Baya Collections Diaper Bag
Sunday, September 30, 2012Then i went to our churches women's retreat and we came back today. Well i checked just now and it said it was still up... so i clicked it again and it didn't say sold out anymore... amazing! So i ordered it! I'm sooooo hoping this will be a great bag for us. I will have 3 babies under 4 years so i will need something good.
Second Trimester
Wednesday, September 26, 201213 weeks along today... wait... does that mark the second trimester? YES i say! Second trimester here i am baby!
Baby is said to be the size of a peach :)
ThredUp Purchase
Join today for a $10 discount on your first clothing purchase.
Free shipping on orders over $30
So i knew about this site and have wanted to buy some stuff from it but i really couldn’t refuse after i found credit being sold on So i was able to purchase a $20 ThredUp credit for $10…. couldn’t pass that up!
Also lookie here:
So here is what i bought for Abby who has needed winter cloths badly:
Now Anabel needing some things but not quite as bad. So this is what i got her:
For all of this i paid $60.25
I find that very good and i am excited!
Yes yes yes....
Tuesday, September 25, 2012So after a long exhausting day for me and the girls, i'm back home. Girls are asleep even though i should be waking them because it's so late. Abby was asleep before i got her in the house at 5pm :(
Now i am soaking my terribly aching feet in some uber hot water in the bath.... lappy on my lap, ice water and slice of cheese cake to me left. I needed this!
So the long version of our day:
So i tried to renew our car tags online because... it's the 25th and this is the month they HAVE to be renewed.... would hate to get tickets. Anyways all was going good until on one of the cars they said they didn't have the insurance on record and the only way to renew it would be by mail (to late for that) or to come in.
So i decided i would stop prolonging the inevitable and go do that and since i would be out i would go grocery shopping like i have needed to for about a week now. BUT to go grocery shopping i have to print my ad matches and look and sort through all my coupons. Have to get the best deals yo!
Well after doing all that and getting us all ready, we were not out the door till a few past noon. Luckily no real line at the motor vehicle place and was out of there pretty quick. Then off to Sonic for some lunch.
Treated myself to slush there.... which was then spilled all over the floor boards.... i blame being clumsy from pregnancy >_> Then i ordered another one cause dad gum it i wanted a dang SLUSH!..... which the straw ended up getting punched threw the side of the cup later at wal-mart and making a huge mess.... guess i wasn't suppose to have a slush to begin with :'(
Oh and then the shopping trip GAH >_< Total of 3hrs and 48min in Wal-Mart... talk about a nightmare right? With kiddos who had not taken a nap like usual... haaa All in all really the girls did very good considering.
I think we spend maybe 1hr to 1.5hrs in the check out. Crazy crap.
I did how ever spend $250 and over half of that was price matching items that were usually $1 or under... so you can kinda see why it would take awhile. Awhile? yes... an hour and half? no! The cashier kept messing up bless her heart. Then she called over a CSM to help her fix some of her screw ups and then we had some other issues. Like the CSM said if price matches were involved she was suppose to stand there and watch. Another CSM came up and said she hadn't heard that rule... so made the CSM was off her rocker today. Also that same CSM said they could price match Wichita but she didn't think they could price match other stores.... but then she also thought Wichita was like 10-15miles away. When i said no that Wichita was at least 30-35miles away.... i said we aren't talking edge of town we are talking distance to the stores we are matching. She gave me weird eyes.... Google it lady El Dorado to Wichita 30.5 miles and stores like Homeland which she gladly price matched cause it was in Wichita is 36 miles away from here.
Now when the other stores where brought up she didn't think they would be allowed. I talk her CSM's have told me that it's 50 mile radius in which stores with advertise sales can be price matched. Apple Market (one of the stores in question) is 28.9 miles away..... YAH.... but i was totally polite at the store, don't want them to have issues with my additude and ban me from ad matching just cause.
