Wow it’s been at least a few days since i’ve felt this tired this early. I’ve really had an uneventful day for the most part and i’m tired… booo I hope i get good sleep and can feel good in the morning cause we have a busy day ahead of us. Funny thing is, is that i’ve getting good sleep the last few nights and have been feeling good. Not today though, for some reason.
Maybe it’s the pregnancy? I know baby has been hurting me a lot. He’s head down, so all the limb are free to make me hurt. It’s hard to get comfy sitting now too. Either i need lots of back support with pillows and lean far back, or i have to sit with my legs spread wide so i have room for this belly to fit in between cause it’s to low and if i rested it on my legs, the belly would be being pushed up into my ribs… and i don’t need any more help with that. So comfort during the day, let alone anytime is very hard.
My belly feels so tight i don’t think it can get any bigger… and the baby is suppose to grow 1/2 pound each weeks… that’s just crazy!
Ok i’m venting… i’ll stop, lol
Can i eat please?
I am sooo starving right now!
I’m totally thinking: crescent rolls, corn on the cob and fried chicken strips, oh yes baby!
I told Bob that lunch was going to become our fancier meal because i don’t have his help with Anabel at dinner time plus i got like 30min to cook for dinner…. so his fancy meal is going to have to be lunch time.
Which speaking of…. i want it now! So i think I'm going to go cook. My mouth is watering!
Nice sleep
I had another good night sleep… can this really continue? I sure hope so. Anabel only woke me up once at 5:30am for a little bottle and then she slept until 8:30am. Me and Bob were able to wake up before her and get our showers in, all before she woke up. It’s nice to have a little ‘us’ time.
I was about to say that i could get use to this (sleeping all night long) but i caught myself. I should even let myself think that that is going to be a normal… cause here in 1.5-2 months i will be back to getting NO sleep. LOL
I guess i should enjoy it while i have it aye?
Anabel playing on the computer
Wednesday, May 26, 2010I just left the room to grab Anabel’s food off the stove and i thought Anabel followed me. When i came back into the room i saw her standing in front of the lap top, both of her hands up on the keyboard, just typing away like she knew what she was doing. But she had logged off the computer and was typing in the ‘log in password’ section of the start up screen.
It’s been a challenge to have her not touch the keys…. obviously we aren’t doing a good job aye? LOL but that’s what happens when she can get to it, heh. She is a little typer. Although we don’t want her to touch the keys, it is cute when i find her typing cause she puts her hands in the right spot, like she really knows what she is doing :)
Anabel’s Eye
A little update. Anabel’s clogged tear duct seems to be a TON better. She use to wake up with her eye clogged shut, but not anymore. It barely leaks anymore. We have been massaging it everyday and it really has helped i think. I think we are almost done with the whole clog altogether. I think it’s almost fixed it’s self. I’m really happy for her!
Bob’s Interview
Bob called me a little bit ago. He is in El Dorado for a job interview. He called to let me know he was in town and heading to the school. He is getting interviewed for a teaching job there. I have been praying a lot that God would be with him and calm him down and that the interview would go well. I also have been praying for Gods will.
I’m trying not to get my hopes up because we don’t know if this is where God wants us, or if this is the job for Bob, but it is exciting. Hopefully it won’t be to long after the interview before we find out if they want to higher him or not. We are praying a lot and would really love it if you would join with us in prayer!
Your Baby This Week
Gaining about half a pound (0.23 kg) each week, your baby probably weights over 4 pounds (2 kg) and measures over 19 inches (48 cm) long--what a little bundle of love!
His knees will curl up towards his tiny chest as he begins to assume the classic "fetal" position. Because there is a little less room to move around in, your baby is a bit quieter now, storing up energy and getting ready for his grand entrance.
Your Body This Week
As delivery day draws closer, your excitement will grow right along with your tummy. At the same time, don't be surprised if you are starting to feel as if you will be pregnant forever!
You're still gaining about one pound (0.5 kg) per week, but at least half of that weight is going directly to your baby. You'll also continue to feel short of breath and may find that you need some extra rest, so take those naps as often as you need them.
A lot to type about!
Well had my first midwife appointment yesterday. Went great. The lady i met was the lead midwife and she is the one that started the Mercy and Truth Center. She seems to be a really neat and fun lady. I met one other midwife so far and they all seem really loving, always touching your hand or rubbing you back, well they act like mothers and i actually like it.
The lead midwife is the one that did my appointment. She measured me, said that i was right on track for the July 14th due date. She listened to the heart beat and said that it was really good, she could hear all the valves and everything, good and strong (Yay) Said the head was already down, but at this stage they still can move around sometimes.
