Snow days

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Last couple of days of felt like the weekend, having Bob to myself all day long! He got two snow days in a row. It was great. We pretty much relaxed and chilled the whole time. Got a lot of Halo live playing in (fun).

First day we were able to get grocery shopping done and then i was able to totally clean out the refrig from leftovers (i had been slacking). Got the frig organized. Yay!

While at the store i picked up some yarn to crochet  Anabel a Larry the cucumber. We were over at the pastors house for life group and their son brought out a Larry and she went crazy over it. So i figured it would be fun to make her one. I also got some material for the living room curtains. I had my eye on the fabric for months. Then they put it on the discontinued wrack and i got worried. I still wasn’t at the point to buy it yet. It was on that wrack for weeks and every time i would be at the store i would check. Well Bob gave me the ‘ok’ to buy it the other day, ended up getting all that was left which was 4 and 1/3 yards. Hopefully that’s enough to make some nice curtains, if not i have some ideas how to make it go farther.

While on our mid weekend i did have fun in the kitchen. I made homemade chicken noodle soup, hot chocolate, snow cream and pecan crescents. Not all at once of course. It was fun and oh so yummy!100_9580

Now my goal is to get the house back in order so i can get to my crafts.

I think Anabel is going through a growth spurt. I know Abby just went through one. Now Anabel is eating like a horse! She was sick there for awhile and lost a lot of weight because she wouldn’t eat. Her pants looked huge on her and wouldn’t stay up. I was SO happy when she starting eating again. Now she is eating way more then she normally did, she is hungry all the time.

It’s kinda funny though when she gets hungry cause she comes to me and starts rattling off all the food she can think of ‘Mommy eggs, tomato, geen bean, icken (chicken), pasta, apple, nanas, Mommy ip (chip), asage (sausage)?’ LOL it cracks me up.

She never was into eating meat. Now she loves it. Once night she kept asking for more chicken and more chicken. She ended up eat 9 pieces of chicken nuggets along with green beans and olives. Now she eats at least 2 sausage links in the morning with her 2 eggs. She probably would eat more sausage but i’m trying to spread the food out..

I think i see a change in her face too, looking a little older. I do think it’s a growth spurt.