Update on Anabel

Monday, May 24, 2010

In case anyone is wondering about Anabel since she has been sick a few days ago, she is all better. The fever broke Friday morning and a rash started, but it didn’t bother her at all. She wasn’t itchy or anything, and she was acting normal. By Sunday the rash was gone and she is back to being 100%…. though cranky, LOL

Trying to get her to eat a little better because she only seems to want snack food, so that’s a little hard. And she has gotten into the habit of not wanting to eat in her high chair but just play and come to me ever so often to get a bite. I had let it happen when she was sick because she wasn’t wanting to eat all the time, so when she did want something, i would just hand it to her…. well now it’s become a bad habit, so i’m trying to break her back in to eating in the high chair… it’s going slowly.


She is teething major! She now has 4 teeth that just poked through and she is still working on 4 more i do believe so that is probably the real reason she is cranky. I’m glad the 4 finally poked through, maybe that will help her some.