Since i haven't been online in so long... an update

Thursday, June 25, 2009

So here is a little recap of things that have happened since my long absence online:

Some of you might have known how i was determined not to let Anabel have a pacifier. I had in the past broken down and would try to give the pacifier to Anabel but she wouldn't take it at all. Well while after Anabel was up for almost 24 hours with only one short nap one day, Daddy decided to try giving her the pacifier again and this time it worked. After that everything got a lot easier.

She hadn't let me lay her down hardly at all when she was sleeping but with the pacifier i am now able to lay her down for naps and things. And boy night time is waaaay easier!

Our typical routine:

Anabel likes falling asleep around 9pm in my arms in the rocking chair... i usually watch TV or play a game on the laptop while holding her until 10pm or a little later. Then i go in the bedroom, turn the music on, turn on the fan and turn the lights off all but a night light. If she wakes up any during this time including if i need to change her diaper, i then nurse her and with in seconds she is back to sleep again
Now the heavenly part! She then won't stay still in less i lay her down with the pacifier... which i don't mind because holding her with me laying flat on my back since she was born had been killing my back! Now i lay her down, cuddle her a little bit (she has a certain way she wants to be cuddled at night) and then i can turn anyway i want and I've been sleeping sooo much better. I still don't sleep all night because i still wake up and check on her, and have to put her pacifier back in several times a night but she sleeps great. I've learned her body movement pretty well... i usually can tell what means she only wants the pacifier back in her mouth and what means 'I'm hungry'. So it's been working out pretty good....all but her wanting to wake up at 5am to play like the last few nights LOL

All in all she is a wonderful baby!

Currently she fell asleep on her own on our bed (next to me) she likes to sleep on her back, both arms stretched out , her legs drawn up with her knees falling to either side of her... it's really cute. Sleeping babies are just so darling to look at.

Oh yes and she has started drooling and wanting to chew on things. I never really looked inside a babies mouth before Anabel so i don't know if this is normal or not... but you can see like all of Anabel's teeth upper and lower, from one side the other, and looks like it's just under the surface of her gums. I find this very weird and odd but then again, like i said i don't know if this is normal or not. I'm hoping it means that it will be faster for her teeth to come in, anything to cut the teething time down a little would be great, or like Grandma Risch said 'maybe all the teeth will come in at once' which would be sweet as well.