Today has been great!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Bob’s parents had came down Saturday and stayed the night to go to church with us that morning. Me and Bob got up about 7am, took our showers and then started breakfast. We made waffles and bacon. It was good to eat before church because i didn’t have to deal with nausea or a headache, which was awesome!

After church Dad treated us along with the pastor and his family to dinner at a Mexican restaurant. By the time we got home it was nap time for both the girls so after we got them to sleep me and Bob had some alone time, that was really nice. We got a nap which was greatly needed! We didn’t wake up till 4pm and Anabel didn’t get up from her nap till about 5pm >_< So we rushed and got her dinner and everyone ready so we could head out to Life Group at 6pm.

Things just went really smoothly and relaxing, such a good time!