Falling asleep so much!
Monday, June 29, 2009Taking off where the last post stopped.... Anabel woke up, sat in my lap and i noticed her watching me doing things on the laptop... sooo i turned on 'Happy Feet' on netflix to see if she would like watching that better then me typing. She loves music so the movie really got her attention. She watched in my lap for the longest time, then ended up falling asleep.
After she woke i went to change her diaper and she pee'd once i got the diaper off. I thought i had caught it before it went everywhere but i was wrong... it was all over her in the back, all the way up to her hair SO i decided she needed a bath. So far she has only taken baths with me in the tub with her, holding her in my arms, but today i didn't want to go threw all that and decided to give her a bath in the bathroom sink.
She loved it! It was a very short bath but while she was in there i did oil her up with baby oil. Once I got her out i laid her out on the bed. She loves being naked...but come on... what baby doesn't right? I turned her over on her belly and it was so cute! She lifted her head some at first but she was more concentrated on her legs, which were going crazy! She was bringing her knees under like in a crawling position and then would push out.... she just let her head and arms lay on the bed. But she was working so hard with her little legs! She had her cute butt sticking up so high! It was funny.
If i put my arm behind her feet so when she pushed out she actually had something to push against, she would scoot across the bed. I think she will learn how to do her legs quite easily (when it comes to crawling) but she didn't seem that interested in pushing her head and shoulders up... i guess that will come with time.
Daddy came home and started playing with her on the bed. I still hadn't diapered her because she really seemed to enjoy it.
While we were playing with her on the bed we got a knock on the door with our new shipment of web cams and head sets. We let her play and kick on the bed while we played with our new stuff, setting it up and all that jazz. She ended up falling asleep again all by herself just kicking and playing.
Today has felt really weird because she keeps going to sleep on her. I'm use to holding her and rocking her to sleep every time, it feels weird not to do that for her... but she has seemed extremely happy today so i guess i shouldn't feel all that bad.
I just put a blanket over her and let her sleep with no cloths on. She looked so comfortable!
Once she awoke from that nap i fed her and clothed her and in a few hours i had set her up in a sitting position on the couch and was talking to her and playing... i stopped for a few minutes to turn some music on on the laptop, looked over and she was asleep again! Geeze!
She gets a little more independent everyday. I know it's a good thing but it just keeps it in my mind that she is changing and growing everyday, even if i don't really see it. I know my baby isn't going to be my little newborn for to much longer and part of me is a little sad. But the other is very happy to see her changing. I just want to remember everything because soon she is going to be all grown up!
Early wakes
(4am) Anabel started to fuss last night when we were sleeping which woke me up, i went to put her pacifier back in her mouth thinking that that was why she was crying. Then she let a scream. Freaked me out, i picked her up to comfort her and she screamed again. Bob was up by then, asking what was wrong. Which i had no clue. I had just fed her not over an hour before (i always look at the time) And it wasn't like her to cry to be fed, she usually just fusses. Anyways i knew she had dirty diaper but at this point i knew she would scream if i set her down.
I put her to nurse and she did right away then let out some major toots. Poor thing... that was probably the reason. I have been giving her the gas relief drops but not quite every two yours like they say you could give it... my poor little Anabel!
After nursing she was pretty much back to sleep but there was that dirty diaper i didn't want to leave on her. After changing her (which i did right where she was laying, in hopes it would be easier to get her back to sleep) she was bright awake.
She stayed up maybe 45minutes then went back to sleep. She woke up again at 7:30am and pooped. After i changed her she laid on the bed just playing and smiling. I was glad she didn't seem to act like gas was bothering her. I'm going to try and be better at getting the drops in her every two hours.
So i went and got some pillows to prop me up and also grabbed the laptop so i had something to do. I played with Anabel some, then let her play some on her own while i was on the computer. Usually Anabel wants my full attention so when she is ok on own, i usually let her, at least for a little while.
Whell anyways a few minutes ago she got so tired out by playing that she just fell asleep on her own. I love it when she falls asleep on her own without me having to do anything.
I probably shouldn't stay on the computer for to long, Bob would scold me, hehehe... maybe, maybe not.
Out and about
Sunday, June 28, 2009Yesterday Anabel was super good. I had to get up early to make crab Rangoon and egg rolls for the 'Asian' meal after church today (Sunday). And i needed to get it done before 1pm because Mom Risch was picking us up to go shopping in the city with her. Bob decided to help me so we set up the car seat on a chair in the kitchen and Anabel sat in that staring at the hanging butterfly attached to her seat for over an hour... which is so not like her.
So at around 10pm i woke her up and we took a bath. I washed her all up and then baby oiled her all over. She was in such a good mood after that. She wanted to lay there and talk. So i placed her in the center of our bed and let her talk and play. She ended up falling asleep on her own without the pacifier shortly after that. I was amazed with that because if she doesn't have the pacifier she usually wants to be nursed to sleep... but alas my little one is growing up :D
It was about 11:15 then and i had a choice, go to bed or stay up and clean my house which greatly needed it. I decided the latter and stayed up. I got sooooo much cleaned and my house looked so good. I even managed to set out of Sunday cloths for all three of us and packed up her diaper bag... both which i usually have to do early in the morning. Once i laid down to sleep i felt really good about myself. I had alllll the dishes done, all the clean cloths fold and put away, everything picked up in the living room... clean sheets on the bed, all the garbage gathered together and ready to go out by the door, and a load of laundry in the wash. It's nice to wake up to a clean house.
Morning was so much easier since i had done all that. On top of that Bob surprised me with buy donuts and some mocha drink for breakfast so that was a real treat.
