Wallet - Found

Monday, May 17, 2010

YAY i'm so HAPPY! I found my missing wallet just two seconds ago. I'm thrilled! I was so afraid i had lost it lost it. I knew that the last time i had it was the Saturday Bob graduated but from that day on it was missing. I had looked in the van, in the house... had no idea where it went.

Well tonight i walked into the bedroom and stood there a second trying to think of were i might have placed it, when it hit me 'i bet i put it in the bag i was carrying in when we got home from the graduation' and that bag was a bag i had stashed because it had Bob's father's day gifts in it. And low and behold, it was right there in the sack.

So it's been over a week that it's been missing, but at least it wasn't grabbed by someone, aye?
