So Anabel thinks the baby is a girl named April

Thursday, August 16, 2012

While me and Anabel were talking this evening she said if the baby is a girl she would dress it in pink and bows and pretend it was a princess. Then i said 'What if it's a boy?'
'Then i would put brown stuff on him, just like grandpa!'

Then she started rattling off about birthdays 'Maybe i will make her this or this or this or this for her birthday cake' (couldn't understand it all) i caught things like 'April will love it cause i'll design it for her' and 'she is my friend'

I thought maybe she was talking about some little girl i hadn't met at church. I asked her 'Who?'

She said very clearly 'Umm April'
'Yep April'
'Who is April?'
'Umm the little girl baby'
'What baby?'
'The little baby in your tummy'

April aye? Not sure i am a fan of that name... it is an 'A' name though. She is to cute! I will have to tell daddy about how Anabel named the baby!