Wednesday, June 30, 2010Since the baby has been posterior it might not be able to get down in there good enough to get me dilated. But i can hope at least. Yesterday i was having some... i call them braxton hicks when they don't hurt hurt... about every hour. Those kind that don't really hurt hurt but they tense _everything_ up so it's not comfy to walk while it's going on, but nothing really today. So it's all just getting me ready i'm sure. :D
I’ve been uber tired lately too, for well it’s going on 3-4 day’s now. Just never feels like i have slept, like i am the walking dead. I get lots of lounging and naps and even get a lot of time at night to sleep. I don’t know why i’m so exhausted! I blame it on my body knowing i’m going to have to give birth soon. *crosses fingers*
38wks YAY!!!
Your Baby This Week
Your baby is preparing to be born as you're preparing to experience the true excitement of impending childbirth. You may feel a little nervous, which is perfectly normal.
In anticipation of meeting you, baby is busy getting ready for the occasion. The fine hair (lanugo), covering her body begins to shed along with the whitish coating on the skin (vernix). Your baby's weight is approaching 7 pounds (3.5 kg), but she remains around 21 inches (53 cm) long, which shows that she's getting plumper! If your baby were born this week, she would have no problems surviving on her own.
Your Body This Week
Although your size is remaining constant, your discomfort might be increasing, as some of the symptoms related to your weight, including heat rashes and difficulty sleeping, might be getting to you. While your due date may be two or more weeks away, pack your labor bag and get ready. Ninety-five percent of all babies are born within two weeks of their due dates.
37wk appointment
Thursday, June 24, 2010I finally got to meet the third midwife today which was nice. Now i’ve met all of them which is good cause I never know which one I will get when i go into labor.
Bad news is that i tested positive for Group B Strep, like i did with Anabel. Which isn’t the end of the world, i was just hoping i didn’t have to have a silly IV. But oh well.
Other news is that the baby isn’t totally posterior anymore, it’s kinda laying sideways in there. Midwife said i still should keep trying to spin the baby and gave me a website that shows some tips, so i need to look at that tonight.
She said just from feeling my tummy she would say the baby is on the smaller side, probably about 6lbs now. She said she likes the babies to get up to about 7lbs before they are born. But who knows if mine will get that big. I think i make small babies, which is actually a relief to me, LOL. Anabel was only 6.9lbs and i expect this one to be not to far off. I was guessing it to be 7.2lb before, but we shall see.
She said i’m safe to deliver anytime now since i’m 37wks along :)
After the appointment we came back to Ottawa and went over to our friends house. They were having a garage sale. I bought Anabel 2 barbie dolls. She calls them ‘babies’, it’s so cute.
I gathered some stuff together tonight and i’m going to bring it over there and try to sell it with them and just spend some time with them. They aren’t going to be here much longer so i want to spend as much time as i can with them.
I’ve been working on the new babies baby book. I’m making it myself. I bought a cheap 8x11 scrap book and re-covered it in material for the baby book. Now i’m trying to design the pages that will go inside. It’s fun but a little stressful because it’s taking so much time >_< i’ve gotten most of the text on the pages but i am having a hard time picking the graphics out. I had an idea earlier when i was going through stuff in my bedroom. So i’m going to get of here and work on it some. When i get something finished i will share it on here for you to see.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010Your Baby This Week
Baby's weight continues to increase, reaching around 6.5 pounds (3.2 kg) now. While baby is about 21 inches (53 cm) long, his limbs and tummy are all growing rounder and chubbier every day. His skin is less wrinkly now, and most of the redness has turned to a hue that reflects your baby's ethnic heritage.
By this time, most babies descend down into your pelvis, head first, getting ready for birth. In about 3% of pregnancies, babies turn in the other direction, a situation known as a breech presentation. If this is the case for your baby, don't worry as this often changes--sometimes just hours before labor!
Your Body This Week
You are probably not seeing much change in the size of your tummy now, and your weight should be close to the maximum that your health care provider predicted or recommended. You can expect your caregiver to perform a pelvic exam around this time to help determine the progress of your pregnancy and better judge your due date.
