Busy Beaver

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Well tonight after i woke Anabel from for mid afternoon nap I decided to go up stairs and get some much needed work done. I folded two loads of laundry (still have two more to go >_<) Straightened in our bedroom some. Moved on to Anabel’s room. Got all her cloths arranged and put up. Went through each of the baskets that are on the changing table shelves and got them all arranged. Went through boxed in the closet and got some boy/neutral baby cloths out and got the baby items and cloth diapers all set up in the baskets under the changing table. So that is pretty much ready to go for when the baby gets here, although it will need to be changed if it ends up being a girl, lol

Then got stuff out that was going to need to go downstairs for the newborn. I got the pack-n-play set up in the living room with stuff for the baby. Then i got a station set up in the bathroom downstairs for things i will need for both kids. Like diapers for Anabel, extra wipes and a wipe container, changing pad, nursing shall, moby wrap and peanut shell, and diaper bag. I still need to get diapers down here for #2. I did this because i wanted something set up down here for those things so i wouldn’t have to be running up stairs all the time to change diapers.

I still have a lot to do but i also got a lot done. I’m glad i was able to have the energy to get at these things done. Hopefully tomorrow i will get more done. I still need to get the diaper bag put together for both little ones and a labor bag for me ready. I want to get all the laundry done tomorrow and clean sheets on both our bed and Anabel’s crib. I also want to vacuum all the floors and maybe mop the kitchen. The refrigerator need cleaned out good and so do the bathrooms. Maybe i can get some help from Bob tomorrow, LOL won’t he love me asking him that! LOL.

I just really want to get all this done so i can feel more relaxed about everything. I think it’s the nesting bug. Hopefully this means the baby will come soon.

I have been having a lot of menstrual type cramping today that goes from belly and back, down into my legs. And a lot of shooting pain in my butt. Yeah not very fun. But it’s also kinda exciting because it makes me think about seeing my baby soon… and i hope that it is fairly soon. I will be full term in a week, so at least i know the baby is all good. I go from really nervous to really excited, i wonder which one i’ll be when i actually go into labor, heh