A manager was called and they were not sure about the mile radius thing i had said but the manager said to go ahead and ad match them this time and he would find out. I asked to find out for me and let me know cause i would like to know so i don't get in a situation like this again.
All in all i got all my dad gum ad matches and got home. It was just a crazy day.... so far!
At least Bob had put a roast in the slow cooker last night for dinner tonight, so i don't have to worry about that. Now i just have to worry about the tons of dishes i need to do from cleaning out the refrig, and putting away the rest of the groceries.... i did get the cold foods put up though.
Sick Again :'(
Saturday, September 22, 2012Yep woke up sick this morning. Haaa oh how i did not want this to happen AGAIN!!!
Several things is making wonder if i am iron deficient. The other day one of my friend commented on how pale i was. Also i have been feeling almost depressed... wanting to sleep all the time... and now i am sick again. My brother mentioned me probably not eating enough veggies, which is true. And one lady on when i was talking about how almost depressed i was, so mentioned iron deficiency. So i looked it up today.
Sounds like that could be my issue. Said all those things could be signs of iron deficiency :( Haaaaa Guess i've been doing a sucky job!
Well today i was planning on going grocery shopping and now that i am feeling so bad i wonder if that is going to happen... in less i can sweet talk hubs into going with me... but i know he hates too :(
I guess i need to figure out some good meal plans. With iron deficiency at least what i have read, there is certain things you need to eat with certain foods to get the best out of your food. Lean ground beef looks like it is the highest iron rich meat beside liver... which good cause we have tons of that already. But veggies should be more of our meals and they say eating things like strawberries with every meal help you absorb iron (cause i can't drink orange juice!) .
So i need to plan things out... even more ugh! Broccoli is high in iron and at least i have bag fulls of our garden broccoli that i froze!
12 Weeks Pregnant
Wednesday, September 19, 2012Craft Parties?
I'm a big craft blog follower. I adore them! Well last year i saw on one i was following that this lady held a craft party with her lady friends. She would give them a list of craft supplies they would need so they could buy it and then they would get together and all make the same craft for their homes. A time to get together and chat, and goof off and come away with some neat for them to put in their house. I have always wanted to do that! Thought it was the neatest idea!
I saw these and it brought that idea back up:
These are fake pumpkins which you can find anywhere but last year i bought a few at dollar tree. Then these are wrapped in burlap and Mod Podged on. You can do this with burlap or your choice of material, whatever fits your home.
This should cost much as a craft but i think it is really cool
Thinking of bringing up the idea to my friends and seeing what they think.
Getting close to the 12 week point. Kinda fun! Hoping the nausea will lessen more then. Here in about two weeks i'm going away for a women's retreat with the church ladies. I'm going to have to really plan out what i need to bring as far as food, so i won't be sick there. Hope the food they serve will sound good and sit well on my stomach hehehe.
Also here in a couple days it will be pay day, meaning our food money will be reset and i can go shopping! I need to get really creative with the food planning, i really need to do something different. It's been feeling like we don't have food when we do have stuff. So i need to do better. It's so hard thinking of meals when nothing really sounds good but fast food. LOL
Last night we had another very unpleasant surprise AGAIN. The girls were down for night time and we heard them making noise so Bob went up to check. As soon as he got up there he yelled down the stairs 'MOM I NEED YOU RIGHT NOW!!!'.... i was like 'Crap! now what did they do!'. So yah.... Abby had taken off her diaper... Dad said the diaper was clean so it had been taken off early... and later Abby pooped and Abby and Anabel both were playing in it. Haaaa i had pants on Abby because if i keep pants on her she hasn't been taking her diaper off. Well not this time aye? I'm just so tired of poop playing!!! Why? Why do they do these things? Haaa so that was not a fun time at all.... it was terrible...... My silly girls....
11 Weeks Pregnant
Thursday, September 13, 2012By this point they say the baby should be the size of a lemon. It's grown fast over the last few weeks! My little lemon hehehe. It also says: This is a rapid growth stage, and your baby's length and weight will likely double in the next three weeks.
