29 weeks

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Your Baby This Week Between weeks 26 and 27, your baby begins to experience REM sleep and he can dream! Your baby now weighs close to 3 pounds (1.3 kg) and is approaching 17 inches (43 cm) from head to toe

His eyes are becoming more sensitive and might be able to notice when you are sitting in the sun or reading by a bright light. As baby grows, conditions in the uterus become a little cramped, so there isn't quite as much room to kick those tiny legs or wave those teeny arms. Therefore, you may feel a little less movement now, but that's normal.

Your Body This Week Your tummy is continuing to grow and you're steadily gaining weight. As you edge closer to delivery day. If you find yourself dreaming about that perfect little baby, you're not alone. Baby dreams, too--about you, the perfect mom!