Sunday, June 13, 2010

Anabel woke up in such a wonderful mood today, it was such a blessing to my day. I love that little girl! She is so amazing to me :)

We had to leave church early this morning because i had a mandatory birthing class i had to be too at 2pm all the way in Kansas City Mo. at my birthing center. Anabel got to stay with Grandma and Grandpa which was a life saver!

I had to go to a labor and birth class and then also a water birth class that was right after that other. My trip up there all by myself was kinda stressful. For awhile the rain was so heavy that it was hard to see. I did a lot of praying to help me get through it. That goodness for prayer and Christian radio to help with situations like that! Then the rain stopped and so did the traffic. There was a wreck up ahead on the raid and all three lanes were at a dead stop. I was sure i was going to be so late! But i actually got there right on time, imagine that!

The class went very well and i think i learned some good stuff. I’m really hoping i can put my knowledge into action and have a very smooth labor and birth this time. With the water birth, either me or Bob are the ones that actually deliver the baby, sounds so nice. I think this time is going to be better then my first experience. I do hope so!

I’m getting so excited to meet my new little child that i could almost cry in anticipation! Knowing that it’s only going to be a few more weeks, and the added factor that we don’t know if it’s going to be a Robert or an Abigail makes it all so exciting! I remember being this happy with anticipation with Anabel, but actually feelings the anticipation and not just remembering it is nice. I feel so much love for my little ones i burst! It’s such an awesome thing to be a mother!

~~~~ OMGosh KLove (radio) just reminded me that fair time is coming soon (totally off subject) but now I'm craving cotton candy but most of all FUNNEL CAKE ZOMGosh! ~~~~

ANYWAYS I got back home about 30min. before Grandma and Grandpa dropped Anabel off. Then it was time for Anabel’s supper and night time routine. I decided to practice the relaxation method the midwife had told us about before Bob came home, because i had a terrible sinus headache were my head felt like it was going to pop. The midwife said that if we did it right, you would end up falling asleep. And i must have done it right because i fell asleep. I woke up with Bob coming through the door. It was alright thought because I had already eaten, and Bob was going to finish off the left over’s, so it was ok that i slept.

I ended up taking Tylenol because while the relaxing helping, it didn’t get rid of my headache. But geeze, like 15 min. after taking the pills, my headache was virtually gone. YAY for that yo!

Now I'm by myself and all is quiet slept low KLove in the background…. it’s nice. BUT i think i should head off to bed because it’s almost 11:30pm and i should get some sleep.

I had such a wonderful nights sleep last night, I'm hoping (and praying) for another great nights rest!

Tootles ya’ll!