Some people on the baby message board i'm on think they have felt their baby as early as 9 weeks while others say not until 12 weeks. Most websites will say you shouldn't feel it till 16 weeks but that it is for first time pregnancies and that mother who have had children before might feel it earlier... I thought i may have felt the baby a few days ago but i thought it could have been easily gas bubbles as well, so i'm not going to say i have felt it for sure.
I can't wait until i do for sure though! I know from experience, once you have miscarried a baby you still stress until you feel it move. Even though i try to shun those bad thoughts, you can't help but have them.
Like see just now i thought i felt something rub up against me somewhere inside there.... but it's so hard to be certain!
Anyways i still have ups and downs as in the way i feel from day today but i remembered i had some apple crisp cups down in my stockpile and i have been eating those first thing in the morning and that has helped i do believe.
I had ordered some maternity 'skinny jeans' that i found on a site that was having a major sale... so they were pretty cheap. I can't wait to get those
So now i will have two regular maternity jeans and once they get delivered i will have two maternity skinny jeans! YAY
I just read an article on when you first can feel the baby move or 'quickening' as it's called. It said some have on a second or higher pregnancy can feel it around 12 weeks.
"If your friend is thin, extra perceptive, on a second or higher pregnancy, a bit off in her timing, or carrying a rambunctious baby, she may well be feeling those flutters. And who are any of the rest of us to tell her she's not?"
My nerves and emotions are finally settling down. The girls will be put up to bed soon and i will be able to relax even more. I'm praying tomorrow will be much better. Although it is a Saturday and bob usually doesn't get home till like 5pm >_> i am really praying it goes better. I need a better day. Haaa
Rough Day
Another rough day of sickness. Sure thought i was on the up hill to mending... maybe i am o.0 Today felt like the worst in a while. I had a rough night of sleep, woke up about 3am coughing and feeling terrible. Finally got back to sleep after a couple hours. When i did wake up and try to move, i felt so weak i was shaking and when i stood up i felt like i was going to pass out. I have passed out before in the shower when pregnant with Abby and luckily that time bob had been in the bathroom too and caught me. Still unsure how he did that, he's quick when he needs to be i guess lol. So i know how that is and i don't want to be doing it when i'm all alone.
That weak feeling pretty much lasted the day. Since i did get up so late and felt terrible everything was off a lot. I finally tried to eat a kiwi and that did not go very well at all. I was so emotional i felt like i was going to have a nervous break down.
In the night i had dreamed about eating subway. In the dream i had crawled out of bed and tip toed to the frig, pulled out a subway sandwich and chip, tip toed back to the bed and tried to eat it quickly not to wake up bob.... and in the dream i ended up getting out of the bed cause i was being to loud and ate it at a table. So i woke up wanting one. By the time lunch came around there was only one thing that sounded good.
But by lunch i was feeling utterly sick. I decided to try to soak in the tub for a bit in hopes that would help. Tub felt great, i could have slept in there but i was stressed about eating. Luckily a friend told me our subway had a drive thru, which was probably the only way i made it. I was so weak and shaky, i felt like i was going to lose it.
I finally did make it home with food for me and girls and when i sat down to eat my sub i took one bite and thought i was going to puke.... it wasn't going to get eaten, not then. I about had another emotion melt down.
Finally i got the girls to bed, and somehow managed to get a load of dishes in the dish washer. Then i passed out on the couch. I was awoken by thunder and a crying baby. Had to go calm Abby, most likely awoken from the thunder too.
After that i didn't feel like i could go back to sleep so i went in and made a strawberry egg smoothie and downed almost all of it. Luckily getting that to stay down paved the way for me to finally eat the sub. Thank goodness! Felt like such a huge accomplishment. Now i don't really feel hungry cause i ate at an off time but i need to go feed the girls.
