long, which shows that she's getting plumper! If your baby were born this week, she would have no problems surviving on her own.
Your Body This Week
Although your size is remaining constant, your discomfort might be increasing, as some of the symptoms related to your weight, including heat rashes and difficulty sleeping, might be getting to you. While your due date may be two or more weeks away, pack your labor bag and get ready. Ninety-five percent of all babies are born within two weeks of their due dates.
A Birth Story
Sunday, March 8, 2009Ok I finally retyped this. This was a cute little thing that we did at my baby shower. It's one of those stories where in the beginning slips of paper are handed out, one to each guest, to fill out. It might ask you to write down a mood, expression... things like that. Then all the slips of paper are gathered and they are used to fill in the blanks of the story.
I have 'bolded' all the places that where filled in by the guests answers.
Here is how the story turned out:
It was pleasant. The temperature outside was 38F, but with all the excitement the temperature inside was 78F.
Bob was in a happy mood, but Amy was feeling quite blah.
In early labor, Amy spent her time sewing summer shorts for the boys, and screaming.
Bob encouraged Amy by farting in her direction. She only opened her eyes wide with awe.
As contraction got a little closer, Amy kept her mind off of them as much as possible by toilet reading. She asked Bob to load the van. He gladly called her honey, kissed her on the forehead and told her yea, in response to her request.
He told her should go to the laundry room, and rest on the bean bag. She was flabbergasted at that idea!
When finally on their way to the birthing center, some 5 minutes later, Bob drove at the speed of sound. Amy was now in a surprisingly horny mood.
She was pleased with intense atmosphere, and the happy midwives, who kept saying encouraging words like ‘You can do it!’ and ‘Shalom’. She spent most of the time laboring in the kitchen, grunting, with Bob by her side.
Labor only took 1 hr, 19 min, 8.5 sec and .001 milliseconds, and the baby was born at dinner time at the break of dawn.
Bob and Amy were full of joy. The midwives praised Amy for a job well done.
All the in-laws came as quickly as possible by means of wheel chairs and arrived in less than 365 days. Everyone was so happy upon seeing the healthy, happy, baby and mother that they broke into a song, singing ‘Baby I’m a Wanting You’
Not sleeping!
Saturday, March 7, 2009I haven't been able to sleep well for at the least, one week. I mean the last several weeks have been bad but this week has been horrid. I get up and go to the bathroom like every two hours and then starting 4 days ago at about 4am I’m wide awake and can't go back to sleep even though I’m dog tired! I might drift lightly to sleep, and then wake up again, eyes wide open. I hate it!
Last night it started at about 2am and then the horrid ritual of barely falling asleep just to wake up again started... but last night I had the added help of my Hubby. Poor Bobby too! He didn't get off of work till 1am and came to bed by 2am.... then he snored and snorted and made all kinds of sounds all night long. I know he does that when he is terribly tired which made me feel bad but it was also driving me crazy.
I already couldn't sleep and when I would start to fall asleep there goes Bob snoring. I would poke him and he would wake up 'huh?’... 'Your are snoring!'... then he would say he was sorry, rub my leg a few times, then fall back asleep, only to snore again a couple minutes later. This repeated all night long with me poking him and him apologizing just to do it again. I know he couldn't help it and I felt so mean! I had to get up 6:30am to be at the coffee shop by 7:30am to open, so needless to say I was not in a good mood this morning! LOL
The shop was busy this morning too! I would have spells of feeling light headed and shaky one minute, then feeling fine the next. I couldn't wait till my shift ended at 12:30pm, what a relief!
Now I’m horribly tired so I’m going to head to bed!
For the last.... three days I think... my belly has been making weird sounds when Anabel moves. For the last week Anabel has been pushing on my cervix so much (it hurts), mostly at night. Well now when she does it at night I also hear funny sounds coming from my belly. The other night I got really still and concentrated because heck I’ve never heard it before and I’ve never been this far along before! It sounded like water so I was wondering if my water broke (only for a moment though because I could tell right away that nothing was coming out, LOL)
It's really weird to hear sounds like bubbles and water swooshing coming from my belly, but I looked it up and it is fairly normal for some people. It's so uncomfortable though!
Sounds in my tummy...