Your due date is so close that you could easily deliver at any time! Chances are very good that delivering from this week on, your baby will be healthy. Take a deep breath. Labor, delivery and motherhood will all be amazing and wonderful experiences!
New Diaper Bag
Sunday, June 20, 2010
We just ordered this yesterday. I’m hoping we really like it. We took forever looking over tons of bag online and breaking down our list until this one came to position #1. Hopefully it will work really good for two babies. It’s suppose to be here by the 24th. I’m excited, but i hope i like it cause Bob said i have to use it for a year in less it breaks or something, before i can buy a new bag, LOL.
Yesterday we got a crap load of stuff done too. It was good but i started to get overwhelmed. Bob was so into getting the house in order he was really going at it. He wanted to sort through everything and get old things out that we didn’t use and stuff….so made sense, but when the house i wanted to get cleaned started to look like it was getting worse not better, i started to get stressed out. But it all worked out in the end.
I took most of the morning deep cleaning the refrigerator and kitchen. I took everything out of the refrig, cleaned all the shelving and got rid of all the old junk in there. Then i also cleaned the rest of the kitchen (sept the floors). I even wiped down the walls and shelves, scrubbed the microwave, everything but the floors. Bob was suppose to do the floors but we ran out of time before we had to go Topeka for a football game. I called Bob in to look over everything i had done and i asked him if he could tell… wrong question… so said beside the refig, he couldn’t really tell. He said it was actually a compliment because the kitchen must not have looked all that bad in the beginning. LOL So it was kind of frustrating but nice too, at the same time. I did a crap load to that kitchen! Gah! LOL
The house is looking pretty good though, i really really want the floors mopped though, but i’m not sure i have the will power to do it. I asked Bob if he would and he said he would cause he knows it would be hard for me to get on my hands and knees, hehe.
Today is Father’s Day and it’s going pretty good, sept me and Bob were and are so very tired… and looks like Anabel is too, she has been major moodiness! LOL When we got home from church we took a nap. Bob woke me up with a kiss goodbye before he headed off to work. I should figure something out nice for dinner tonight… we shall see. I have to deal with little grumpiness over here, LOL
The Nesting Bug
Friday, June 18, 2010Another day of getting a ton done, yet still more to do.
So this morning Bob let me order some stuff online. Here is what i got:
I got this t-shirt for Anabel for the birth day. :)
I’m uber happy about my purchases! Can’t wait to get them! Also we have spent quite abit of time looking at bags online to be our new diaper bad. I recently made one but i didn’t think about the fact that i needed to make it for 2 babies instead of one. The one i made will in no way work for both babies and the first diaper bag i made, the zipper broke on it… so we are really needing a new bag. We found some really cool satchel type bags that i think will really work as a diaper bag, me and Bob are trying to finalize our decision though. If we end up getting one i will post a pic.
So today we spent a lot of time in our bedroom. Bob went through ALL his cloths and got rid of a ton. We now have a big donation pile going. I had a lot of baby blankets that i just will never use, so i’m donating them back to the Life Care Center, along with some old baby cloths that just aren’t my favorites.
So our bedroom is looking nicer and more orderly. I managed to vacuum the whole upstairs so that is nice.
We had looked at buying a birthing kit online but decided that half the stuff in the kit we wouldn’t use, so we decided that i should just put my own together. So tonight when i went shopping i bought everything i think i need for that and when i came home i put the bag together.
I also got some newborn diapers. We will end up using cloth and disposable, so i went ahead and bought some. I bought myself another bra. One that opens in the front so hopefully i will be able to still wear it and nurse. I was sick of only having two bras that really fit me. I got some shoes for $1 and a sun dress for $3 and didn’t realize until i bought them that they match each other, so that’s sweet! I got Anabel some baby makers so we can do some drawing and…. well besides groceries i think that’s about it.