Tonight i opted out of going to the home football game cause i was feeling to bad. So i know it's about to start. Hope it goes good! Hope bob who is feeling terrible today too is feeling better and will enjoy the game. Miss him terribly :(
10 weeks along and a zombie! :O
Thursday, September 6, 201210 weeks preggo! Only two weeks away from being in the second trimester, wow.
Well the last few days i've been sick, like real kind of sick. It hasn't been fun at all. Today i have been really weak. Weak when i got up and felt really dizzy. Been really weak all day. Been trying to drink more water today cause i haven't drank much the last few days.
Bob too is sick, which sucks! Poor guy. I'm so ready for us to feel normal!
Today i also had a very rough afternoon after the girls woke up from their naps. Went up to get them to find Anabel had been playing with her poop. It was all over both the girls beds, the wall, the carpet, the blankets, the tv.... EVERYWHERE! It was horrid, i almost threw up several times.
See she has been pretty much potty trained sept at night time we put a diaper on her. At nap times we put her potty chair in her room so she can use it. And she has been doing great! She's been going in the potty and leaving it there till i get her up, then we clean it up. Don't know what was different with today but boy was it different! Thank goodness at nap time Abby sleeps in the other room so luckily she wasn't in there to play too! lol
Also today i had an inquiry that asked if there was a way to turn a picture of a person into making them look like a zombie. So i took on the challenge. In the excitement of the up coming new Walking Dead series, i turned myself into a zombie! So far the few people i have been showed the pic thought it was good :) Tell me what you think!
Being sick, cracked dry lips and bed head all worked in this pic i would say. Hehehe
The Bug
Tuesday, September 4, 2012So Bob comes home and tells me that he thinks he's getting the bug that is going around with the coaches. I asked what the symptoms where and he said throat and stomach. GREAT! I had a small lump in my throat all that days and it was getting worse. I was so nervous! I can't get sick! Haaaa
Well today it's worse. It got better for a bit today but now as it's becoming night, i feel like it's getting worse. I have so much that i still need to do for youth tomorrow. I did manage to finish all the pigs over the afternoon and i got 4 of the birds cut out and part of the faces sewn on on two of them... still a lot to do.
Good thing, i've been craving my cold chicken burritos that me and Bob love and Bob agreed to go to the store after he gets off to go pick up some ingredients for it. I'm looking forward to it.
I'm hoping that after the girls go to bed i can sew most of the birds together.
The ladies invited me out to lunch with them tomorrow.... haaa hope i'm feeling up to par so i can go. I haven't hung out with them in a long time! So i need to get my stuff DONE.
Trying not to stress out.
Possible Project
Saturday, September 1, 2012Ok so i found this nursing cover on Loved it but it's priced for $79.95 o.0 no way am i spending that on a nursing cover!
BUT i got to looking at it and it looks uber simple to make! I think if i found the right material i could whip this out in no time... actually doesn't look like much sewing at all. So lets say the fabric is expensive, should be no more then $20 and that is probably waaaaay over estimating. So i think i will want to try this!



The Whole Caboodle
- Minky Slip Cover
- Minky Head Support Pillow
- Baby Lap Blanket with Minky Underside
- Replacement Umbrella with Minky Lining
- Car Seat Canopy with Minky Interior and 100% Cotton Outer
Still have some money left. Thinking of getting a few more maternity items or hang on to it for things for the nursery after we (hopefully) find out the sex of the baby. Hmmm don't know.
But i'm uber excited about this deal! Yeeee!
Also, if you might be wanting a baby item like a nursing cover or a sling... or something like this car seat cover, here are the coupon codes:
- code: CC2Q6J72DM $50 OFF making it free before shipping
- code: UC5362Q2DM making it free before shipping
- code: SSQ24632DM making it free before shipping.
- or
- Use Promo Code "carseat" on both websites below for 100% off the nursing cover of your choice (a $34.95 value) AND 100% off the Seven™ brand baby carrier of your choice (a $39.95 value)- while supplies last!