She said they never had a transfer to a hospital yet, and a lot of their patients travel at least an hour or two more when in labor, and she hasn’t had one that has had it in the car or had to stop for the hospital yet and she said i can’t be the first, lol Bob was happy to hear that i’m sure, cause i think he is always a little scared of the thought of it coming in the car.
She said that if it did happen to come in the car just make sure we always keep a few things in the car, clean scissors, something to tie off the cord, towels and lots of baby blankets. She said that there was nothing scary about it coming in the car, nothing to worry about. She said that Bob would just keep on driving to the birthing center and i would just put the baby on my chest, put lots of blankets over us and turn the heater on till we sweat, lol But then again added that she isn’t worried about that happening though.
Got a tour of the place and each of the birthing suits. They do do water births there which is exciting! There is only one room that has the huge tub though and it’s bigger and looks way more comfy then the big tub at the Topeka birthing center, so that makes me happy. The tub actually has like a reclining seat area in it with a padded head rest and everything. Looks nice. She that is the room i would choose if it’s available when i go into labor.
They took 3 things of blood and said that they would take more when i come back in a week. And i was right, they want to see me back in a week… that’s what i thought would happen. They have a lot of catch up to do with me, they say. Which is totally fine with me.
Oh yeah, each of the birthing rooms has it’s own kitchen too with a refrigerator that is stocked. And she said all of that food is for me and who ever i have waiting there. It had a lot of stuff, waffles, pizzas, juice, cans of pop… well i can’t remember everything but it all sounded good when she raddled it off, lol So that will be nice.
So all went well, YAY We all knew it would right? hehe
On a different note after the appointment Bob told me that he had two different idea’s on our anniversary gift. He had said he planned on getting me something, or would i rather we combine our two gifts for each other and buy each other one mutual gift. Come to find out he wanted to buy a new TV lol…. i laugh only because it seems like such a guy thing of him. I wasn’t against the idea it’s just hard for me to want to spend a large sum of money all at once, it’s a little nerve wracking. Anyways we went to Best Buy to check their prices, then went to Wal-Mart to see theirs. We found one at Wal-Mart we liked that would double as a monitor, which is what i really wanted. We ended up getting a 26” wide screen/flat screen, for a really good price i think, plus we got a discount which is always nice.
So of course when we got home we went to rearranging the whole tv/computer set up, hehe. We brought down our PC tower from up stairs and hooked it up in our entertainment center, along with the wireless box and, printer and mic. Sounds like a lot of stuff but actually in the end it looks like there is a lot less boxes and junk in the entertainment center, so that’s good. We bought a wireless mouse, and we are going to order a wireless keyboard for down here too. So now our TV is connected to the PC tower and we got the internet on there so we can watch Netflix on our big screen (to us it’s huge) and also browse the web and play music and all that. And it’s all connected to our surround sound. Now up stairs our desk is going to be empty, which is fine because it sets right next to my sewing area, so i’ll be using it as a cutting table / Bob’s artwork table. So that should be nice. Only thing is that for right now it has the TV and monitor on it that we aren’t using, so we got to come up with a place for those first.
I feel like so many things happen/got done yesterday. We also got the whole house looking good, sept that i need to vacuum later today. I think the house looks really nice.
On a side note I got awesome sleep last night!!!!! I did have to get up twice to go to the bathroom but besides that Anabel slept all through the night…. and is actually still asleep. I went up to check on her, just to make sure she is still breathing cause it’s soooo not like her to sleep like this. But boy, if it because her habit, i will be one HAPPY momma! LOL
I probably should go wake her soon, it’s getting late for her o.0
Update on Anabel
Monday, May 24, 2010In case anyone is wondering about Anabel since she has been sick a few days ago, she is all better. The fever broke Friday morning and a rash started, but it didn’t bother her at all. She wasn’t itchy or anything, and she was acting normal. By Sunday the rash was gone and she is back to being 100%…. though cranky, LOL
Trying to get her to eat a little better because she only seems to want snack food, so that’s a little hard. And she has gotten into the habit of not wanting to eat in her high chair but just play and come to me ever so often to get a bite. I had let it happen when she was sick because she wasn’t wanting to eat all the time, so when she did want something, i would just hand it to her…. well now it’s become a bad habit, so i’m trying to break her back in to eating in the high chair… it’s going slowly.
She is teething major! She now has 4 teeth that just poked through and she is still working on 4 more i do believe so that is probably the real reason she is cranky. I’m glad the 4 finally poked through, maybe that will help her some.
Flash Cards
Oh yeah, Anabel is getting even better with the flash cards. She knows eyes, mouth, nose, clap, arms up, and hi…. when i show them to her and tell her what they say she can point either on my body or her own to the features or she will do the action. I’m really proud of how fast she is learning them.