I’m really quite happy with myself. Sept i am really starting to feel anxious about the diaper bag. I want the diaper bag now, so i can fill it up properly. I’m worried that i won’t have a diaper bag ready when i go into labor. Although i guess labor doesn’t just happen really quick normally… i should have time to put a bag together for the babies and myself even if i went into labor first…. i hope. Still i feel anxious about it. I think my body is trying to let me know the baby is going to be here sooner then i think. Which time is going by really fast!
I have a lot to do to my down stairs still. Hopefully i will be able to get a lot of it done tomorrow. Bob seems to be on board with getting things ready. Tonight he said ‘So what are the plans for tomorrow? Get some more cleaning done?’ so hopefully that means he will be willing to help :D
Bob even said i should call and set up an appointment to get the sewing machine brought in and fixed! That made me really happy!
I’m getting really close to having everything ready. It’s exciting!
Thursday, June 17, 2010This is funny. I found a web site that said if you upload an image of you and then your spouse, they will morph the two together and give you a picture of what your baby might look like. To funny! Here is what i got:
I think really it probably just gives you random pics because a couple of times i got a half black child o.0 LOL But it was fun
Busy Beaver
Well tonight after i woke Anabel from for mid afternoon nap I decided to go up stairs and get some much needed work done. I folded two loads of laundry (still have two more to go >_<) Straightened in our bedroom some. Moved on to Anabel’s room. Got all her cloths arranged and put up. Went through each of the baskets that are on the changing table shelves and got them all arranged. Went through boxed in the closet and got some boy/neutral baby cloths out and got the baby items and cloth diapers all set up in the baskets under the changing table. So that is pretty much ready to go for when the baby gets here, although it will need to be changed if it ends up being a girl, lol
Then got stuff out that was going to need to go downstairs for the newborn. I got the pack-n-play set up in the living room with stuff for the baby. Then i got a station set up in the bathroom downstairs for things i will need for both kids. Like diapers for Anabel, extra wipes and a wipe container, changing pad, nursing shall, moby wrap and peanut shell, and diaper bag. I still need to get diapers down here for #2. I did this because i wanted something set up down here for those things so i wouldn’t have to be running up stairs all the time to change diapers.
I still have a lot to do but i also got a lot done. I’m glad i was able to have the energy to get at these things done. Hopefully tomorrow i will get more done. I still need to get the diaper bag put together for both little ones and a labor bag for me ready. I want to get all the laundry done tomorrow and clean sheets on both our bed and Anabel’s crib. I also want to vacuum all the floors and maybe mop the kitchen. The refrigerator need cleaned out good and so do the bathrooms. Maybe i can get some help from Bob tomorrow, LOL won’t he love me asking him that! LOL.
I just really want to get all this done so i can feel more relaxed about everything. I think it’s the nesting bug. Hopefully this means the baby will come soon.
I have been having a lot of menstrual type cramping today that goes from belly and back, down into my legs. And a lot of shooting pain in my butt. Yeah not very fun. But it’s also kinda exciting because it makes me think about seeing my baby soon… and i hope that it is fairly soon. I will be full term in a week, so at least i know the baby is all good. I go from really nervous to really excited, i wonder which one i’ll be when i actually go into labor, heh
Just for fun
Wednesday, June 16, 2010Online Predictor:
The day you deliver, outside will be hot. Your baby will arrive in the morning.
After a labor lasting approximately 4 hours, your child, a boy, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 7 pounds, 12 ounces, and will be 18 inches long. This child will have hazel eyes and dark hair.
Well i would not complain about 4 hours of labor, since my first was waaaaay longer then that. I would be thrilled, but for some reason i don't think that will be likely.
36 wks
Your Baby This Week
Nearly 21 inches (53 cm) long and weighing in at 6 pounds (3 kg), your baby is rapidly approaching her birth weight. You may notice your "belly" seems to have dropped and may seem slightly smaller. That's because your baby has dropped lower in your pelvis, relieving some of the pressure on your abdomen.
