Sickie no good

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Well day before yesterday i woke up with a sore throat. Scared me cause my bodies pattern has always seemed to be: Sore throat starts first, then come the really bad sickness, then sickness starts to go away and really bad couch comes. Good thing is, is once the cough starts it’s usually a sign that i’m basically done being sick.

Well my body followed that pattern, as always. Although it went a little slower this time. That whole day the main things that bothered me were the sore throat, tiredness (which i already had) and sore body. I took it easy that day, drinking a lot, hoping that the sore throat would go away and i would be fine (wishful thinking).

Well i did seem to feel a lot better by evening so i decided to clean my whole downstairs. I wanted to make Bob happy with me because i hadn’t really done anything in week and the house looked cruddy. Well i over did it, because once i got down cleaning and stood still for a few seconds it all hit me. I could hardly breath, i felt extremely hot and the room started to spin. I was in the middle of cooking supper though, so i couldn’t completely stop. I did bring a chair in the kitchen but i had to keep going.

Not but a few minutes later Bob comes home and makes me sit. He took over the last bit of cooking and serving that needed done. It was soooo nice of him, i really needed it.

Well that night everything got 10 times (or more) worse. I got a fever which wasn’t high (i would later find out) but boy did it feel it! At around 5:30 am i went up and took a soak in the tub.

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By afternoon i had only eaten a few cherries and barely drank anything because of how horrid i felt. My whole back, along with my stomach was in a continuous cramp that really hurt. The on top of that my lower back with my stomach would cramp up a ton worse and it was killing me. Bob would come and rub it and help make the pain worse. Those were coming in waves more like i would think of a contraction, but it was hard to tell because how much pain my back was already in.


In the mean time, Grandma Risch had came by and picked up little Anabel for the night. Which was soooo nice. I really felt bad for Anabel because she wasn’t getting much attention and she had been in a good mood all day. You could tell she was worried about me sometimes when i would moan and Bob would come and rub my back. And she kept doing cute things to try and get my attention….. and felt so bad that i wasn’t able to really give it to her. So i was glad she was going to Grandma and Grandpa’s were i know she would get tons of needed attention and play time.


I ended up calling my midwife. She said to try drinking a quart of water in a hour and see if that helped at all and to stay laying down. I did that, and my back was still hurting, but the contraction type things would only happen if i moved.. so it was a little better. She called again to check up on me. Finding out my back was still cramped, she told me to take a long soak in the tub (this would be my third one of the day) and to also eat.

After the soak my back was a lot better, but still a little tight. I had Bob go get me KFC which he thought was a bad idea to eat on a sick tummy, but he did it anyways. I ate about half the food which i thought was good since i really hadn’t eaten anything all day. I didn’t feel better right away but i did fall asleep watching a movie which was amazing because i hadn’t been able to sleep at all. Then i woke up in the middle of the night needing to go to the bathroom and realized i felt sooooo much better. I didn’t really have a sore throat, the fever seemed to be gone… it was amazing. Food must have been the biggest key i think, lol Gave my body some fuel to get better.

So that brings us up to this morning. Which today is Bobby’s big test day. I got a little bit to help him, but didn’t do much because i knew that even if i was feeling a lot better, i still need to take it easy else i might end up worse again. I got to pray over him before he left which was good.

He called me about an hour ago to tell me he got done with the first test and he is pretty sure he passed it. YAY! But we won’t know for sure until July 9th :( that part sucks. Then he had to get off because he was heading into the next test. I know he’s going to do good, i’m not worried in the least :)

He is feeling really bad now, which sucks. I hate that he is sick and trying to take this test. But God has everything under control. It’s not ideal but you got to have faith that everything works the way it does for some sort of reason. I sure hate that he’s sick now. He wasn’t feeling good yesterday but he didn’t have a fever. This morning he said he thought he had a fever and that he was getting how i was yesterday >_< i don’t want him to feel like i was!

Anyways i will try and take care of him today. He usually gets over things really fast, so i’ll be praying for that to be true this time as well.