Burst Of Energy In The Midst Of Sickness

Monday, March 4, 2013

So I've been sick since afternoon of Saturday. It’s been kinda rough but this afternoon i started feeling a better, not 100% but better. I have tons of stuff running through my head at all times of all the things i need to do before baby comes.

Bob had to work late and will starting from today until baby comes or spring break, which ever comes first. He did manage to come home in time to bring Anabel to gymnastics. While they were gone i had time to soak in the tub for a bit. I’m trying to make time to soak in tea tree oil which they say will help you test negative for group b strep because it is an antiviral or something like that, anyways thought it wouldn’t hurt to try. Plus they said people suffering from like a cold can soak in tea tree oil and it help… so i thought multiple reasons to do then.

Bob came home when i was on my way out of the tub and before i was out he started in on dinner. He is such a sweetie! After dinner and the girls were in bed i got a burst of energy.

I had earlier in the day managed to strip out bed and get out bedding in the wash. Well they were done and all clean so i headed up to make our bed. I decided to clear out all the junk i had in the room and sweep all the dust bunnies out from under the bed. Then i continued to mop the room, make the bed, dust everything and set up the co-sleeper ready for baby!

Then i went on to clear out the spare room, sweep, mop and make the bed with clean everything. So now the spare room is ready for the sister in law when she comes to stay after the baby comes.

I also swept and mopped the nursery , upstairs bathroom and the hall. So besides getting the old carpet, that is rolled up in the hall and ready for the dumpster, out of there the up stairs i think is all clean and ready for baby.

I also was able to wash several more towels and have 6 out of the 8 needed all washed, folded and ready in my birthing supplies area in the bathroom. I also got the extra set of our sheets folded and ready for birth too. The paper the midwife gave me wanted an extra set of sheets ready so yay! Got that ready.


So in the end i was all stressed out today because i was sick and not getting anything done…  and boom in the end it’s like God helped me so i could get some things done and kinda ease my mind. While the downstairs is still a mess, i know i got things done and am one more step closer to having things ready for baby. I am relieved and thankful that God eased my sickness and gave me some strength to get some things done. And hopefully since the girls don’t go up stairs, i can keep it clean…. hopefully!