Working On A Better Day

Monday, October 15, 2012

This morning started out a little more active then usual. When we got downstairs i started right in on making breakfast. Girls got the left over cinnamon roll waffles i made last night along with apples and sausage with some milk. I had my strawberry smoothie, eggs with cheese and some sausage. Huge breakfast for me since usually i only do the strawberry smoothie.

Now today i said i wanted to start back on my schedule. Since my schedule has us getting up at 7am (that is when the girls use to wake up) and today they woke me up at 8:30am, we are kinda behind. But i'm not going to worry about it. Next thing at 10am is the girls school so that will get done and be fun. We are going to do are normal books but i also am going to try and see if it's any good and if Anabel likes it. The cleaning i didn't get done this morning because we woke up to late, i will probably try to get done during my scheduled 'free time'.... or something.

Yesterday we thought we were going to have company over so we worked on the house quite a bit, so it's in better shape then it has been in a long time. So happy about that, even though company didn't end up coming over at least i got a cleaner house out of it.

Also yesterday evening went and did some grocery shopping. I loaded up on my snack stash cause i have been craving a lot of things. In my snack stash now is: Chex, sunflower seeds, beef jerky, and granola bars. So i'm excited about that! Also snagged me some new undies... normally $10 and was marked down to $6, but they rung up for $1!!! So exciting! lol

Also last night i had another idea for the babies nursery. We haven't been able to come up with something we both like. Online i saw this children's book i remember bob said he loved as a kid. The Corduroy Bear book.

And i mentioned doing the room themed kinda off the bear books. He seemed to really like that idea.

So that is an idea and i really like it. Wouldn't be to terribly themed but could do greens, tans and whites in the room. Maybe some green crib bedding or something. Get a really cute corduroy bear stuffed animals and some of the corduroy bear books. Just some ideas.