Progress Today

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

This morning i started working on my dress. I raised the straps to were it looks right on me and then i started on getting the top band a tad tighter, because it was to loose and looked odd. Then when i tried the dress on after shortening the straps, it looked like the front straps needed to be moved more in, in the front…. it was to far over so now i will have to change that part. After i do all this i wonder if i will even want to mess with shortening the dress… although it would look so much better!


Then when Bob got back from working out with the football players he started on getting the wood we need to redo the front porch. He decided to start on the front porch first since he thought that would go together pretty fast. I helped him because there was a ton of really long boards that needed ripped. We got 3/4 of the wood cut. Then he started drilling the holes need for us to put up the new columns. His drill was taking a lot of time to drill the holes and the neighbor saw what he was doing and brought over his drill. It was a hammer drill or something like that…. work TONS better! Thanks to awesome neighbors ha? Bob only had enough time to get 2 of the 6 holes drilled today before he had to leave to football again but the neighbor said we could always barrow it again. How nice!

We got a TON done today and I'm getting so giddy and thrilled! I see it all in my head and it’s going to look killer yo!

I’m going to have to start taking pictures so we can have before and afters!