We haven’t been able to watch the video that comes with the set, this last week, cause Bob doesn’t have it set up right for me. But we do the flash cards everyday and she loves doing them, most of the time she would love it if i would do them over and over but i usually only do it twice or so.
Perfect timing! My midwife appointment is tomorrow and today i got my letter in the mail saying that i am approved for the medical card! God is so good! Isn’t he amazing? I’m so happy!
I’m happy/nervous about my appointment tomorrow, i wonder how often they will make me come up for appointments. I know that a regular case they would want me up every 2 weeks at this point, but isn’t i’m so behind in appointments i wonder if they will just have me start coming every week. I guess i will find out soon enough ha? I know they have a lot of test and things that they need to get done.
I will be having a big update for everyone tomorrow night…. i am curious as to how far along they will think i am. I always measured small with Anabel, i bet i will this time too. I guess there is no use typing about ‘what if’s’ now since i will have more answers tomorrow…. soooo i guess i’ll stop typing out my rattling brain.
I’ve got corn bread to make yet tonight for supper. We are having chili. Hopefully it’s yummy, cause it’s not smelling all that great to me in the crock pot.
I’ve got laundry going and i still need to do the dishes.
I did work on the crib bed set today… just to get utterly mad. Something is going on with the machine. I don’t know if it’s the machine it’s self or maybe the tension is set wrong or something but the stitches it’s making is horrid! There will be uber tiny stitches with larger stitches mixed it and it looks like it jumps around, cause the stitches are all weird and not straight. I hope i can figure it out cause i really want this crib set to look as professional as possible you know. Oh well, cross your fingers for me that i can get it fixed. I also need to go to the store and buy more serger thread, ran out today… show’s i’ve been using that thing a lot ha? LOL I am in love with it.
Anabel just discovered hanging pictures. She loves pointing at them and mumbling. It’s really cute. She points from one to the other just jabbering up a storm about them. I tell her who is in them and she just smiles or stares in awe.
I feel like i’m going to pass out! I just laid Anabel down again and she seems to be quite so i’m going to hurry to bed while i still can and try to get as much sleep as possible.
Seeming to do better
Anabel seems to be doing pretty good, sept for the fact that she doesn’t want to go to sleep.
I wondering if the throwing up was just cause she had gagged on a raisin? It’s hard to know for sure. She has had more energy today and even this evening, smiling, having fun. I hope this is a sign that this all is about to be over.
Seeing as it’s 11pm and she still isn’t in bed, that could mean a rough night or that she will sleep most of the night, it hard to tell with her.
I’m hoping to actually get some sleep tonight. Bob did let me have a two hour nap before he went to work this afternoon which helped me stay afloat this evening. I did get edgy a couple time tonight and i hate that.
Well i’m going to go and work on getting her to sleep hopefully.
Do send up a prayer for us!
Wow i feel sick now
Ok that was uber grouse! Anabel had and still is, been acting like she feels a ton better! She ate a little fruit for breakfast and then she had been snacking here and there. Well a little while ago i had the munchies and went and got some trail mix for myself. Anabel asked for some so i gave her a raisin. Next thing i know, i’m getting thrown up on all over. That has never happened to me…. and i’m sure since i’m a mom, it will happen many times from here on out.
Made me sick to my stomach and now i really do feel sick… hopefully it will go away.
I half ways cleaned up the floor and couch before i rushed me and Anabel up to the shower, i had to get it off of me, and fast.
Oh gosh i really don’t feel good now….
Good thing is Anabel is still acting fine.
I better go for now, i need to rest.
Last night and this morning has been rough. Anabel let us get through most of our supper last night before whining up stairs. Then it was every hour or so until i brought her to bed with us.
Her fever got pretty bad in the night, i was stressing about it. At about 5am i was to concerned over her and had Bob get up and get her an ice pack for her head and some medicine. He ended up filling the tub too, and me and Anabel got in so i could soak her in some luke warm water, while feeding her ice chips. That seemed to help her a ton. Her temp went way down and she was smiling and moving around, even drank a bottle.
We all went down stairs and got on the couch to watch a movie. She ended up falling asleep.
Right now Bob is up stairs taking a nap and Anabel is cuddling with me, although she had just been up playing with her toys. She still has a temp but it’s not near as bad.
I got like NO sleep. Between worrying about Anabel, Bob’s snoring, Anabel’s wiggling, and the Braxton Hicks and leg aches i was having…. yeah, no sleep for me. I did dose a little while the movie was on, but just a tad. Sometimes it amazes me how i still can function.
Anyways that’s the update. :)
Things I want to do before the baby comes
Wednesday, May 19, 2010My list is long, and maybe unrealistic, but it would be nice to have it done.
Baby Room:
- Sew crib set.
