Intentional Living

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

So i decided to get up each morning and read the Bible. I’ve been procrastinating making it a part of my daily ritual, sad ha? First thing in the morning usually Abby is still asleep and Anabel is awake. So I've been turning some cartoons on for her and i sit and read. I only started yesterday were i read 15 chapters and today i got 6 chapters in. I hope i can keep it up.

Last Sunday at church and Life Group what i kept getting ‘Intentional Living’ (yes it’s a radio program but that is not what i was thinking of) Something i wanted to do to make my daily life more intentional was with reading the Bible.

God needs to be a major part in our lives, not just a little side show. I’m trying to work on that, i challenge you to do that also!