Helping another little one

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Dad called me the other night, asking if i would help him yesterday with some kids he was baby sitting. It's a family from our church, she has a 2yr old and a baby that is almost 3 months. So I showed up at dads at about 11am yesterday to help him because he said he had no idea what to do with a 3 month old. The kids aren't miss treated per say but more neglected then i like to see kids... especially the baby. Sadly I've heard the mother called the older girl her favorite and everyone's pride and joy... . what she had to say about the baby was literally 'ehhh', as if to say 'nothing i can really say about him'.

When i pulled the cover off of the little boys car seat what i saw was one of the dirtiest outfits, covered from head to toe.... dirty. Dad said he would wash his cloths if i would undress him and i wondered how long it had been since this little one had had a bath, seeing the condition of his cloths, probably a looong time. I asked dad if i could give him a bath and dad was all for that. When i pulled the baby out of the car seat this horrible smell hit me... i mean it was so bad i literally gagged several times while i was trying to undress him.

From his nose up over his whole head was covered in really bad dry skin. It made me mad actually! Everyone should know babies should be lotioned, let alone a black baby! When i got his cloths off i saw that the rest of his body was in the same condition, totally dried out horrid. There was sores on his neck (dad thought from them keeping him in his car seat most of the time) and sores on his inner legs from probably sweat and the diaper rubbing on him. From what we have witnessed (since he is a very calm baby that I've never heard cry) he pretty much lives in his car seat, so dad took the seat apart and washed everything, we washed all the cloths they gave us for them (because those so-called clean cloths still had food stuck to them) and even washed the diaper bag which stank really bad too.

I gave the little one a bath, washed him from head to toe, then lotioned his entire body. I think he liked it. Then i fed him a bottle..... speaking of that, they told dad to fill the bottle 3/4 the way with cereal, then the rest with hot water and 2 scoops of formula... saying you wanted it almost to thick to come out of the nipple O_O said 'he will cry if it's not that thick'.... and he's not even 3 MONTHS yet?!?!!?! Sounded stupid to me! Well dad fixed him the bottle, but not as thick as they told him too. He ate almost the whole bottle, a burped him and he was totally fine.

From what I've personally witnessed from several several different times and situations, i never see this little boy awake. They came over for thanksgiving and i held him the whole time... hours and hours. He would be asleep and she would hand me a bottle to shove in his mouth.... he didn't ask for it wasn't showing any signs of hunger, nothing.... just shoved the bottle in his mouth. They never gave him time to wake up once. And this is a typical thing, I've never seen him awake. My theory is because they feed him sooooo much and the stuff they feed him is like a brick, so it's heavy in his stomach and everyone knows babies with a full tummy tend to sleep.

Well after i fed him i burped him and then started playing with him, and to my surprise he stayed awake the whole time, stared at me, gave me huge smiles. I wondered how much one on one attention he ever got and dad thought hardly any. He enjoyed me allot, watching me and smiling all the time.... it made me sad that his mother probably missed out on allot of that and on top of that with out the interaction they are losing some vital times in his growth and learning.... so sad.

I had to really work the lotion into his face and head, tons of dry skin was coming off, it was so grouse actually. The sad thing was is that i knew the next time i saw him he would be covered in filth again!

It gave me a little confidence though, that i will be able to do this thing... being a mother ^_^ I think i will be able to do it, and be good at it. Finally i feel ok with my abilities. It was the first time i gave a baby a bath and i actually did it right! YAY LOL