11 Weeks Pregnant

Thursday, September 13, 2012

By this point they say the baby should be the size of a lemon. It's grown fast over the last few weeks! My little lemon hehehe. It also says: This is a rapid growth stage, and your baby's length and weight will likely double in the next three weeks.

Some people on the baby message board i'm on think they have felt their baby as early as 9 weeks while others say not until 12 weeks. Most websites will say you shouldn't feel it till 16 weeks but that it is for first time pregnancies and that mother who have had children before might feel it earlier... I thought i may have felt the baby a few days ago but i thought it could have been easily gas bubbles as well, so i'm not going to say i have felt it for sure.
I can't wait until i do for sure though! I know from experience, once you have miscarried a baby you still stress until you feel it move. Even though i try to shun those bad thoughts, you can't help but have them.
Like see just now i thought i felt something rub up against me somewhere inside there.... but it's so hard to be certain!

Anyways i still have ups and downs as in the way i feel from day today but i remembered i had some apple crisp cups down in my stockpile and i have been eating those first thing in the morning and that has helped i do believe.

I had ordered some maternity 'skinny jeans' that i found on a site that was having a major sale... so they were pretty cheap. I can't wait to get those

(i seriously think the baby is trying to prove a point, i think i felt it.... OH and again.... oh my... now that feels more like a baby moving then the other times!!! So exciting! Could be my imagination though!)

..... can't wait to get those. While my belly looks more like fatness instead of a preggo belly, it's getting difficult to ware my regular pants. As like the other pregnancies my hips seem to be the first thing that feels like gets bigger. I'm thinking OMGosh! Not the hips again! They are big enough already! My hips were the area i had all my stretch marks too, hips and thighs and pretty much zero on my belly o.0 I thought i would be done with the hip spreading since they already spread so much for the other two kiddos. Oh well!
So now i will have two regular maternity jeans and once they get delivered i will have two maternity skinny jeans! YAY

I just read an article on when you first can feel the baby move or 'quickening' as it's called. It said some have on a second or higher pregnancy can feel it around 12 weeks.

"If your friend is thin, extra perceptive, on a second or higher pregnancy, a bit off in her timing, or carrying a rambunctious baby, she may well be feeling those flutters. And who are any of the rest of us to tell her she's not?"