40 Weeks

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


I didn’t think i would make it to this next midwife appointment, which is tomorrow, but it looks like i probably will :(

I’m trying not to get stressed or anxious. Being this far along makes that incredibly hard! Especially with all the braxton hicks all the time. I have been trying my hardest not to time them because they always stop and then i get stressed out. I’m achy and sore all the time and today my lower stomach muscles are super sore. I know i was having some pretty strong contractions last night… guess there was enough to make my muscles all sore o.0

I keep repeating to myself ‘baby will come when baby is ready’ over and over again…. So i guess I'm in it for the long hall. Probably an over due mama… although according to the midwife i won’t be over due till the 5th, so i have a slim chance of coming in under the wire.

I just don’t want to even think about going long enough where we have to talk natural induction or castor oil or something… i swore i would never do castor oil again in less it was the last step.

So just praying he turns where he should be and everything gets going soon.

Oh and have i mentioned i totally have the munchies these last few days? I think it might be nerves >_<