Smiles Through the Sickness

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A little while ago Anabel woke up from one of her naps. She was watching me reading a blog and saw a picture of puppies on the screen. She sat up pointed and said ‘whuff, whuff’. She got so excited about it that i went to and found some dog slide shows. She would point and touch the screen every time another dog picture would pop up. It was so nice to see her up and alert.

Shortly after that i figured it would be good for her to take a soak in the tub. The tub could help take her fever down, plus she could play in it and she adores bath time, so i figured it was a win win.

It was so nice to see her smiling and being her silly self for a little while, while she was in the tub. She seemed to get cold though in the end, which was a little confusing because she the water was pretty worm, plus her fever. But her hands and feet seemed chilly and she was acting like she wanted out. So i got her out and dressed warm again, then she finally stopped shivering.

It was her medicine time so i gave her some, but she only got about half in her, the rest she let run out of her mouth because she doesn’t like the taste. I got one bite of baby food down her and half a bottle. Then she wanted to cuddle and go back to sleep. So i let her.

I’m sure if you are a mother you know what i’m talking about… but it was so wonderful to see those smiles, and even some laughs as she watched her mom being really silly. It’s wonderful after seeing her look so sick all day long.


While in the tub i read her some books and showed her some flash cards that we have been working on. See Aunt Heidi is letting me borrow the first part of the ‘teach your baby to read’ series. And Anabel is learning so fast. She learned ‘baby, mouth, eyes, and whuff’ from watching the movie and flash cards. Well today was the first time she did the ‘arms up’ flash card. I showed it to her and said the words and before i could ask her if she could put her arms up, she did it. She is learning so much :D