- I’ve got about 1/3 of this done. I made the cover for the bumper, almost of the crib ruffle sewed. Need to finish those plus sew some pillows and the canopy that over hangs. I might sew some crib sheets, but those are optional since i already have some of those.
- Stain the baby furniture to match – Refinish the dresser and changing table.
- Sew a new change pad cover to match the theme of the room.
- Make and hang wall art.
- Make a mobile for the crib.
- Redo lamp and make lampshade.
- Get a new stereo for the room (our old one doesn’t work to well)
Make for the baby:
- More cloth premade diapers and covers.
I have this great pattern for baby booties and i want to make some! | ||
Swaddle blanket | I want to make this into a headband for the baby… if it’s a girl, or it could be for Anabel :) |
Other nice things to have:
- A nursing shall.
- Custom burp rags might be nice.
- Boppy pillow cover.
- Little hats.
- Some outfits.
I could go on, but I'll stop, Hehehe
I would also like to finish my diaper bag. I might need to make a new one >_< I was thinking about all the stuff I'll be needing with me, not only stuff for Anabel but also for the baby… i think my bag might need to be a little bigger then the last one i made.
I was going to sew a ‘cart cover’ for where kids sit in front of the shopping cart you know? Well when i was at the thrift store our Church has, i found one for $4 dollars… it was cheaper then what i could make one for, and it was like new, so i just went with that one instead of going through the work of making one. So that one thing off my list.
Smiles Through the Sickness
A little while ago Anabel woke up from one of her naps. She was watching me reading a blog and saw a picture of puppies on the screen. She sat up pointed and said ‘whuff, whuff’. She got so excited about it that i went to and found some dog slide shows. She would point and touch the screen every time another dog picture would pop up. It was so nice to see her up and alert.
Shortly after that i figured it would be good for her to take a soak in the tub. The tub could help take her fever down, plus she could play in it and she adores bath time, so i figured it was a win win.
It was so nice to see her smiling and being her silly self for a little while, while she was in the tub. She seemed to get cold though in the end, which was a little confusing because she the water was pretty worm, plus her fever. But her hands and feet seemed chilly and she was acting like she wanted out. So i got her out and dressed warm again, then she finally stopped shivering.
It was her medicine time so i gave her some, but she only got about half in her, the rest she let run out of her mouth because she doesn’t like the taste. I got one bite of baby food down her and half a bottle. Then she wanted to cuddle and go back to sleep. So i let her.
I’m sure if you are a mother you know what i’m talking about… but it was so wonderful to see those smiles, and even some laughs as she watched her mom being really silly. It’s wonderful after seeing her look so sick all day long.
While in the tub i read her some books and showed her some flash cards that we have been working on. See Aunt Heidi is letting me borrow the first part of the ‘teach your baby to read’ series. And Anabel is learning so fast. She learned ‘baby, mouth, eyes, and whuff’ from watching the movie and flash cards. Well today was the first time she did the ‘arms up’ flash card. I showed it to her and said the words and before i could ask her if she could put her arms up, she did it. She is learning so much :D
Everybody thought yesterday was so beautiful, and it was nice. The sun was shining, the temp. nice… but i think today is much better. It’s a little chilly and soft rain. That’s what i like.
I am currently laying on the couch, with the window open, listening to the rain and the birds sing… soooo nice.
We had young couple meeting last night so we didn’t get to sleep until midnight, Anabel slept all night until she fussed at 5am, like usual. Last night right before we left the meeting my right leg started acting up. Something that has been happening to me off and on during this pregnancy. Muscles feel like knots all down the outside of my leg, hurts bad, and makes it hard to walk. I put Icey Hot on my leg last night and tried to be really still so i at least could get some sleep. I didn’t think it would cure the leg issue, but that it would help me sleep at least. When Anabel did wake up at 5am and at 6am, i asked Bob if he could tend to her so i didn’t have to move, which he, that lovely man. At around 7:30am she woke up and i knew it was for good, so i went and got her.
I picked her up and quickly set her down. She was soaked, even her sleeves, it wasn’t fun. I immediately stripped her and got her in the bath. Afterwards Bob took and laid down in the bed while i went and soaked in the tub, in hopes of helping my poor leg.
When i got out Anabel and Bob were passed out on the foot of bed, Anabel laying on dad’s chest. And that is when the above took place ‘I am currently laying on the couch, with the window open, listening to the rain and the birds sing’
Bob came down stairs shortly after i wrote the above paragraphs. I took Anabel from him and she was whining. I thought as first that maybe she was just hungry because it was later in the morning and she usual had eaten by then. So i got her set up with her favorite breakfast, eggs and fruit. Usually she eats up to 2 full eggs everyone morning but today she refused to eat it. I tried the fruit, and she got about 1/2 a fruit cup down, still whining off and on during the meal. I had a feeling that maybe she wasn’t feeling good, i even said to Bob that i wondered if she wasn’t feeling good because she usually never whines like this, even if she is in a bad mood.