While she may still move around a bit in the weeks to come, generally she'll settle comfortably in the lower part of your uterus. In the meantime, baby's brain tissue continues to develop, and finally, the lungs and respiratory system are nearing maturity.
Your Body This Week
Well there's no getting around it--you're feeling like you're carrying a beach ball! Driving will become more difficult, as will sitting in the front seat of a vehicle; going up and down stairs will start to feel like climbing a mountain! Even though you have a few weeks to go, your weight may stabilize around this time, so you won't get much larger. Stay off your feet as much as possible to minimize swelling and cramping, and rest when you can.
My 10 Top Things Today:
Sunday, June 13, 2010- Beautiful Laughs
- AC
- Tylenol
- Holding Hands
- Little hands patting my back
- Wet mini kisses
- Sweet Hugs
- Baby jabber
- Kicks and belly rubbles
- Did i say Tylenol? LOL
Anabel woke up in such a wonderful mood today, it was such a blessing to my day. I love that little girl! She is so amazing to me :)
We had to leave church early this morning because i had a mandatory birthing class i had to be too at 2pm all the way in Kansas City Mo. at my birthing center. Anabel got to stay with Grandma and Grandpa which was a life saver!
I had to go to a labor and birth class and then also a water birth class that was right after that other. My trip up there all by myself was kinda stressful. For awhile the rain was so heavy that it was hard to see. I did a lot of praying to help me get through it. That goodness for prayer and Christian radio to help with situations like that! Then the rain stopped and so did the traffic. There was a wreck up ahead on the raid and all three lanes were at a dead stop. I was sure i was going to be so late! But i actually got there right on time, imagine that!
The class went very well and i think i learned some good stuff. I’m really hoping i can put my knowledge into action and have a very smooth labor and birth this time. With the water birth, either me or Bob are the ones that actually deliver the baby, sounds so nice. I think this time is going to be better then my first experience. I do hope so!
I’m getting so excited to meet my new little child that i could almost cry in anticipation! Knowing that it’s only going to be a few more weeks, and the added factor that we don’t know if it’s going to be a Robert or an Abigail makes it all so exciting! I remember being this happy with anticipation with Anabel, but actually feelings the anticipation and not just remembering it is nice. I feel so much love for my little ones i burst! It’s such an awesome thing to be a mother!
~~~~ OMGosh KLove (radio) just reminded me that fair time is coming soon (totally off subject) but now I'm craving cotton candy but most of all FUNNEL CAKE ZOMGosh! ~~~~
ANYWAYS I got back home about 30min. before Grandma and Grandpa dropped Anabel off. Then it was time for Anabel’s supper and night time routine. I decided to practice the relaxation method the midwife had told us about before Bob came home, because i had a terrible sinus headache were my head felt like it was going to pop. The midwife said that if we did it right, you would end up falling asleep. And i must have done it right because i fell asleep. I woke up with Bob coming through the door. It was alright thought because I had already eaten, and Bob was going to finish off the left over’s, so it was ok that i slept.
I ended up taking Tylenol because while the relaxing helping, it didn’t get rid of my headache. But geeze, like 15 min. after taking the pills, my headache was virtually gone. YAY for that yo!
Now I'm by myself and all is quiet slept low KLove in the background…. it’s nice. BUT i think i should head off to bed because it’s almost 11:30pm and i should get some sleep.
I had such a wonderful nights sleep last night, I'm hoping (and praying) for another great nights rest!
Tootles ya’ll!
Sickie no good
Saturday, June 12, 2010Well day before yesterday i woke up with a sore throat. Scared me cause my bodies pattern has always seemed to be: Sore throat starts first, then come the really bad sickness, then sickness starts to go away and really bad couch comes. Good thing is, is once the cough starts it’s usually a sign that i’m basically done being sick.
Well my body followed that pattern, as always. Although it went a little slower this time. That whole day the main things that bothered me were the sore throat, tiredness (which i already had) and sore body. I took it easy that day, drinking a lot, hoping that the sore throat would go away and i would be fine (wishful thinking).
