A lot to type about!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Well had my first midwife appointment yesterday. Went great. The lady i met was the lead midwife and she is the one that started the Mercy and Truth Center. She seems to be a really neat and fun lady. I met one other midwife so far and they all seem really loving, always touching your hand or rubbing you back, well they act like mothers and i actually like it.

The lead midwife is the one that did my appointment. She measured me, said that i was right on track for the July 14th due date. She listened to the heart beat and said that it was really good, she could hear all the valves and everything, good and strong (Yay) Said the head was already down, but at this stage they still can move around sometimes.

She said they never had a transfer to a hospital yet, and a lot of their patients travel at least an hour or two more when in labor, and she hasn’t had one that has had it in the car or had to stop for the hospital yet and she said i can’t be the first, lol Bob was happy to hear that i’m sure, cause i think he is always a little scared of the thought of it coming in the car.

She said that if it did happen to come in the car just make sure we always keep a few things in the car, clean scissors, something to tie off the cord, towels and lots of baby blankets. She said that there was nothing scary about it coming in the car, nothing to worry about. She said that Bob would just keep on driving to the birthing center and i would just put the baby on my chest, put lots of blankets over us and turn the heater on till we sweat, lol But then again added that she isn’t worried about that happening though.

Got a tour of the place and each of the birthing suits. They do do water births there which is exciting! There is only one room that has the huge tub though and it’s bigger and looks way more comfy then the big tub at the Topeka birthing center, so that makes me happy. The tub actually has like a reclining seat area in it with a padded head rest and everything. Looks nice. She that is the room i would choose if it’s available when i go into labor.

They took 3 things of blood and said that they would take more when i come back in a week. And i was right, they want to see me back in a week… that’s what i thought would happen. They have a lot of catch up to do with me, they say. Which is totally fine with me.

Oh yeah, each of the birthing rooms has it’s own kitchen too with a refrigerator that is stocked. And she said all of that food is for me and who ever i have waiting there. It had a lot of stuff, waffles, pizzas, juice, cans of pop… well i can’t remember everything but it all sounded good when she raddled it off, lol So that will be nice.

So all went well, YAY We all knew it would right? hehe


On a different note after the appointment Bob told me that he had two different idea’s on our anniversary gift. He had said he planned on getting me something, or would i rather we combine our two gifts for each other and buy each other one mutual gift. Come to find out he wanted to buy a new TV lol…. i laugh only because it seems like such a guy thing of him. I wasn’t against the idea it’s just hard for me to want to spend a large sum of money all at once, it’s a little nerve wracking. Anyways we went to Best Buy to check their prices, then went to Wal-Mart to see theirs. We found one at Wal-Mart we liked that would double as a monitor, which is what i really wanted. We ended up getting a 26” wide screen/flat screen, for a really good price i think, plus we got a discount which is always nice.

So of course when we got home we went to rearranging the whole tv/computer set up, hehe. We brought down our PC tower from up stairs and hooked it up in our entertainment center, along with the wireless box and, printer and mic. Sounds like a lot of stuff but actually in the end it looks like there is a lot less boxes and junk in the entertainment center, so that’s good. We bought a wireless mouse, and we are going to order a wireless keyboard for down here too. So now our TV is connected to the PC tower and we got the internet on there so we can watch Netflix on our big screen (to us it’s huge) and also browse the web and play music and all that. And it’s all connected to our surround sound. Now up stairs our desk is going to be empty, which is fine because it sets right next to my sewing area, so i’ll be using it as a cutting table / Bob’s artwork table. So that should be nice. Only thing is that for right now it has the TV and monitor on it that we aren’t using, so we got to come up with a place for those first.


I feel like so many things happen/got done yesterday. We also got the whole house looking good, sept that i need to vacuum later today. I think the house looks really nice.


On a side note I got awesome sleep last night!!!!! I did have to get up twice to go to the bathroom but besides that Anabel slept all through the night…. and is actually still asleep. I went up to check on her, just to make sure she is still breathing cause it’s soooo not like her to sleep like this. But boy, if it because her habit, i will be one HAPPY momma! LOL

I probably should go wake her soon, it’s getting late for her o.0


Mrs Mar said...

I had a water brith with both my kids and loved it. Though Marcel we didn't get the tub filled since I was only in the hosptal about 30 mins befor her came.