New Diaper Bag

Sunday, June 20, 2010

URL to Item

We just ordered this yesterday. I’m hoping we really like it. We took forever looking over tons of bag online and breaking down our list until this one came to position #1. Hopefully it will work really good for two babies. It’s suppose to be here by the 24th. I’m excited, but i hope i like it cause Bob said i have to use it for a year in less it breaks or something, before i can buy a new bag, LOL.


Yesterday we got a crap load of stuff done too. It was good but i started to get overwhelmed. Bob was so into getting the house in order he was really going at it. He wanted to sort through everything and get old things out that we didn’t use and stuff….so made sense, but when the house i wanted to get cleaned started to look like it was getting worse not better, i started to get stressed out. But it all worked out in the end.

I took most of the morning deep cleaning the refrigerator and kitchen. I took everything out of the refrig, cleaned all the shelving and got rid of all the old junk in there. Then i also cleaned the rest of the kitchen (sept the floors). I even wiped down the walls and shelves, scrubbed the microwave, everything but the floors. Bob was suppose to do the floors but we ran out of time before we had to go Topeka for a football game. I called Bob in to look over everything i had done and i asked him if he could tell… wrong question… so said beside the refig, he couldn’t really tell. He said it was actually a compliment because the kitchen must not have looked all that bad in the beginning. LOL So it was kind of frustrating but nice too, at the same time. I did a crap load to that kitchen! Gah! LOL

The house is looking pretty good though, i really really want the floors mopped though, but i’m not sure i have the will power to do it. I asked Bob if he would and he said he would cause he knows it would be hard for me to get on my hands and knees, hehe.


Today is Father’s Day and it’s going pretty good, sept me and Bob were and are so very tired… and looks like Anabel is too, she has been major moodiness! LOL When we got home from church we took a nap. Bob woke me up with a kiss goodbye before he headed off to work. I should figure something out nice for dinner tonight… we shall see. I have to deal with little grumpiness over here, LOL