
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Today has gone pretty good. After church we made a run into Wal-Mart and saved almost $50 bucks in ad matches and we also bought the dog some more food that she was needing.

Since the sudden weather change we brought Maddie inside. Until i get her hair cut and her a bath we aren't letting her on the main level but we set up a nice little area for her. We also decided we are going to try halfing her food with canned food, that way we can combine a low dose Bayer aspirin in with her food. I managed to get a whole bunch of the Bayer aspirin for free at Walgreens a while back and wasn't sure what to use it for until my father in-law told me he gives it to his old dog for his joins. She loved the half dry half wet food we gave her, it was gone within a few minutes hehe. I'm hoping she will do good and not poop and pee all over place like the last time we tried bringing her in. So crossing my fingers!

Then we turned on Snow White and the Huntsmen to watch the last half of it while the girls were asleep. I ended up falling asleep before it was finished but that's ok since i have seen it already.

Then i got up and went to cleaning. By then Abby was awake and Hubs was trying to sleep so i took Abby into the kitchen with me. She helped me put away the last of the groceries and then helped me dry and put up dishes. I managed to get the microwave scrubbed too so now the kitchen looks really nice. We are going to attempt to keep the baby gate that kept the girls out of the kitchen, down. We will see if i can handle it. LOL They are going to have to learn some kitchen rules!

I'm so glad that i have been in the mood to do major house cleaning and thing are staying clean for the most part cause i have kept on top of picking up. Makes me feel so much calmer when the house is clean, i didn't realize it LOL Hubby has been doing his share of helping too which is nice :)

We ate so much at lunch that we still feel very full. The girls are having a light dinner and we are holding off till we are hungry. I'm sure i will get hungry before Hubby, but he bought us a special pizza for dinner so at least if we get hungry there won't be a big cooking process.

I was going to make caramel popcorn for watching the Walking Dead tonight but our friends are coming over afterwards to watch the Talking Dead (the after show talk show about the show lol) and she is bringing pie so i guess we don't need two desserts :)

Speaking of pie! We are totally stocked for a LONG time! We bought 6 pies, two kinds of apple and some pumpkin pies and then we bought 5 cobblers of two kinds, some peach and some blackberry, because they were on ad match at a big coupon so they were really cheap! We also stocked up on butter so we have 6 pounds of butter in the frig and 6 pounds in the freezer hehe. So nice to have a stock!

Anyways next big thing on my kitchen agenda will be cleaning the frig. Most of the old left overs have been taken care of but there might be a few left, but the big thing will be wiping everything out and organizing. I always feel great when my frig is nice and clean and while it's not horrid right now i like to clean it often so it doesn't get horrid :)

My 'Hot Spot' of a kitchen table is almost taken care of. I worked on it Friday and almost got it cleared, although it has collect my sunday coupon inserts today so it needs cleared again.

I guess all this adds up to show me i'm feeling better. I can tell when i am feeling better because i'm willing to get up and do things around the house. So i am grateful for the lift!

Anyways better go cause the show will come on in not to long and have to work on getting the girls up to bed!

Oh last night Anabel slept all night with no diaper and didn't mess the bed :) Yay yay!