Clipped the binky

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Yesterday we got tired of Anabel fussing over the binky she knew was only for sleep time. I went and clipped the top of one and showed it to her. She goes ‘OH NO! BINKY BROKEN!!!’

Then i asked her if she wanted to throw it in the trash? And she agreed and started running towards the kitchen and threw it in the trash herself. Without her looking i grabbed it out just incase she forgot later and we could show her it was still broken.

Last night she asked for it at bed time and we showed her the clipped binky. She said ‘oh no!’. We let her hold it for the night.

At nap time today she asked again and i showed her again. She was fussy about it but i left and she stopped and went to sleep.

I’m so glad i went ahead and did it. I’m sure we will still have some battles. Like Bob reminded me after i did it that that means no more binky for car rides or shopping trips… which i usually had ended up giving it to her in those situations because i didn’t want crying. Those are the situations i know if boring and in no way fun and she gets cranky…. but she won’t have it anymore. I wonder how those things will go now >_< we will see. She will learn, even if it’s hard at first.