9 Weeks

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

9 weeks pregnant today.

Says the baby should be about the size of a grape now and that i should be very tired because the placenta is still growing. They say once the placenta is grown the extreme fatigue should decrease and so should the morning sickness.

Maybe i am a step ahead? Maybe i should count my chickens lol.... i don't know, just feeling better and i'm wanting to think positively. I don't know but i think our food big will go up if i keep eating like i am! LOL But at this point it's like... if eating like this helps me feel better then i'm going to keep it up. Makes me wonder if i will gain a lot more weight with this one o.0 I remember my sister saying when she got pregnant the first time she ate whatever she wanted and ended up gaining 60lbs while pregnant she is my size normally (well not she is probably smaller then me after 5 kids, go her!) I don't really want to gain that much weight but i do want to feel good... hmm....