Good Days

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Well these last couple of days I have been feeling pretty good and today i almost felt normal sept for a few short moments but i got over it quickly. I'm so happy! Counting my blessings! And here i thought i was going to have a rough day because last night i woke up sick feeling and couldn't get back to sleep for hours. Kinda was thinking that i might have to start having a snack i can grab in the middle of the night. Almost thought about getting up and eating a slice of the cheese cake i bought the other day hehehe.... but i didn't (might have been smart though)

Yeah yesterday i made a trip into Wally World cause i was needing diapers for Abby. Anabel is pretty much out of diapers now sept for night time, she hasn't gotten the hold of that one and has been peeing her bed even with a diaper on o.0 so not sure what is up with that.

Anywho.... i went to the store hungry which was bad... i ended up leaving with cheese cake, eclairs and rice crispy treats, fruit, frozen dinners (cause i can't seem to cook without feeling sick)... just a ton of stuff i NORMALLY wouldn't dare buying. But i wonder if having all this stuff on hand.... actually eating lunch and snacking all the time is helping me feel better. OH and also i bought chewable prenatal vitamins which i have taken the last two days.... but those can't help you that quick can they? (and they never helped me feel better before)

Well whatever it is that is making me feel better, i sure am grateful! I went out to the store again this morning to buy some material to make something we wanted to do for youth group. When i told Bob i wanted to make it he thought we should wait to do that activity till another week so it would give me time to make them. I agreed because normally i feel like crap and it might take me awhile to actually make them. Well i was inspired today so i went and got the material and came home and started right in on the project.

They are pig based off of the Angry Birds game. So glad i found the pattern for these and they were simple! We are wanting to do a real life version of the game for our youth group. So far i have one totally finished, the base of two more done (just need to hand sew the nose and eyes one) and the other two cut out and pinned. Then i will go on to making the birds. I'm hoping i can get them done for the first youth group meeting but if not, well they will be ready for the second one. Me making them saved us about $30-$40 bucks so it is worth it!

On top of that i spent time in the kitchen and got it pretty clean... there is still stuff to do but still way nicer then it was.... it's been a thorn in my flesh since smells have been getting to me and well kitchens are full of smells especially since my smeller has become one of hound dog! I can't smell every little thing.... sucks!

Now i think i will get up and clean some more. Hubs should be pleased when he gets home :)

Thank you God for helping me feel better these last few days!