Well i did seem to feel a lot better by evening so i decided to clean my whole downstairs. I wanted to make Bob happy with me because i hadn’t really done anything in week and the house looked cruddy. Well i over did it, because once i got down cleaning and stood still for a few seconds it all hit me. I could hardly breath, i felt extremely hot and the room started to spin. I was in the middle of cooking supper though, so i couldn’t completely stop. I did bring a chair in the kitchen but i had to keep going.
Not but a few minutes later Bob comes home and makes me sit. He took over the last bit of cooking and serving that needed done. It was soooo nice of him, i really needed it.
Well that night everything got 10 times (or more) worse. I got a fever which wasn’t high (i would later find out) but boy did it feel it! At around 5:30 am i went up and took a soak in the tub.
------ (speeds up the story) ------>
By afternoon i had only eaten a few cherries and barely drank anything because of how horrid i felt. My whole back, along with my stomach was in a continuous cramp that really hurt. The on top of that my lower back with my stomach would cramp up a ton worse and it was killing me. Bob would come and rub it and help make the pain worse. Those were coming in waves more like i would think of a contraction, but it was hard to tell because how much pain my back was already in.
In the mean time, Grandma Risch had came by and picked up little Anabel for the night. Which was soooo nice. I really felt bad for Anabel because she wasn’t getting much attention and she had been in a good mood all day. You could tell she was worried about me sometimes when i would moan and Bob would come and rub my back. And she kept doing cute things to try and get my attention….. and felt so bad that i wasn’t able to really give it to her. So i was glad she was going to Grandma and Grandpa’s were i know she would get tons of needed attention and play time.
I ended up calling my midwife. She said to try drinking a quart of water in a hour and see if that helped at all and to stay laying down. I did that, and my back was still hurting, but the contraction type things would only happen if i moved.. so it was a little better. She called again to check up on me. Finding out my back was still cramped, she told me to take a long soak in the tub (this would be my third one of the day) and to also eat.
After the soak my back was a lot better, but still a little tight. I had Bob go get me KFC which he thought was a bad idea to eat on a sick tummy, but he did it anyways. I ate about half the food which i thought was good since i really hadn’t eaten anything all day. I didn’t feel better right away but i did fall asleep watching a movie which was amazing because i hadn’t been able to sleep at all. Then i woke up in the middle of the night needing to go to the bathroom and realized i felt sooooo much better. I didn’t really have a sore throat, the fever seemed to be gone… it was amazing. Food must have been the biggest key i think, lol Gave my body some fuel to get better.
So that brings us up to this morning. Which today is Bobby’s big test day. I got a little bit to help him, but didn’t do much because i knew that even if i was feeling a lot better, i still need to take it easy else i might end up worse again. I got to pray over him before he left which was good.
He called me about an hour ago to tell me he got done with the first test and he is pretty sure he passed it. YAY! But we won’t know for sure until July 9th :( that part sucks. Then he had to get off because he was heading into the next test. I know he’s going to do good, i’m not worried in the least :)
He is feeling really bad now, which sucks. I hate that he is sick and trying to take this test. But God has everything under control. It’s not ideal but you got to have faith that everything works the way it does for some sort of reason. I sure hate that he’s sick now. He wasn’t feeling good yesterday but he didn’t have a fever. This morning he said he thought he had a fever and that he was getting how i was yesterday >_< i don’t want him to feel like i was!
Anyways i will try and take care of him today. He usually gets over things really fast, so i’ll be praying for that to be true this time as well.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010Your Baby This Week
Well over 5 pounds (2.5 kg) and more than 20 inches (51 cm) long, your baby is continuing to grow at a rapid pace.
If you were to give birth this week, your baby would probably need the warmth of an incubator to survive. That's because he still doesn't have enough fat cells to keep his body warm. But he will have the warmth of your tummy for just a little while longer!