I thought he knew, but i guess Bob hadn’t heard last night about the 2 sick boys at the young couples meeting. One infant had Bronchitis and double ear infection at the time of the meeting and the other mom said her toddler boy had had a fever the night before, but you couldn’t tell by looking at them, they seemed fine. I remember hearing this last night and worrying about Anabel.
When i picked Anabel up out of the high chair i could feel she felt hot. I asked Bob if she felt hot and he said he thought so. She was hot all over, her neck, head, cheeks, even her little hands. Poor thing. We took her temp and she does have a fever.
I called my sis for some advise cause Anabel has never been sick like this, only a cold. We gave her come vit. C and juice, dressed her in some warm jammies and got her cuddled on my chest under a blanket. Later Bob went and got her some baby Tylenol to help with the fever and we have been putting a cold rag on her head.
She seems to be a little cooler then this morning. And she has been sleeping a lot… i know that’s all i want to do when i am sick. And when she is awake she has been watching Veggie Tales, cuddled with me. She has been drinking a lot, which is very good and Bob went and got her some special kids juice with electrolytes or something in it. I not 100% sure what it does for her, but Bob said it’s something she needs while she is sick.
I pray that this is only a one day thing, and that she feels a lot better by tonight. I feel bad for her. I know what it’s like, but she is small… i keep checking on her… me being a worry mom. I just love her so much and hate that she feels bad.
Sad thing is, is that i know that this is the first of many many many sicknesses she is going to have.
Even though that she is being an angel about it, i don’t want to leave her side, i want to be there to comfort her. I think the house is going to go to pot today because i don’t want to leave her side. Oh well, the house is not as important as my little angel :)
32wks as far as i know
Your Baby This Week
Within two months, the big day will arrive, and baby is just as excited as you are--something you can probably feel from the increasing activity in your tummy!
At almost 4 pounds (2 kg) in weight and 19 inches (48 cm) in length, your baby is nearly filling up your entire uterus. Most of the time, her head will be facing upward, but there's still enough room to somersault now and then. In her spare time, baby is getting ready for her first loving look at Mom, as she practices opening and closing her eyes. Baby's skin is also becoming less wrinkled, as layers of fat continue to plump out the body.
My first midwife appointment/prenatal care this pregnancy is this coming Tuesday. I’m nervous about it. I’m already down to the stage where they have you start coming for visits every 2 weeks. I hope everything goes well and that they will let me have the baby there at the birthing center. Trying not to stress, just putting it in God’s hands and trying to just let him take care of it. I mean there was nothing i could do to make myself get the medical card sooner, and we could of afforded paying for everything ourselves, so there is really nothing else i could have done, so i shouldn’t worry over it, but it’s hard to get your emotions to line up with you head sometimes… probably especially if you are pregnant, heh
Wallet - Found
Monday, May 17, 2010YAY i'm so HAPPY! I found my missing wallet just two seconds ago. I'm thrilled! I was so afraid i had lost it lost it. I knew that the last time i had it was the Saturday Bob graduated but from that day on it was missing. I had looked in the van, in the house... had no idea where it went.
Lazy Day
Today has been a very lazy day. Partly by necessity and partly ‘just because’.
Last night was the first time Anabel slept in her crib with the bumpers on it. I bought a crib bumper Saturday at the our Churches thrift store. My plan it to recover it, but i washed it and put it up how it is in the mean time. I think it really helped her sleep. Because countless times in previous nights i had went in there when she started crying to see a leg/s or arm and leg or something, sticking out in between the bars. She wasn’t in pain just stuck. I didn’t want her sleeping it in like that so the bumpers were a ‘must’.
I think they really helped because in the night i only had to get up once… it was so nice! And when she did wake up at 5am she was tired enough just to go to sleep in our bed.
Which allowed me and Bob to get some much needed personal time together in the morning before she woke up for the day. So it was very nice.
Then when i did get up for the day, i realized i had done something to my back. Feels like something is pinched in it. If it aint one thing, it’s the next, aye?
So partly our lazy day was due to my back. Bob has been helping me out a ton now that he is home during the day, which is wonderful! Today he cooked me a huge bowl of fried apples… it was way to much for me to eat, but the thought and action of him doing it just for me, was very very sweet.
Bob had said that today he wanted to do more scrapping on the dresser we are redoing for Anabel’s and the babies room, but instead he spent his time filling in apps for teaching position that had just came available… no complaints there.
We spent most our time today watching Netflix and eating. I did stop to cut out some material but that didn’t last long with my back, and i came back downstairs to watch more TV, lol
Yesterday after Church we went to Joann's Fabrics and we bought all the material i needed to make the crib set i wanted. Wasn’t cheap but cheaper then buying the stuff already made, and this way we get it custom made, so no one else in the world will have the same crib set.
