
Friday, March 4, 2011

I want to try and establish good habits in my family. Some things that we already do is we always pray before meals especially with the kids, before nap time and night time. Before bed I have Anabel help me pick up toys in the girls room and we kneel and pray.

Other things we have been trying to establish is eating at the table. It’s a hard one though when it’s hard to turn off the TV.

I would like to get back into my hobbies, drawing, scrapbooking, sewing, crocheting, things like that.

I want to start doing certain things with Anabel everyday like having an art/craft time and a ‘make music’ time with her. Now that the weather is changing i would like to start getting the girls outside tons more. Anabel just adores it! She picks up everything she can find and walks around with her arms full of rocks, trying to stuff more and more into her arms. Then she makes piles with them.

I’ve been thinking a lot of ‘time spent’, TV is the biggest time sucker and what good is it really? I don’t know about you all but we spend so much time watching that stupid TV and it’s not shows that put great things into our lives. I’ve really been thinking about time and how we only have a short time on this world… do we really want to look back on our lives and realize we spent the most time of each of our days looking at a stupid boob tube? Is that the best thing we could be doing with our time?

If we calculate the amount of time spent on watching TV and think about what kind of other things could we be doing? I could get back into my creative hobbies. I could spend more time on my house. Have more actual ‘personal’ time with my family, talking instead of starring at a screen.

Now i may be making it sound like we watch TV 24/7 and i neglect my family, which is not the case…. i just think we along with the majority of the population spend to much time watching TV or being on the computers when there is so much more we could be doing with our lives.

I really want to change my habits. I want TV and computers to be a thing we do every once in awhile rather then the opposite.


It probably seems like a bigger deal because for over two weeks i had been sick and laying around, playing computer games or watching TV and i felt so useless. Now that i’m starting to feel better and i’m getting back more into doing other things… but still i think in my days i have the TV on to much. Mostly it’s for the noise but i think it would be better to train myself and girls not to have that noise on, maybe music or something, something that doesn’t have the potential in sucking me into watching it lol

I also think it will be easier to change my habits once Abby is older because i spend a lot of time holding her, rocking her, feeding her and stuff which usually ends up with me watching TV too. Haaa.

I’m really hoping and praying i can get our family habits changed. I want us to start doing more important things… and really things that will make us happier i believe. Surely doing other things then TV will make life more enjoyable, i just know it!


When Abby gets older i want to start a music time where the girls make up music and we sing and dance for awhile.. There is just so many things i’m looking forward to with my girls getting older. But i know i need to stop thinking about that and focus on the age they are now and what i can put into them now.