Fun in the rain
Tuesday, June 8, 2010It's been storming almost all day it seems. I know it stopped a little this afternoon but it was storming in the night, and then again this evening. Me and Anabel went out on our back patio to play in the rain. She loved it! It was so cute. No i didn't get pictures because i didn't want my camera getting wet! Sucks, wish i could have gotten some photos. Anyways she ran back forth across the patio, stomping her little feet in the rain. We have a gutter run off and she loved playing in the water that was shooting down.
Ok so you know i've been sleeping downstairs, which i will say i had a really good night last night. I pretty much had no aches bothering me in the night and i only had to get up 3 times to go to the bathroom. YAY!
A better day
Monday, June 7, 2010Well the day continued to be more productive then these last few.
I got another load of laundry done, making it a total of two that i did today. Sad thing is, is that i have about 4 loads total that i have sitting around not folded yet. Fold is one of those things i dread until i actually start doing it, then i find that it doesn’t take that long and it’s not very hard. Yet each time i still dread it and procrastinate doing… isn’t that weird?
Anyways, i did that and also went grocery shopping. Came home and actually made a homemade supper from scratch for my hunny. I haven’t done that it quite awhile it seems. I really enjoyed it too, it was called ‘Easy Cheeseburger Pie’. I didn’t think i would really like it, but it ended up being quite good i thought. I was excited at the fact that i could eat it without hardly any problems with my mouth. My mouth pain is still here, but it’s a ton better, so i’m actually able to eat some things. It was nice to eat and feel like i got relatively full.
Also the realtor email me a list of homes in our price rang and actually called me again tonight to talk a little. I asked him to look for foreclosures and fixer upper homes and to send up a list of those. I also mentioned homes in the country and he said he would do some searching and email me anything he found. So that's a good thing. I proud of myself for dealing with these realtors and mortgage people… usually i’m all nerves, but it’s actually been pretty easy for me today. I thank God for that, cause it’s so not like me!
Now i’m ready to settle down and try to get some sleep. My right calf feels like the muscle is a rock… and it hurts. But i’m hoping that goes away quickly and that it doesn’t bother my sleep.
I’m really tired so i’m going to go. Night!
Today a lot has has gotten done in my opinion. This morning i was house searching online and found some potential places. I thought i was emailing an agent about the place, but instead i guess i invited him to call me. And he did, we talked for a bit and he gave my number to a mortgage broker. She called me later and we did an estimate loan… thingy. The goal was to tell us an estimate on what we would be approved for, so we know what price rang. So i got a lot of info from her. The realtor called us back and he said he was going to send us some listings in an email. So i will be excited about that.
Plus i’m excited about my tomato plant, it has two tomato buds on it :) YAY! I’m looking forward to having my own house were i can plant my own little garden, although i think i will want it in pots so i don’t have to worry about weeds near as much, LOL
I also got a few things done like vacuuming and a load of laundry. Not much i know but it’s ton compared to what i have been doing the last few days.
I had a really hard time sleeping last night though. The sleep i did get was really good, but i had to get up like 6 times to go to the bath room. Then half ways through the night i woke up with my hips feeling like they were being pulled apart. My body loosening for future labor i’m sure, but i couldn’t get comfortable at all. Made the night really hard, and it kept me awake most of it. Baby was and is making a ton of pressure too.
Now Anabel is asleep at my feet, on the couch. Baby won’t stop hurting my ribs. I got the muchies all the time and i feel restless. Midwife said to take a walk everyday so i’m thinking i might try here later. The temp. is really nice today and i would like to get out of the house.
Haaa… i’m out
I’m in one of those… could you call it a ‘mood’? I don’t know….
Where you body says ‘all i want you to do is sit on your bum’ but my head tells me i feel like i need to run around in circles like i have so much energy and i need and MUST get up and do something.
But yeah…. my body is winning and it’s driving my head crazy. If that makes any sense to anyone. *el’sigh*
Yesterday Anabel learned how to climb onto the dinning room chairs. I was hoping she wouldn’t learn to do that for a long time. Clearly my wishes weren’t followed! Anyways it’s a headache to say the least, lol even though i am proud of her. The rule is that you have to sit in chairs, but she only wants to stand, so that’s a battle.