That same night (last night) i got the main pieces to the crib bumper cover cut out and sewn together. I still need to cut and sew the ties for it. And then today i planned out how I'm doing the crib skirt and cut some of the pieces out. I think I'm going to end up sewing the ruffle and the bumper together, to make it look like one piece. I think that how this crib is made, it would look better that way… we shall see.
I wish i could show you guys pictures! You don’t know how it’s eating me up that i lost the camera adapter… and what sucks is that now my wallet is lost >_< I uhh… am blaming it on the pregnancy brain… you know? LOL It sucks though, I really need my wallet. It’s got everything in it. Hopefully it’s in the house, and not lost ‘Lost’… that would suck. I guess i should check my credit card account and stuff to make sure no one is using my card o.0
It seems like everyday now some different part of my body hurts. I’ve almost got my legs feeling normal and now my forearm is aching really bad, down into my hand. The joys of being pregnant right? LOL
It will be nice to not have all the pains everyday. Boy am i looking forward to it. Hhhaaa…
Getting things done feels good.
Bob has been so good to me lately, i mean he’s always good to me, but he’s done a lot for me recently it feels. Last night he came home for dinner and surprised me with telling me that he was home for the night, that he didn't need to go back to work that night. So that was nice. I already had Anabel to sleep by that time and we ended up hitting the hay around 11:30pm. Well i was awoken at about 1:30am from Anabel. She continued to wake me up every 10-15min until i realized she was wide awake and wouldn’t go back to sleep.
Bob tried to just have her lay in the bed with us but she was so awake and wanted to play that it was more annoying to try and sleep with her wiggling next to me that I ended up getting up with her and letting her play in her room. She didn’t get tired until3:30am, which i put her back to bed. She woke up for the day at around 8am and i asked Bob if he would be willing to get up with her and let me sleep some more. And he did.
I woke up by myself (no alarm this time) at about 10:15am and was surprised that Bob had let me sleep in that long. I got up to find that Anabel had already eaten breakfast and that Bob was in the kitchen making me and him some fried apples for breakfast. It was so nice!
We watched some netflix for awhile. Bob got Anabel to sleep and laid her on our bed. Me and Bob had talked last night before bed and I had told my feeling about the babies room and all the thing i wish i could get done before the baby gets here, but that i thought we wouldn’t have the time to get it done. Bob thought that we would have enough time and said that he could start the next day (today)
Some of things i want done are:
I want to redo the dresser, crib (because it’s not the right color for the scheme of the room right now) the changing table. Plus i want to sew crib sheets, bumpers, pillows, and get art up on the wall.
So after breakfast and movie watching Bob went to the store to buy a ‘heat gun’ to help him scrape the dresser and get all the paint off so we can prepare to stain it. He got started as soon as he got home. While he was scraping i planted my topsy-turvy with tomato plants and got it all done. Then i ended up working on scraping the dresser some, while Bob went and got Anabel out of her nap. She had taken a long nap and i didn’t want a repeat of last night, so he woke her up.
Then he continued his dearness by cooking me lunch. It was so nice to have him helping. He truly is the sweetest guy there is.
Anyways when he went to work i laid down on the couch and surprisingly got to nap for awhile. I don’t know if Anabel pestered me during the time i was trying to nap, she might have, but i was so tired i crashed while she was playing and watching the news, lol. I guess i really needed it. (i did) hehehe
Now it’s almost 7pm and i should go get the dishes done and the house picked up, and play with my sweetie who is being so good today. She needs my attention.
Anniversary So Soon?
Thursday, May 13, 2010Wow i didn't realize it was so soon! It will be 3 years. Three years, 3 pregnancies, 1 miscarriage, 2 kids, moved 4 times, bought 2 vehicles, went through several jobs…. done a lot of things, a lot of things happened. Been a great time though, sure with it’s up’s and down’s. But I'm so glad that i went through it all with Bob, he’s wonderful!
Craziness! I need to get Bob something aye? It will be here in no time!
Today has been pretty nice.
Anabel didn’t wake up till 8am, so thank God for that! Seriously now! I needed that, especially with all these leg problems I've been having. For breakfast Anabel had two eggs, and 1/2 a banana.
I let Bob sleep in until 10am before me and Anabel woke him up. Bob let me get a shower all by myself, which was nice, always happy for that, hehe
Started some wheat bread in my bread maker today before i started our breakfast of me and Bob, we had french toast.
Jessica was over by the time i had breakfast made (we ate it late, 11:30am). It was nice to have her over for a bit. She got Anabel to take her nap by cuddling and rocking her. She was out really fast and stayed asleep for over 2 hours. Anabel is just being great today that’s for sure!
