Crazy Night

Friday, May 7, 2010

Wow i can't believe i am awake at 6am >_<

I am DOG tired. Today starts the city wide garage sale and Bob wanted to get out there as soon as it starts, 7am. I hope i can get a nap later but who knows.

Good thing is, i immediately went and got a load of laundry folded, and now i think i'm headed up for a shower. Hopefully Bob will wake up right away this morning and not make me pester and pester like usual. I know he didn't get much sleep, but this was his idea buster! LOL

I also continued my weird saga of dreams... to crazy to tell and they usually have about all my family members in them.... Like in this one, Renee my sister in law clogged up the toilet and made it over flow everywhere and Josh (her husband, my brother) refused to clean it up.... and other chain of events which led me to miss my midwives appointment and i was like bawling my eyes out and yelling at everyone and Bob was staring at me with huge eyes...... and wait, I said i wasn't going to tell this dream o.0 anyways yeah they are always weird and have the oddest things and people in them.
I've always had weird dreams growing up, but the dreams i have when i am pregnant are by far the weirdest i think.

Anyways i'm going to go take a shower now i think.... I'll give you an update and the day laters.