Also something else she started yesterday was her saying ‘la la la’. She hasn’t really done the ‘L’ sound yet and now she is doing it all the time.
Last night i slept on the couch again because i haven’t been able to sleep in our bed, way to uncomfortable. I slept so much better here on the couch, even though i had to still get up 3+ times to go to the bathroom. And Bob took over taking care of Anabel last night too, which really help too. I don’t think that is going to continue though because… well i just doubt it. But it was nice for this one night.
The last couple of days has been hard too because of my mouth. It hurts so bad that it’s really hard to eat anything. It hurts bad to even eat watermelon, pancakes, baked potatoes… pasta. It’s hard and i try really hard to eat enough but i don’t think i do. I’m always hungry these last few days and it sucks cause of the pain. Hopefully i only have a few more days of this. After a 5-7 days my mouth is close to normal, so that is hopeful….. Actually i’m hungry again, i think i might go grab some more watermelon because that is one of the easiest things… even though peanut butter and jelly sandwich sounds better… i don’t think i could get that down, to sticky :( Oh well…..
I think i’m ready to not be pregnant anymore. I am getting to the point that it’s hard for me to handle all this pain, i’m starting to break down… you know getting teary. Good thing i only have a few more weeks aye? I’m hoping the baby is a little older then what people think so it can come a little early. LOL
Things are getting a little better. I had asked Bobby to bring me home some watermelon and he did :) Such a sweetie! We had baked potatoes for dinner and the watermelon for dessert.
Bob prayed over me before he left to go back to work, i really needed that! I managed to have enough will power to go do all the dishes before bed, they were piled everywhere in my kitchen cause i haven’t messed with them all day long. Now they are done and i don’t have to wake up to a huge mess! It always helps my day out when i wake up to a clean kitchen.
Anyways i’m going to go pray that i have a good sleep and try to get some rest!
Major To Do List:
Now that Bob found a job we are going to have to move…. again
- House Hunt
- Find a House
- Get a Loan
- Pack
- Have a Baby
- Pack some more
- Move
- … try not to go crazy
All before August
- Unpack
- Fix up the House
- Church Hunt
- … try not to go crazy
This baby is all about my ribs, and it’s making it not only uncomfortable, but very hard to breath! >_<
My whole head feels like it one big ache. With this stupid mouth pain it’s given me a nice little headache with it… lovely aye?
I guess today i’m all about the complaining… i haven’t really done anything today but lay around… you would think i’m on bed rest or something! It’s pathetic i know, ugh….
I feel so horrible right now. Had a good time with Bob on his break, although he didn’t feel like eating, he sat with me while i was eating. I ate on the patio with some candles, it was nice. Then Bob had an extra long lunch so we came in and watched some TV before he left.
But night time was bad. Anabel only woke up once but i got up a ton to go to the bathroom, and i was in a lot of pain. I didn’t hardly sleep at all. I couldn’t get comfy plus the pain in my mouth was keeping me awake. I went to the dentist and now my whole mouth is in pain. And on top of that my stomach has been giving me issues.
The same thing has continued into the day. Everything i complained about above, is still going on. It sucks. I don’t have the energy to do anything. Bob made me a shake this morning cause my mouth is hurting to bad to chew.
I just want to cry….
Wednesday, June 2, 2010Your Baby This Week
A bouncing bundle of joy at 5 pounds (2.5 kg) and nearly 20 inches (51 cm), your baby's organs are almost fully matured with the exception of the lungs, which will continue to develop almost until birth. Though you can't see your baby, her skin is turning from red to pink. While her fingernails are fully formed, the toenails still need more time to grow. Some babies will even have a full head of hair by this point.
Your Body This Week
You're probably starting to give serious thought to ideas like breastfeeding, labor and delivery. Now is a good time to begin discussing all your options with your health care provider. Meanwhile, baby is snoozing a lot, letting you run the show for a little while longer.
