37wk appointment

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I finally got to meet the third midwife today which was nice. Now i’ve met all of them which is good cause I never know which one I will get when i go into labor.

Bad news is that i tested positive for Group B Strep, like i did with Anabel. Which isn’t the end of the world, i was just hoping i didn’t have to have a silly IV. But oh well.

Other news is that the baby isn’t totally posterior anymore, it’s kinda laying sideways in there. Midwife said i still should keep trying to spin the baby and gave me a website that shows some tips, so i need to look at that tonight.

She said just from feeling my tummy she would say the baby is on the smaller side, probably about 6lbs now. She said she likes the babies to get up to about 7lbs before they are born. But who knows if mine will get that big. I think i make small babies, which is actually a relief to me, LOL. Anabel was only 6.9lbs and i expect this one to be not to far off. I was guessing it to be 7.2lb before, but we shall see.

She said i’m safe to deliver anytime now since i’m 37wks along :)


After the appointment we came back to Ottawa and went over to our friends house. They were having a garage sale. I bought Anabel 2 barbie dolls. She calls them ‘babies’, it’s so cute.

I gathered some stuff together tonight and i’m going to bring it over there and try to sell it with them and just spend some time with them. They aren’t going to be here much longer so i want to spend as much time as i can with them.


I’ve been working on the new babies baby book. I’m making it myself. I bought a cheap 8x11 scrap book and re-covered it in material for the baby book. Now i’m trying to design the pages that will go inside. It’s fun but a little stressful because it’s taking so much time >_< i’ve gotten most of the text on the pages but i am having a hard time picking the graphics out. I had an idea earlier when i was going through stuff in my bedroom. So i’m going to get of here and work on it some. When i get something finished i will share it on here for you to see.
