
Thursday, January 24, 2013

I'm so tired of seeing the countless facebook status from Christians about whether you should 'love' or if you should 'rebuke' the sinner. Like in most things i see some people just go to the extreme to try and prove a point without actually listening to the other side rationally.
The fact is God is love, so if we want to show God in our lives then we must show love to everyone. Does God talk about rebuking sin? Sure but where does it say you can not do it love?
I feel those on facebook talking about 'love' are more right. The bible says the greatest commandment is to love God and then to love your neighbor as yourself. Seems pretty self explanatory to me! I guess i am i simple thinker.
Saying that i don't believe you are suppose to act like sin it ok. Do you accept the sin and act like it is not bad? No, and i think that happens to much. But if you go around rebuking without first showing that person God's love, then i don't believe the rebuke is going to do anything but push that person further away.

Haa do everything in love.... simple.