8 Weeks

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

8 weeks along.

Seems like things are going slow but fast... if that makes sense.

I'm struggling a lot, but when i think back, it's nothing unusual for me and being pregnant that's why sadly i didn't look forward to being pregnant. Don't get me wrong, i want kids and i want this baby and i'm glad i got pregnant... it's just that the actual pregnancy part, wish i didn't have to go through it... it's not fun. Not fun when you pretty much feel sick 24/7 literally.... yet you HAVE to eat even tho it turns your stomach and you HAVE to clean and you can't neglect your children, you HAVE to feed them and play with them and let them lay on your stomach even tho it makes you want to throw up.

I've been threw this before, i know i can handle it and i know what great reward i will get in the end... it just feels like when you are going through it at the time, like you won't be able to handle it another week.

This too shall pass. This too shall pass!

But even tho this sounds so grim, i really am happy... excited another week has passed ^_^