Weird Dreams

Thursday, August 16, 2012

So the last two day's I've had some interesting dreams.

Night before last i dreamed i woke up to teethe falling out of my mouth, my tongue was swollen huge along with my whole face. I was running around trying to get someone as worried as me but no seemed all that interested. Finally i tried calling the dentist but none of the numbers were working. When i woke up i had to check my teethe. LOL

Then last night i dreamed i had a small fish bowel with three fish in them... for some reason i decided to dump them. Then the next scene i was in the kitchen, two fish where caught in cob webs twitching. Then one fell on the floor and then i saw there was water spilt on the floor and it was trying to get to the water.... then there was another one in a cob web. I grabbed the fish bowel to scoop up the fish on the floor. All of a sudden the fish on the floor was getting bigger and bigger and sliding towards me and i was freaked out LOL. I managed the scoop it up with a fish net... in the end i got all of them and put water in the bowel. Then i noticed one of the fish kept jumping up above the surface of the water. It was purple and white and had like dog ears and whiskers... it was so icky looking LOL But i ended up putting netting over the top of the bowel to keep them from jumping out or letting the cat in... cause for some reason i thought we had a cat o.0

Then after that i had a short dream that something was stuck to my teethe and that i knew it was gum.... i was trying to get it from being caught on my teethe. I woke up with my fingers digging at my teethe for real... i had my retainer in so i think that was what was making have that dream... there really was something stuck to them lol