For the last.... three days I think... my belly has been making weird sounds when Anabel moves. For the last week Anabel has been pushing on my cervix so much (it hurts), mostly at night. Well now when she does it at night I also hear funny sounds coming from my belly. The other night I got really still and concentrated because heck I’ve never heard it before and I’ve never been this far along before! It sounded like water so I was wondering if my water broke (only for a moment though because I could tell right away that nothing was coming out, LOL)
It's really weird to hear sounds like bubbles and water swooshing coming from my belly, but I looked it up and it is fairly normal for some people. It's so uncomfortable though!
Last day of work!
Today was my last day of scheduled work at the coffee shop. Since i'm the manager i will be doing other things but from here on out i won't have to hold an actual shift, so once baby comes i will be able to have her with me always :)
Right now all he has me really doing is writing up the schedule and i've already got it written up until the 21st, by then the baby should be here and i'll be totally off for a couple weeks.... so i'm not sure if there really is anything that i'll be doing for the shop till weeks after the baby comes. Yippie for me, aye?
I'm happy to be at home for once and not have to worry about my next day at work. Now i'll be able to focus on the house and taking care of my dear Hubby.
Yesterday i cooked a huge turkey and tonight i bagged it all up and froze the pieces. I'm thinking it will come in handy for when ever Anabel decides to come. It will help with meals i would think. We will see.
Exciting Find
Friday, March 6, 2009I was really happy to find this toy stroller at the Salvation Army yesterday. I know Anabel won't be playing with this probably for a couple years but i couldn't pass it up at all.
It was $3.98... all metal! If you could find these made with all metal these days, i know it would cost a ton more then what i got it for! I will admit it's missing the bars that hold up the sun shield but it's for dolls, they don't need blocked from the sun, but i'm thinking that Bob could fix some bars on for the sun shield (we have the shield just not the bars).
Anyways hope the pictures come in good:
My 37th week
Well on the way up to Topeka, Bobby wanted me to drive so he could get some homework done. I was cool with that until I started getting light headed and queasy. I ended up having to pull over and have Bob drive. I hadn't felt that nauseous probably since the beginning of my pregnancy and the whole morning sickness thing!
She has been pushing on my cervix a ton lately. Yesterday it was constant for a very long time. I wonder with all the pushing if she will stay in there until the end of March or not, hehehe
The rest of my week:
Well it actually has been really good, as in I’ve got a lot of stuff done. Yesterday when we got back from my dentist appointment we found that the land lady had came into the house and fixed our bathroom drain and put new light bulbs in which was sweet.... but I didn't know she was going to do that that morning and Bobby had prepared the food the night before and well.... the kitchen was grouse! So I was a little unhappy that she came in when the house was grouse! But oh well!
Last night I wasn't feeling all that great because I hardly got any sleep. I had woken up and gone to the bathroom like three times and then by the last trip to the bathroom at 4am I couldn’t really get back to sleep after that. So I barely got any sleep, especially restful sleep! But despite all that I did get a second wind and was able to pick up the house like I haven’t been able to in a long time! It was nice to get the house looking better.
(Look at my table! It's clear! It hasn't been clear in months >_<)
If I get to bored there is tons of sewing I could do! There is a lot of baby cloths and things I want to make, also I would like to make myself some nice spring/summer cloths for after the baby comes.
Bobby started his job yesterday so his schedule will be 4pm-1am, always having Mondays off. So days like today I get to see him off to class, then maybe one hour for lunch and then that’s it! Tomorrow I will see him after work until he goes in, so for like 3 hours. It will be hard on me because I’m so use to having him there with me when he is not in class…. I will miss him terribly! But we really need the money, especially since I’m stopping work myself. I do thank God for his job, I just need to get use to it!
Monday, March 2, 2009
37wk info: Your Baby This Week
Baby's weight continues to increase, reaching around 6.5 pounds (3.2 kg) now. While baby is about 21 inches (53 cm) long, his limbs and tummy are all growing rounder and chubbier every day. His skin is less wrinkly now, and most of the redness has turned to a hue that reflects your baby's ethnic heritage. By this time, most babies descend down into your pelvis, head first, getting ready for birth. In about 3% of pregnancies, babies turn in the other direction, a situation known as a breech presentation. If this is the case for your baby, don't worry as this often changes--sometimes just hours before labor!
Your Body This Week
You are probably not seeing much change in the size of your tummy now, and your weight should be close to the maximum that your health care provider predicted or recommended. You can expect your caregiver to perform a pelvic exam around this time to help determine the progress of your pregnancy and better judge your due date.
Your due date is so close that you could easily deliver at any time! Chances are very good that delivering from this week on, your baby will be healthy. Take a deep breath. Labor, delivery and motherhood will all be amazing and wonderful experiences!