42 Weeks Pregnant

Monday, April 6, 2009


8% give birth later than the 42nd week. The baby is fully ready and so are you as the delivery can take place at any time now. It feels like you are now waiting for a long time now and in fact officially you are overdue after the 42nd week. If all your checkups are fine and the baby is doing well with the placenta functioning properly then the doctors will most probably still wait before inducing labor to see if you can go into labor naturally.

Your fourth-trimester baby may also be born with skin discolorations such as dry patches, peeling skin or a reddish rash. But it's completely harmless, so don't worry about it. The good news is that babies who bake this long are often born with very long fingernails and hair, so load up on those cute little hair bows! Upon birth, your baby will display more than 70 different primitive reflex behaviors.
Last night I kept waking up needing to use the restroom and every time I got up I was in the middle of a contraction. It seemed like I peed for minutes, like the contraction was squeezing me dry, LOL

I ended up getting up in the night because I woke up with Anabel shoving her head into me down there and it was super sharp pains... really uncomfortable! I thought maybe I should get up and do some pelvic rocking incase she was hitting my pelvic bone or something. I ended up doing squats, lounges and pelvic rocks until Bob came home from work. Then I stayed up and talked to him through the shower curtain as he took his shower before bed. I was hungry by then so I had a big bowel of strawberries. I hadn't really eaten dinner; I had a big bowel of pudding (I haven't felt like eating the last few days, even though I force myself)

Once Bobby left in the morning I was able to sleep hard as a rock, which I haven't done in years it seems. But my lovely sleep kept getting interrupted by phone calls. It's ok though, I’m not upset at anyone! I finally got up around 10:30am because I figured I needed to eat again. I tried eating cereal but I only got a few bites down. I've been trying to drink lots of water this morning.

My body feels like crap, my back has been hurting me constantly for days now, once I notice it's let up, it starts hurting again, LOL

I need to eat more food and find something for Bob to eat when he gets here at 2pm. (1.5 hours away)