While Anabel was asleep and i was making the phone calls to different people, Bob made us lunch. And it was perfect timing too cause the bread i had baking was finished right before lunch, so we were able to eat with lunch… yummy yummy
We had to wake up Anabel because i was to afraid she would sleep to long. Now she is eating some lunch of green beans, and she is eating them like crazy!
I’m planning on going grocery shopping here when she gets done eating. Even though my leg is still killing me (it’s not as bad as last night) I need to get the shopping done and over with. Maybe walking in the store will help my legs… i don’t know. I’m going to try and buy some tomato plants, if Wal-mart carries them. Because Bob got my the topsy-turvy tomato planter and i want to get it started.
I called the medical department again to find out the status of my card application and asked them about rushing my app. He had me wait a few minutes then told me that he put it on ‘rushed’. So hopefully that means i will have it in a week *crosses fingers*
I then called the Birthing Center and set up an appointment for Tuesday the 25th. They said if i didn’t have insurance by then, the appointment would cost $50 plus extra for any lab work. Hopefully I'll have the medical card by then, but if not, that’s not to bad of an amount so we should be able to cover that.
I’m just soooo relieved to have finally made an appointment. Be happy with me?
Feels like a Monday
Wednesday, May 12, 2010It feels like we just had our weekend. Probably because we spent yesterday and this morning at my sister’s home. We went and spent some time with them and it was lots of fun, and so relaxing. I really enjoyed it.
Now we are home and Anabel is running like a crazy baby, all hyper. I’m chilling on the couch with a heating pad on my leg because i am having really bad leg cramps. Started last night, i woke up three times in terrible pain. Had to wake up Bob to help me stretch out the pain. I thought i was only going to have to deal with the knots all down my leg but nope… got more cramps on the way home from my sisters. So it really hurts to walk, even though i probably should walk. I’m chilling now trying to drink down a lot of water.
I’ve gotten these cramps before (months ago) and the knots and soreness last almost a week… i hope it doesn’t this time.
Aunt Heidi gave Anabel a stuffed Animal cow and she loves it…. right now she is laying in the floor, resting her head on the cow, just talking away and making loving noises. It’s really cute.
We are in a Thunderstorm warning right now. Just now they are showing on the News where an oil tanker was hit by lightening and blow up, in a town about 20m away. Freaky. Anyways i love storms so besides not wanting people to get hurt or anything, I like the storms.
I just feel like being lazy, and i think i will be. Anabel is now cuddled up with her cow in her rocking chair, making very happy noises… she LOVES that thing! Just so you know Heidi!
I do plan on making my meal plan and shopping list tonight so i can shop tomorrow. Got my comp. ads today so that’s good.
*yawns* I’m going to go for now, going to get some things done while being lazy, hehe
Tootles for now!
31 wks
Your Baby This Week
Weighing in at more than three pounds, baby is about half his birth weight. Now that he measures about 18 inches (45 cm) long, you can tell that bones and muscles are continuing to grow along with his organs and brain.
If you haven't already been talking to your baby, now is the time to start. Until now, he interpreted sounds as vibrations. But this week he can hear actual sounds and will begin to recognize your voice or the music you play.
Your Body This Week
Don't be surprised if you slip off your shoes for just 10 minutes and find that you can't get them back on. Foot and leg swelling are common now, but you can control some of it by not crossing your legs when sitting. Sleeping on your left side will also reduce water retention and help you feel more comfortable. It's also natural to experience a slight rise in blood pressure around the seventh month. But if you experience headaches, blurred vision, or rapid and severe swelling in your hands or feet, call your doctor immediately. These are warning signs of pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure during pregnancy), which requires immediate medical attention for the sake of you and your baby. In less than 10 weeks you're going to be a mom! You may feel excited and happy, apprehensive and scared, or all things combined. Relax! That's normal!
Sunday, May 9, 2010Man i’ve been getting so many Braxton Hicks these last few weeks. I know i had a ton with Anabel too, just don’t remember ‘how’ much… funny how quickly you forget. It was probably just as bad with her, but goodness.
And this guy kicks a lot, down low, giving me sharp pains in the area of my cervix. I don’t know if it’s really my cervix or not but it sure feels like it. And tons of pressure… lots. I thought most of these feelings came more in the last month of pregnancy but i guess not with me. Sometimes i go back to wondering if i’m further along then they told me… but who knows. Baby will come when it wants to i guess…
Mother’s Day
Last night went a lot better then the night before. Anabel actually slept in her own bed and i got some more sleep. I had to get up with her a few times. But Bob had told me the night before that I was to wake him at 6am and he would take over the getting up and checking on her. So i guess i woke him up at 5am… but i don’t remember doing it. Either way he took care of her from then on out. When she got up for the day at about 7am he took her down stairs and let me sleep until 9am.
