24 wks and counting

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Oh dears me, i'm 6 months along already? How can this be? It seems like time is going by so fast! At this rate, the baby will be here sooner then i know it... geez and if it keeps going this fast i'll be sending my little one off to college tomorrow or something! Oh no no no.... i won't think about that, i want my baby... and for it to be a baby not all grown up! You know just today i heard about this rare thing where when the baby is born it has a full set of teeth! Weirdness if you tell me... but it's like a deformity or something... something totally unusual but still... it can happen, isn't that weird?

Baby keeps on kicking like crazy. All the things i read told me kicks would get more frequent and they sure have! And i think they'll get even more once i'm in my third trimester.

I love feeling him kick. It's like 'hello there momma!' and i poke him back... although that usually makes me stop, LOL. Oh well, it's fun, hehehe

Yesterday i wasn't feeling so hip. It was like that icky feeling you get inside when you just know you are going to have diarrhea. I didn't actually have any diarrhea but it was this icky weird gasie ickness.... my tummy felt really bad and i didn't want to do anything! I ended up laying on the couch most of the day, dozing on and off. I feel better today thank goodness, although this morning it wanted to hang on a little. I was just glad i could eat, and that i never threw up or anything.

Back pain has been a problem.... lower back pain. Not fun! Sometime it 'boom' hits me. I usually ask bob to try and pop it a little for me, that helps some. Sleeping has been a nightmare! I don't usually like sleeping on my back, so i'm on my sides, then my arms fall asleep, i turn over and that one falls asleep... and i just can't get comfy! Sometimes i haven't slept at all all night long.... so not fare! But out of every two bad days of sleep, i can usually count on at least one good night, so that's a plus. I probably poop myself out so bad not sleep most of the two prier nights, and can't help but sleep (through anything) for a night.... I totally think that's what happens cause usually that one good night of sleep i sleep through EVERYTHING bob can get up, turn the light on... and i'm out, LOL

24wk facts:

Your baby's lungs are working hard so they can survive on their own at birth. You may be surprised to notice that your baby responds to the sound of your voice or even the touch of your hand on your tummy by quieting down or occasionally increasing activity as a way of communicating with you!

Your baby's growing steadily, having gained about 4 ounces since last week. That puts him at just over a pound. Since he's almost a foot long (picture an ear of corn), he cuts a pretty lean figure at this point, but his body is filling out proportionally and he'll soon start to plump up. His brain is also growing quickly now, and his taste buds are continuing to develop. His lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" as well as cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help his air sacs inflate once he hits the outside world. His skin is still thin and translucent, but that will start to change soon.