
Friday, April 3, 2009

Well yesterday I had a dentist appointment. They said they weren’t going to do a whole lot because I still hadn’t had the baby and he didn’t want to add more pain on top of what I already have. So he just adjusted the braces, put a lighter wire on my top row of teeth (which you would think would make it feel better… NO) Well thank goodness the pain didn’t kick in till later that day (after I was able to eat lunch) But boy! Talk about pain! My whole mouth hurts terribly! Yesterday was bad and this morning was sooo painful! Thank goodness it feels like it is starting to get better, slowly but surely! I still have to eat soft things, and stay away from the right side of my mouth, but at least I am able to get things down a little better then before.

Bob came home at 2pm from his classes and informed me that the next class had been canceled so that gave us an extra hour together. That always makes me happy. I was in so much pain today because of my mouth I so badly wanted him to stay with me tonight, and just call in to work or something! But I didn’t ask him too. I know it would have been silly of him to do that, plus we need the money. We also need him to save those days off for when ever the baby decides to get here!

Speaking on the baby, well she’s been giving me some cramps and sharp pains today, but nothing real exciting. I went shopping today. Glad to get some walking in and hoped it would help things along. Well I pushed around an uber heavy cart for over an hour and it didn’t even give me contractions really. I was proud of myself though. I shopped, loaded and unloaded (all but the heavy water packs) all by myself and still felt actually pretty good.

Once home, I rested for about an hour or so then decided I should put everything away. Before I did that though, I emptied the refrigerator of all the stuff that needed thrown away, rearranged and also deep cleaned it all out. I was very very proud of myself then mind you :) I also rearranged our storage shelves and swept. I did a load of dishes too and put away most of the clean dishes. The kitchen looks a ton better then it did. YAYS!!!

Some dude that Bob works with called me and told me Bob was going to be late for dinner. I was glad he did because I was getting worried when he didn’t show up when he normally does. We had a simple meal. Bob had sandwiches and because of my mouth I just put together some ham with cream cheese, olives and baked beans for me. For desert I had strawberry swirl cheesecake (I had bought a personal serving of it for me today. It was something soft and yummy I knew my mouth could handle hehe).

We got the first disc of ‘Ma and Pa Kettle’ from netflix today so we watched some it on Bob’s dinner break. I think mom and dad Risch would like this show, it’s so cute and wholesome!
Anyways that’s pretty much it for today. I’m uber tired so I think I will head on to bed. Tomorrow me and Bob get all up until 3:45pm together, YAYS!!! I can’t wait :)