Then he brought her up and we had some morning time together before he let me take a nice long soak in the tub. I soaked and did my nails, it was nice. Then i got out, got myself prettied up and came down stairs.
Me and Bob (pretty much just Bob) made some breakfast burritos and had that for breakfast. Then we had to get Anabel ready to go and headed out to Wal-Mart to pick up Mom a gift and card before heading out to their house for lunch.
We had lunch, opened gifts, and ate some dessert. Didn’t have a whole lot of time because we needed to get back for Bob to go to work. I got a certificate for a spa manicure and pedicure from mom and dad, which was awesome. I’ll really enjoy that. And from Bob i got a Topsy-Turvy tomato plant and hanger, which i have been wanting for a long time. Good good gifts. Bob didn’t really have to get me anything because he already bought me the Serger, but he did and it was really sweet.
Once we came home and Bob went to work, me and Anabel were so tired that we went up stairs and took a long nap. Anabel woke up grumpy though which was a bummer.
I was able to get the cloths folded and some stuff picked up in our bedroom before it was supper time for Anabel. She ate a whole eggs, over 1/4 C of peas and few cherries before she was full. I took straight from there to her night time bath. Then i got her dressed in her PJ’s and read her 4 books before we prayed and i laid her down. I thought it was going to go so well, seeing how our night time routine was going good. But she started crying and after me going in a trying to calmer her down… after 20min of fussing I brought her down stairs. Now she is laying down on a pillow with her blanket and watching her movie ‘Happy Feet’
Later Bob came home for dinner, we ate and watched the new TV series we are watching ‘Prison Break’. Just 10 minutes before Bob had to go back to work, he brought Anabel back up stairs to bed, this time she seems to be down. Hopefully for awhile and hopefully this means she will sleep in *crosses fingers* She does a lot better when Bob puts her down it seems. I don’t know why, just a fathers touch aye? :)
Sicky no good
Friday, May 7, 2010My poor little one is insisting to sleep without eating supper. I've tried to give her stuff and she refuses and just cries and cries, wouldn't even take juice. Only way to quite her down was to strip her and cuddle her on the couch until she went to sleep. She had felt a little warm and i tried to think of what i might want if i felt bad and warm. So i thought i would want to lay on the cool couch and a pillow to raise my head cause of being congested, so that is what i did for her... seemed to have worked for now, but i am a little worried that she hasn't eaten a meal in a long time... and she wouldn't even take the juice.
A fun and tiring day.
City wide garage sale:
Crazy Night
Relax'n with My Baby Girl
Wednesday, May 5, 2010Me and Anabel took a nap just a little bit ago, it was nice. We laid down on the bed with a show turned on our laptop and watched it till we fell asleep. I got some cup pictures of it, but i'll have to share them later because i miss placed my adapter for the camera >_<
30wks Preggo
Now that your baby weighs about 3 pounds (1.3 kg) and measures about 17 inches (43 cm) in length, you're beginning to feel like your tummy will pop if she keeps growing!
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Your Body This Week
You may begin to feel some significant discomfort now. Weighing more than ever, you may even wonder how much bigger you could possibly get! But your tummy will continue to grow, much faster now than in the previous months, and you'll continue to gain, about one pound (0.5 kg) a week, for at least the next 6 to 8 weeks.
Mother (Nature) Knows Best
Swollen ankles, constipation and nausea. Ah, the joys of pregnancy! When you're expecting, many of the standard over-the-counter remedies are off limits. The good news is that plenty of home remedies are safe to use during pregnancy. Try some of these kitchen pantry cures the next time you're feeling under the weather. These cures are safe for children, too, though consult your pediatrician to be sure. (Don't substitute home remedies for medical attention. Before treating any health condition, consult your health care professional.) Check out these 9 natural remedies that can help ease your pregnancy ailments.
Fight Fatigue
As fatigue sets in, it's difficult to think about anything else. Sometimes it's hard to simply carry on with your everyday activities. To get your gusto back, it's essential to be as consistent as possible with your exercise routine. Even 10-15 minutes a day--if done consistently--can mean the difference between jumping out of bed in the morning, or simply dragging yourself into a standing position. Whatever you do, though, Rule #1 is still this: Listen to your body. Rest, relaxation and sleep are more important than ever, and fatigue may actually be a signal from your body that you need to slow down.
Weird Stuffig
Monday, May 3, 2010Today was an interesting day that's for sure. It started out good. Anabel only woke up once in the middle of the night and then again around 6-ish. I brought her to bed and she ended up sleeping with us until 9am. She woke up uber happy and we had a nice little play time in bed.