If you have been experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions already, they may become more frequent now (or you may start to experience them for the first time). These can be intense, but are much shorter in duration than the contractions you'll experience during real labor. Because your pelvis is rapidly expanding, it may begin to ache; your lower back is also feeling the strain of your growing baby. Getting off your feet as much as possible and lying on your left side will help a lot.
Grandma came by and took Anabel for the night. And as soon as she was loaded in the car, we hopped in the van to head to a movie. Anabel is to noisy to take to a movie so we have to go to them when she is gone. We went and saw Robin Hood. It was really good, i liked it… sept for the fact that i had to get up and go to the bathroom 3 times during the movie >_< LOL
Now we are back in the room and Bobby really wanted to watch the last of the hockey game so that is what he is doing. I could care less, so you can see what I'm doing…. surfing the web yo.
I hope the night goes good for Anabel, when she isn’t with us i think about her a ton. I’m sure she is having a blast with Grandma and Grandpa :) My little angel girl… man i love that little thing :)
Eating Funnies
Tuesday, June 1, 2010I wish i had a camera this afternoon at Long John Silvers, Anabel was so funny! Daddy ended up giving her a whole hush puppie and that was funny enough, then he have her a whole huge piece of chicken. It’s not funny for me to write about it, but if only you would have seen her! We cracking up like crazy, it was so cute. Surprising thing was, she ended up eating both, almost all gone, there was just a little piece of chicken left, which she ended up dropping so i wouldn’t let her have it. She ate a ton! I didn’t think she would eat it like she did, but she adored it! She was so happy and proud to hold the chicken herself, i so wish i had a pic!
Second Check Up
This morning was crazy. I had to wake up at 6am to finish packing for our two stay at a suit for our anniversary and have everything and leave in time to be at our baby appointment at 8:30am. We got there about 10min late though >_< Other then that i was able to get everything done.
They had said that they were going to do the glucose test today so i was suppose to eat before my appointment. Well they forgot about the test till they were telling me goodbye. I reminded them that they had said they were going to do the test…. so i ended up having to stay and extra hour because i had to drink a special drink and wait an hour before they could take the blood. So when it was all said and done, i was feeling pretty crappy cause it was almost 11am and no food… haaa
But on a brighter note, everything went fine in my appointment. I’m measuring still right on target, 33cm. Means in 1 week i grew 2cm o.0 sweet for me. I weight 119. Most i ever weight with Anabel was 121 i believe, so i bet i’ll get over that this time.
One thing that was a bummer for me was that she said that all the tests they did on my blood last time came in fine sept my hemoglobin levels. She wants me to take 4,000mg of Alfalfa leaf pills every day (4 horse pills) walk at least 30min. a day and drink over 1 gallon of water. I probably was suppose to already be doing the walking and the water thing, but oh well. I’m most concerned about getting the alfalfa down me, cause it’s hard for me to take pills plus 4 huge ones a day. I had to stop taking the prenatal pills because they made me sick, i hope these don’t. Bob said i could open the pills and put it in water to get it down that way… I'll probably try that, cause me swallowing them probably isn’t going to work. So please pray that i will be able to get what i need to down me!
One thing i thought was funny is that the midwife mentioned that they found out with the tests they did on my blood that i wasn’t ‘up to date’ on my rubella/measles vaccine. Ummm noooo, never had no vaccines. She said that after the baby comes i will want to go get that ‘updated’…. no thank you. I probably should have been bold enough to say that i don’t do vaccines, but i clammed up (like usual) Oh well.
33wks Baby Belly
I think i will end up bigger this time then with Anabel. But they say that second baby bellies are usually bigger, so I'm just trying to prove them right you know. It doesn’t feel like i could get any bigger but in this last week i grew 2cm, so i guess i can. One thing i noticed yesterday is that you can see my blue veins like crazy, all over my upper body mostly. I think it looks kinda grouse especially with my uber pale skin >_<
Playing with Cousins
Relaxing after the Jesus Center Reunion at Grandma’s. She was playing with her cousins and she loved it :) It was so cute.