7 weeks

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

7 Weeks along today supposedly
Baby is suppose to triple in size this week.
Which is always neat.

New things going on with me today:

Getting terrible tastes in my mouth... been breathing my teethe and sucking mints and chewing gum... haaa it's so icky! LOL
Also not sure if it's just hunger pains or heartburn o.0 but sharp pains in the... ehhh center of me? if that makes sense. Wondered if it was hunger pains just cause it's happened about the time i need to eat so who knows.

Meals are issues... dinner especailly is a hard one for me, which sucks cause that's the important one with hubby coming home from a long day at work.... sucks that i have a hard time figuring out what to cook and feed us.

Aside from that, i love to see my girls play. Today Anabel said she was traveling to the rain forest. She found one of Bob's football pamplets and told me it was a treasure map. She told sister to come on and told her that they needed to look for clues while watching out for strangers and tigers. They played this for awhile. I thought it was super cute :)