But the down fall was that i think gas started bothering Anabel again during the night because she wiggled and wiggled all night all, tossing and turning, that i didn't get much sound sleep. Once during one of her night feedings she fussed and fussed and let out a long series of toots of gas. I felt really bad for her. Yesterday while i had been out with mom, i bought another thing of gas relief drops so i gave her some in the night, and then i have continued to do so today. I hope that really helps her.
Today in church she was great during worship and then ended up falling asleep in Mom Risch's arms but woke up a few minutes later. After that she was fussy. I tried feeding her but she really didn't want that. So i ended up having to leave the service. I changed her diaper and by that time she was bright awake. I ended up going into the kitchen/dinningroom of the church, laid out some blankets on the tables there, so it would be padded, and let her lay there playing and talking. She just wanted to talk and talk... and blow bubbles.
Belly Time
Thursday, June 25, 2009Anable usually gets really upset if i put her on her belly, i even has this baby blanket designed for belly time with little mirrors and animals to look at, but she still gets mad. In this video you can see how i set up the pillows on the couch... she likes this alot better. I think it's cause she can actually see things that are going on around her, and boy can she pick up that head of hers. I figure it's working her musculs the same way as if she was flat on her belly, and get her use to being in the position, then i'll work her onto just her belly. She likes kicking the arm of the couch and pushing herself up by doing it.
Bobby found this video so funny because at the end i say she is going to start crying, and a split second later she does start crying.
Since i haven't been online in so long... an update
So here is a little recap of things that have happened since my long absence online:
Some of you might have known how i was determined not to let Anabel have a pacifier. I had in the past broken down and would try to give the pacifier to Anabel but she wouldn't take it at all. Well while after Anabel was up for almost 24 hours with only one short nap one day, Daddy decided to try giving her the pacifier again and this time it worked. After that everything got a lot easier.
She hadn't let me lay her down hardly at all when she was sleeping but with the pacifier i am now able to lay her down for naps and things. And boy night time is waaaay easier!
Our typical routine:
Anabel likes falling asleep around 9pm in my arms in the rocking chair... i usually watch TV or play a game on the laptop while holding her until 10pm or a little later. Then i go in the bedroom, turn the music on, turn on the fan and turn the lights off all but a night light. If she wakes up any during this time including if i need to change her diaper, i then nurse her and with in seconds she is back to sleep again
Now the heavenly part! She then won't stay still in less i lay her down with the pacifier... which i don't mind because holding her with me laying flat on my back since she was born had been killing my back! Now i lay her down, cuddle her a little bit (she has a certain way she wants to be cuddled at night) and then i can turn anyway i want and I've been sleeping sooo much better. I still don't sleep all night because i still wake up and check on her, and have to put her pacifier back in several times a night but she sleeps great. I've learned her body movement pretty well... i usually can tell what means she only wants the pacifier back in her mouth and what means 'I'm hungry'. So it's been working out pretty good....all but her wanting to wake up at 5am to play like the last few nights LOL
All in all she is a wonderful baby!
Currently she fell asleep on her own on our bed (next to me) she likes to sleep on her back, both arms stretched out , her legs drawn up with her knees falling to either side of her... it's really cute. Sleeping babies are just so darling to look at.
Oh yes and she has started drooling and wanting to chew on things. I never really looked inside a babies mouth before Anabel so i don't know if this is normal or not... but you can see like all of Anabel's teeth upper and lower, from one side the other, and looks like it's just under the surface of her gums. I find this very weird and odd but then again, like i said i don't know if this is normal or not. I'm hoping it means that it will be faster for her teeth to come in, anything to cut the teething time down a little would be great, or like Grandma Risch said 'maybe all the teeth will come in at once' which would be sweet as well.
The cutest laugh ever!
Anabel laughed for the first time ever yesterday because of Daddys tickles. It was so cute! Daddy had her laying on the bed and he was blowing raspberries on her legs and feet and she was enjoying so much... then all of a sudden she laughed... twice. I was so glad we both where there to hear it. It's the sweetest sound ever isn't moms?
My baby is getting more and more fun!
After she laughed i jumped up and grabbed the camera. I tried to keep it out of her sight cause if she sees the light on the camer she lately has just been freezing and staring at it. But of course she didn't laugh again for me... one of these days i'll caught it and put the video on here. Can't wait till she laughs again!
Monday, June 15, 2009Ok this morning I finally got up at around 7:10am because Anabel didn't want to be asleep anymore. So I took her out into the living room so she could play and talk and not wake daddy up. I swear it was only like 10min into playing when she rolled over on her own! I had her laying on her back on the couch and I was next to her talking to her. She turned onto her side towards me, then slowly started to work her way towards her belly. She started getting upset because her arms was sticking out under her and getting in her way to roll completely over on her belly but I didn't touch her I wanted to see if she would actually make it all the way to her belly. After a little work she got the arm out of her way and rolled completely over to her belly, lifted her big head and started looking around.
I was amazed! She's only 2 months and 1 day old! Isn't that to soon to be rolling over?
After that she quickly got upset because she hasn't learned to like being on her belly yet. So I rolled her back over to see if she would do it again. This time though she could sight of me and just wanted to lay there and talk to me, not roll over.
After awhile I decided to help her out for one more turn. I put her on her side and immediately she started rolling over, just like she did before, her arm got in the way but she worked and finally was on her belly again.
We are going to keep practicing this because I'm so excited, LOL
I think she will learn to crawl easily because of how she works her legs and kicks constantly!