29 Weeks Along

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The 29th Week

According to the midwife i will be 32 weeks in two weeks so i could be 30 weeks today but until i'm for sure i'm sticking with my original date.

The sites say baby could be about 3lbs and 15-17 inches long :) He feels fairly big, he's always pushing and causing discomfort.... lots of it! And he still has to double to triple in weight >_< meaning the discomfort is only beginning.

At 28 weeks i started the kick counting that the midwife wanted me to start. Trying to remember to do that!

Funny how i read that at this point in pregnancy it's really important to drink milk. It's funny cause i have been wanting milk a lot more lately and have been drinking it. Guess my body knew what i needed for the baby :)

One of the sites also said i should take a bath and do a full pampering thing with bubbles, face mask and a book. Sounds nice, only i'm thinking of my last bath where i almost passed out and spend 95% of the time sitting on the hard edge of the tub because i thought i was going to loose it LOL It wasn't so fun.... but i guess i could give it another shot!

Funny last night and in the middle of the night i was thinking about sleep and our bed. Again adoring our bed. While yes i don't sleep like i use to, i wake up a lot and have to run to the bathroom, it's not from being uncomfortable like most woman complain of in pregnancy. It's the normal weird dreams that wake me (and let me say they are terrible!)... and also baby is INCREDIBLY active at night and wakes me up. As far as comfort, i'm pretty gosh darn comfortable. I'm so lucky!

The other day when i was looking through things i found my laboring dress, wonder if i still can fit into it. Glad i found it, still might want to get another though if i find a good one.